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"Game Stats" and other scripts in sigs.


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Some of you have game stats in your signatures. There is nothing wrong with this, but please make sure that these things are generated as images on the remote server, and are not scripts.

If they are image files (PNG, GIF, JPG, etc.), then they are fine. Most of the ones these days are done this way due to security issues with scripts, so I don't think many if any of you will be affected. Just check to make sure.

If they are scripts (PHP, PL, JS, etc.), please remove them.

I am asking this because I do not want malware spread through SFO. Imagine that you are browsing the forums, and you suddenly get a message from your anti-virus software telling you the page you are on is trying to install something. Your reaction is more likely to be "OMG! SFO has Viruses!" than "OMG! Someone's sig was compromised and is spreading viruses!"

The best way to prevent this is to make sure that the only code executed on SFO pages comes from SFO's server.

So, please, for the sake of other users (and SFO's reputation), make sure that you are not using any remote scripts in your sigs.

If you are concerned about scripts with viruses, make sure you keep your OS, anti-virus, and browser all updated. Also, running Firefox with NoScript is an excellent security measure, provided you don't mind hitting an allow button the first time you visit a site with it.

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I've seen people run php image randomizer scripts as images on other SMF boards.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I know mine's fine. It's just a jpg and a link to my profile.

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Yours are fine. They are PNG images.

The way to tell is look at the link in your sig code. If the extenstion is .PHP, .PL, .ASP, or some other weird extension, then it's a script. PNG, GIF, JPG, etc. are images.

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That post was meant for everyone, not just you. That way everyone doesn't ask "Is mine Okay?" They can look for themselves.

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