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Forum Logo Contest [DE]


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Well, the SF SNES 15th anniversary was months ago, and it is time for a permanent forum logo.

Instead of bringing back that boring one with "SFO Forums" over the Great Fox, I have decided to allow for some community involvement.

You may submit as many logos as you want, so long as they follow these guidelines:

1. Any characters or vehicles in the logo must be from Star Fox. You do not need any characters of vehicles if you do not wish to use them, but leave anything from anywhere else out.

2. The logo must mesh with the color scheme of the modified Black Rain theme, which is the board default. Note that I will not be changing logos for the babylon, YaBB, and SMF default themes, only for the modified Black Rain theme, which is the official SFO forum theme.

3. The logo must be a JPEG (.jpg) and may be no larger than 1024x255, which is the size of the current logo. It may be smaller, but please don't make it tiny.

4. The logo must conform to the image policy.

5. The words "Starfox-Online Forums" or "SFO Forums" must be prominently displayed in the logo.

6. If you wish to sign your work, please do so in a manner that is not distracting.

7. Make sure to edit out any registered signs (®) from any official SF logos you use. It is a violation of trademark law for us to use that symbol since we do not own the mark. Also, do not add one to an original logo. The sign literally means a trademark registered with the patent office. While there is no law regarding the trademark sign (™), please don't use it either.

Post your entries into this thread. If you do not have an image host, you may use the forum attachment system.

After the contest closes, this thread will be removed and replaced with a poll thread allowing you to vote for your favorite one of the entries that meet the requirements above. The winning logo will be placed at the top of every forum page!

DEADLINE: OCT. 18, 2008

Good Luck!

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Nice, I like it.

One thing though. The ® has to go. It is illegal for us to use it, as it is implying an official US registered trademark, which SFO does not hold.

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Guest krystal08

does it have to be a banner

(i know stupid question question

but i'm serious)

other thing,can we re-utilise the

old theme?

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It's fine. The one we had before was about that height and about half the width.

Also, which theme are you talking about?

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  • 3 weeks later...

The deadline is well passed, and we have two entries.

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