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How do we know so much about Miyu in Star Fox 2?

The Green Fox

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She's usually portrayed in fanfiction as a tomboy or some kind of feminist. Was this information

taken from a comic book? Or some kind of rare instruction manual?

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I don't believe their is an instruction manual for Star Fox 2, as it was cancelled. I believe it is just the popular opinion on Miyu as perceived by the fandom. Unless they managed to translate something saying that in the ROM thats been released.

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All we know about Miyu is that her name is Miyu. There was very little on backstory in the game and there are no examples of documentation that I am aware of.

What you have read is all fanfic-created.

Some people have come up with some pretty wacky theories. I remember reading one where someone theorized that Miyu became Bill based on the markings on her forehead resembling the arrow on a Cornerian flight helmet.

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Yeah, Miyu's character was scrapped for Bill and Fay's was scrapped for Katt. It makes sense though, more so for Fay and Katt as both are extremely feminine.

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Yeah, Miyu's character was scrapped for Bill and Fay's was scrapped for Katt. It makes sense though, more so for Fay and Katt as both are extremely feminine.

Got Proof? I have yet to see anything that leads me to believe that these characters evolved into Bill and Katt.

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Got Proof? I have yet to see anything that leads me to believe that these characters evolved into Bill and Katt.

Not quite, however didn't Nintendo take various functions of SF2, such as the walker and adapt them into what we know them as today? (in this case the landmaster) So you could assume that the basic design of Miyu and Fay were given to Bill and Katt. I don't mean that Bill and Katt are copies of Miyu and Fay, what I'm getting at is that they have a few characteristics which were present in Miyu and Fay. Such as Miyu's arrow and Fay's overall "girly" appearance. It's a bit of a long shot to say that is a coincidence that Bill and Katt share these characteristics. It's safe to say that they were at least inspired a bit by Miyu and Fay.

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