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My fan characters.

Guest Julius Quasar

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(A  Atilla Fox copy?)

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Guest Julius Quasar

(A  Atilla Fox copy?)

No.  Attila only knows who his mother is, and he's sworn to find and kill his real father.  Attila is kinda crazy, and vengeful.  He's also kinda dumb...

Ash knows who his real parents are.  He knows Fox and Fara, and hates them.  Ash is simply a thug for hire, like that dude in GTA 3, although Ash talks, though not too often.  Ash isn't crazy or dumb, just mean and hateful.

Cliff, Lillith, Edsel, Cassandra, Patches, and Tommy McCloud, as well as Attila Sharavan, and Ash McCloud exist in "an alternate time frame/alternate future", they're something I'm experimenting with.

Vincent "Boo Boo" Guglione does exist as canon in "my fan character universe", as the Foxglove crime family bagman...

Todd, Lola, Edge, Babs, Akasha, Silas, Misty, Madame Vulpine, Pal, and Conrad exist as canon in "my fan character universe" too.

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Guest DRL

I kind of do that too.

My characters have 2

timelines: "Fan canon"

and "Fan Fanon".

In the 'Canon', they are

rather serious, and more

'beligerent', while in the

'Fanon' they have a more,

'Comical' look (hence the

'Hyper' of mine´s trying

to be a meme... :lol:).

This is specially true for

the Commander and the


By the way, you have a

load of AWEcoolness, Julius... :yes:

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Guest Julius Quasar

I kind of do that too.

My characters have 2

timelines: "Fan canon"

and "Fan Fanon".

In the 'Canon', they are

rather serious, and more

'beligerent', while in the

'Fanon' they have a more,

'Comical' look (hence the

'Hyper' of mine´s trying

to be a meme... :lol:).

This is specially true for

the Commander and the


By the way, you have a

load of AWEcoolness, Julius... :yes:

Right on, man! :yes:

Thanks, you have a load of AWEcoolness as well, dude!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Julius Quasar

Special thanks to Harmony Descent (Para) for this:

Julius' FC, Lola Foxglove:  http://darthomnishadow.deviantart.com/art/CR-Lola-Foxglove-134979018

(sorry for the dredge)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Julius Quasar

dam! you have so many characters! i don't know how you manage to keep being so specific to each other! =]

What can I say?  I'm a creative guy! :D

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I have one can i post it?

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Guest Julius Quasar

I have one can i post it?

Not here, please, go to the RP Forum, and post in the "Fan Characters" section of it (this thread existed before that section of the RP Forum did).  But thanks for asking.

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Ok posted it thanks for the help Julius  :friends:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Julius Quasar

removed.  :lol:


I originally posted this outside the RP Forum in case of an emergency or w/e, it was before we had a "Fan Characters" child board, also, at the time I made this thread, I had a premonition that the RP Forum might face closure and I might not be able to retrieve my FC's from there.

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