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Movie or series--- what would they do IN the movie/series?!?!!?


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If they had a movie or series, what would they do for all that time?! any ideas?! post here

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Fight an episodic battle, struggle with personal issues, make new friends and enemies, have a little romance in there somewhere.

Specifically, I'd like to see awesomely choreographed fights (as in dogfights) where Fox and crew use the Arwing and other technology in ways not previously used. For example:

Fox can't attack a base with an air assault because there's too much anti-aircraft fire, so he flips the Arwing to fly upside down, opens the cockpit cover, and removes his seat straps a split second after he hits the auto-pilot button. Fox falls towards the ground at alarming speed. The scene switches to the ground-based guns, noticing his radar signature, and begin aiming for his location. Back to Fox, he pulls out his communicator, and calls ROB. "I need a site to site transport, get me on the ground!" he yells. ROB acknowledges and pushes a few buttons aboard the Great Fox. Fox beams into nothingness as several kinds of anti-aircraft fire explode in his previous position. ROB adjusts a touch screen showing a steady 74 m/s^2 under the heading vertical velocity. He shifts it down to 0 m/s^2, and defines a landing point, a meter above the surface and initiates re-materialization. Fox appears above the ground, contorting his body quickly to land on his feet before he rolls behind some storage crates, unseen by the enemy.

And so on.

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It would probably be like Star Trek; Space battles, going down to distant planets, kinda like that.

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I'd be like Firefly, minus the obviously western themed elements and the fact they're criminals.

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Star Fox kinda feels like Star Wars without human characters. It would probably be a little bit like G.I. Joe, only in a futuristic setting, and a lot more flying.

If one particular season or episode is set during Star Fox Adventures, they`d probably have a lot more flying, and only a little bit of staff combat...from Krystal! Seriously, she`s better with hand to hand fighting than Fox anyway.

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Star Fox kinda feels like Star Wars without human characters. It would probably be a little bit like G.I. Joe, only in a futuristic setting, and a lot more flying.

If one particular season or episode is set during Star Fox Adventures, they`d probably have a lot more flying, and only a little bit of staff combat...from Krystal! Seriously, she`s better with hand to hand fighting than Fox anyway.

I think it fits something like Firefly better. Good story, good acting, just add some more space battles.

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It would probably be a little bit like G.I. Joe, only in a futuristic setting, and a lot more flying.

*ROFLs at thought of Fox and team yelling "GO JOE!"*

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*ROFLs at thought of Fox and team yelling "GO JOE!"*

Or, "Yo, Joe!"

He'll fight for freedom wherever there is trouble

G. I. Joe is there!

G. I. Joe . . .  A Real American Hero

G. I. Joe is there.

Its G. I. Joe against Cobra and Destro,

Fighting to save the day.

He never gives up, he's always there,

Fighting for freedom over land and air.

G. I. Joe . . .  A Real American Hero

G. I. Joe is there.

"G. I. Joe is the codename for America's daring, highly trained, special mission force. Its purpose: To defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world."

He never gives up, he'll stay till the fights won

G. I. Joe will dare.

G. I. Joe . . . A Real American Hero

G. I. Joe!

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