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Star Fox Command review- looking to buy a copy? DONT. read here why


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Star fox command lacks the aventure, fighting, and, worst of all... ITS TIME LIMITED!!! In the first 2 days playing it i sold it back to GameStop... I was in a line with 3 other people all returning the same game =/ (it was 4:00 PM, right after my school was let out, and kids were coming from city schools i guess to return it.. its that bad of a game)

The overall SFC was boring. in the first 30 minutes you pray for the next level, in the 30 minutes after that, you ask for someone to shoot your nintendo DS and throw it in a ditch.

rank: 2/10- terrable

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i thought it was a decent game not great but decent i gave it 6.9 out of 10

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I have that game and it's ok. I love it, but one con is that characters look too um...toony.

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Definatly more bland then the others. Starfox 2 had more varity with a similar concept. My complaints are the crap multiplyer, and the fog which basicly means you often have to reply a level once you know where the baddies are.

Plot was very good, made some great moves and pushed forwards. Hard to keep track of all the branches, but alright over all.

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I liked it, but when compared to the other games, its probably the worst of the bunch, but it didn't totally suck.

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The only thing I don't like is the story. Otherwise, I rather enjoyed this game.

I wasnt too crazy with the story either to much girlfreind troubles for fox

fox has gotton soft i wish they would not put to much goowey

:panther: sorry krystal come back pleeeaaase


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Guest solofox

I would have to agree with Lone Wolf,  :lol: did gotten too soft compare to other starfox games.

I enjoy the gameplay because all I ever wanted to do is to fly around blow crap up, get into dogfights with StarWolf

Wasnt much a big fan of the story though

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