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On Friday, the forums will be closing until the server move is complete.

Since we will be switching registrar as well as host, it could be up to 10 days of downtime.

I have set up a temporary forum running SMF2 Beta 3 here: http://starfox-online.dreamhosters.com/smf2/index.php

Due to version differences, you WILL need to register at it and POSTS WILL NOT BE SAVED when the main forums come online.

I apologize for any inconvenience, but there is no way to do this without downtime.

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But, we're not gonna lose anything we posted, right?

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The only things that will not be saved are threads on the temp forum.

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Will it save how many posts we made? Because i just got over a thousand and I am proud of how much time I've wasted here.

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When we reopen, it should be an exact duplicate, except that we might upgrade the underlying SMF forum software to the latest stable release.

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SMF 1.1.6 dropped yesterday. I will upgrade before re-opening the main boards. The changes to these forums after the move should be no different than that of a regular forum update. (and SMF2 Beta 4 dropped like thirty minutes after I installed Beta 3 as the temp forums....)

I will be file-for-file copying the forum software directory from the old server to the new server, and will be copying the entire database, record-for-record.

There will be no data loss unless for some reason something goes wrong, which is highly unlikely. I've done these kinds of data moves many times without loss of data.

NOTHING from the TEMPORARY forums will be saved (I will simply delete the directory and drop the database), but EVERYTHING from these MAIN forums will be.

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The only things that will not be saved are threads on the temp forum.

Oh thank god!! It still depresses me though.

Are we gonna change the page backgrounds when we re-open?

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Straight copy. The forums will look exactly like they do now.

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