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So... Much... Text... Must... Not... zzzzzzzz...

Also, it loops. O_o

For a comic, maybe you could have show a few concept drawings or a couple of panels of the comic.

Also there is no need to explain the full concept, rather to give a taste of the atmosphere or set-up. Eg. the Halo 2 teaser had something along the lines of-

Survive hostile alien attacks- Complete

Outwit ancient AI construct- Complete

Save Humanity- In Progress

and another here

Notice that the it doesn't say anything about what is it about, other then aliens puting the hurt on humans, and a mystery.

The end bit of your trailer could work, no problems there. If you do another, have less text and have it along the lines of 'A crime syndicate, a deadly race, and a young man trying to stop it.' or something.

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It's not really a deadly race, unless the bad guys get involved.

Well, I was thinking maybe I do another with a few character sheets slipped in, but not for too long. I don't wanna spoil too much of the story before it comes out.

Anyway, are comic books sometimes advertised via television commercials? That's primarily what I'm asking, so please tell me.

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Until you've made a significant number of awesome stuff in the past, it's usually best not even to advertise for what you are going to do. Just do it.

You're just starting out as an artist. Wait until you start to become more well known before using promotional videos for yourself.

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im not such a big fan of let downs

Let downs?

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