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One of many plot holes surronding Krystal's "background"...


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i second that notion!

Second what? Nobody has said anything in here for quite a while now...

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Guest Julius Quasar

Oh boy do I have a lot of explaining to do. *sighs, cracks knuckles*

1: If you ever noticed, whenever you got a new staff power it said that you LEARNED it. So in the story Fox may have just learned the different  moves over periods of time.

2: You ever considered that the staff may run off of different energy sources, and not just the gems in particular?

3: Dude, have you ever heard of picking a lock?

4: In the story Fox could probably use that feature whenever he wanted. Nintendo just limited it to pads so that people wouldn't be flying all over the place.

5: The staff does have the ability's to activate those switches, but so could other things. (Such as a Blaster)


1: You hit it right on the nail. Krystal is a telepath. So that means she could understand what dinosaurs were

saying, even without hearing them speak. Thus this helped her to understand the language better. Plus Krystal has shown herself to be a fast learner.

2: Well that's the reason Andross lured her to the planet, because he knew she could channel the spirits.

None of these questions you asked show that Krystal is native to Sauria. As a matter of fact, many things point that Krystal isn't native to Sauria, but that's for another post.

after playing SF Adventures, I totally agree with Falcory on this one.

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after playing SF Adventures, I totally agree with Falcory on this one.

Thanks man.  :P

3) Another important reason but I can't show it because it's a spoiler...

BTW Zwolf, what reason where you talking about here?

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after playing SF Adventures, I totally agree with Falcory on this one.

me too

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This topic's kinda been dead for a while... That's my theory, and if you don't like it, don't read it. >.>

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This topic's kinda been dead for a while... That's my theory, and if you don't like it, don't read it. >.>

he he he...

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