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Are you a Furry?

Star Fox Runner

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To anyone who wants to admit it, if you are a furry in any way shape or form, go ahead and say so.

I am a furry in the fact that I like those types of characters, and I like animals. I have never been to a fur con, though I plan to visit one at least once.

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To anyone who wants to admit it, if you are a furry in any way shape or form, go ahead and say so.

I am a furry in the fact that I like those types of characters, and I like animals. I have never been to a fur con, though I plan to visit one at least once.

I'm a furry (and something else) because I like those type of charaters and I also havne't been to  Fur con though If someone tells me where one is near me I might plan on going.
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Furry by technicallity.

Like the idea. Don't like the rife pervertion.

When to a fur meet. Shaterd what I thought furries were like.

Tried building a costume. Not possable in the UK (or at least where I live) due to lack of supplies.

Still draw furry style, although that's probley because of my hatred for humanity more then my like of furry.

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I'm not honestly sure, I guess I'd be considered one for having a persona and liking a few characters (That is if scaly falls under the furry category, which I believe it does).

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When to a fur meet. Shaterd what I thought furries were like.

I think I know exactly what you mean. I went to one last weekend. I'm amazed at how silly people can be. They made me look like a stern monk in comparison.

Oh, and I'm a furry.

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I think I'm definitely a Furry, cause for some reason I seem to formulate crushes on some furry characters, Like Krystal, Rouge the bat, and Katt monroe. I also seem to like things better if there are furry animals in them. Example: Kung fu movies-Kung fu Panda, Starwars, Starfox.

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I also seem to like things better if there are furry animals in them. Example: Kung fu movies-Kung fu Panda, Starwars, Starfox.

ditto i always like putting Krystal(and Tigress Arcnon) in starwars,startrek and the like.
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Guest Julius Quasar


*Raises a sword to the air*

I'm an Anthrophile/Fan Furry, AND a Cos-play Furry (combined)...I lack the money to build a costume...I've yet to attend a convention...the closest one for me is in San Jose, (still very far for an Angelino) and I haven't the money to get out there (YET)

Anthrophile/Fan since age 12

Costume-Play since age 20 (borrowed costumes)

Onward, Furry Soldiers,

Marching as to war

With the emblem of Star Fox

Going on before;

Fox, the royal Master

Leads against the foe;

Forward into battle,

See his banners go.

Onward, Furry Soldiers,

Marching as to war,

With the emblem of Star Fox

Going on before....

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By the way Kursed, you didn't get your Tigress character from Kung-fu panda, or The Avengers did you? I'm not accusing you of copying, just wondering.

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By the way Kursed, you didn't get your Tigress character from Kung-fu panda, or The Avengers did you? I'm not accusing you of copying, just wondering.

I had Tigress arcnon WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before Kung-fu panda was made(at the time she was Black Tigress and at the time I was 12 so around 2002) who is now another character entirely)...(They stole my name :panther:) and the avengers? never heard of it..Nope No copy completly came up with the name on my own and don't get me started how the kung-fu panda Tigress doesn't even look like a girl.

I woneder if I could have hired that friend that was a patent....

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Actually I liked Tigress in Kung fu panda. Maybe she didn't look that girlie, but who cares? Anyway It's cool that you have characters from when you were little. I have some myself and they are being used in my fan fic: Starfox Adventures 2: Return to Dinosaur planet. (Sorry just a little advertising there, heh heh... :panther:)

And I'm sorry, actually what I meant was Tigra in the Avengers comic book. She's kinda more human though, but I still like her.

[attachment deleted due to age]

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Yeah Tigress arcnon(When I actully gave her that last name) Was originaly a sonic charater of mine then when I phased out of the Sonic rp's she became a Sci-fi Character with KRystal Buranetto In a Mercenary group I named "TigerVixens."They had some good adventures most of which began in a large cafateria with Tigress pigging out and Krystal finishing her meal like  a lady and then being embarresed by her partners "eating habits" then I though if sci-fi and the fact she's already a good partner with Krystal Why not  get her into starfox and thus thats where she came from I just finished a small bio on her AND ONLY IF MY TEACHER HAD E-MAILED ME THE FILEEE!!! (She owes me a drink now)Well her home Planet Tigaria (pronocued like Tigar then IA) may sound like her but still that came completely from me.

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I'm sort of a furry. I think fauns, vixens, dragonesses, and bunny girls are cute. Must be my obsession with Fox and Krystal. :D Aww! ^^

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Not really. I like a lot of old cartoons and other various fun stuff with little talking animals in it, and I draw little animal characters, but that's about as far as it goes. I don't really think of myself as an animal or a furry or anything along those lines, I'm not into furry suits (they tend to creep me out a *lot*), and yeah, you get the idea.

Don't worry, I'm not a furry hater though, so I won't go around bashing people's faces in with a stick. xD;;; Just... It's not my 'thing'.

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Not really. I like a lot of old cartoons and other various fun stuff with little talking animals in it, and I draw little animal characters, but that's about as far as it goes.

Congratulations! You meet the minimum requirements of being furry. :offtopic:

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Congratulations! You meet the minimum requirements of being furry. :offtopic:

*shaves off Mr.k's Avatar's Mustach and uses it on costume* :offtopic:

Kinda...umm whats the word...

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I don't want to be a furry. D=

to late you have already Signed your name in the book of Furriness! MUWHAHAHAHA! :offtopic:

Okay I'm kidding....so Chrio  whats with the tale spin Pirate in your sig I'm just curious.

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Guest Chiro-Chan


to late you have already Signed your name in the book of Furriness! MUWHAHAHAHA! :offtopic:

Okay I'm kidding....so Chrio  whats with the tale spin Pirate in your sig I'm just curious.

Don Karnage? He's just there to frighten small children. xD

(Actually, I just thought the picture was funny. xD)

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Don Karnage? He's just there to frighten small children. xD

(Actually, I just thought the picture was funny. xD)

FURRY ALEART FURRY ALERT..Sorry couldn't reisit

You do realize he's a Furry charater right?

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No, he's a cartoon character...

okay we'll just leave it at that before I start a flamthrower....*duct tapes muzzle shut*
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okay we'll just leave it at that before I start a flamthrower....*duct tapes muzzle shut*

God Dang! All this over if Chiro's in denial of being a furry?!

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God Dang! All this over if Chiro's in denial of being a furry?!

mhhmmmm muhhmmmm!
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Guest Chiro-Chan

I'm not in denial! I'm honestly not a furry, and I can't be, because if I was, then I wouldn't be being true to myself, and I'm not going to put on some act of being a furry just so that way I can be liked by people.

You guys are mean. T.T *crawls under cardboard box, and sneaks out of the thread*

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