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Effective Immediately, This site is now Spongepants-Online, a hugemongous fansite for Spongebob Squarepants. Star Fox is no longer to be discussed. Thanks.

The forums have been converted over. We expect to have the main site changed by the end of the week.


Don't worry, I made backups before I did this. :D

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My gahwd... WHAT HAVE WE DONE???

Kidding, as soon as I saw this, I immeatly paniced like crazy, till i saw this.

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As soon as I saw this I was like "WTF.." I checked the link and went "Oh funny..." another reason I hate April Fools day

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Seriously though, When I came here, I thought I was in another forum. 

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I was on the forums at school and I got the hell abused out of me as they thought it was Spongebob :D

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starfox may not have a tv seris ,bu still is much better than spongebob  filter pants.

Spyro the dragon would have been a much better choice....

DZ this one is for you


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I only changed the appearance. It will return to normal tonight.

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I only changed the appearance. It will return to normal tonight.

Then thats 2 minutes for changing 2 minutes for coding.... and a Vicous beatdown for getting the Wrong Charaters for todays theme. -holds hockey stick high - You ready?

(Whats a good april fools day without a good Kirby beating?)

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Forums back to normal. If you still get the Spongebob theme, check your Look and Layout Preferences on your Profile and clear your cache.

I hope no one has any hard feelings. 'Twas just a harmless prank.

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Forums back to normal. If you still get the Spongebob theme, check your Look and Layout Preferences on your Profile and clear your cache.

I hope no one has any hard feelings. 'Twas just a harmless prank.

FOUR!!!!!!!!!!! -whacks Dz with nine Iron-

I'm fine now :)

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Aw dang it!!!! I didn't get on till late in the day. I missed it.

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The forums got Spongebob'd using this theme: http://custom.simplemachines.org/themes/index.php?lemma=900 . I then overrode user theme choices.

It's still installed on our server. If you want to live in a pineapple under the sea, change your look and layout preferences in your profile. Though I will uninstall it soon, so I do not advise leaving it as that.

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The forums got Spongebob'd using this theme: http://custom.simplemachines.org/themes/index.php?lemma=900 . I then overrode user theme choices.

It's still installed on our server. If you want to live in a pineapple under the sea, change your look and layout preferences in your profile. Though I will uninstall it soon, so I do not advise leaving it as that.

Fine now sit still so i can Finish my putt!
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I am not a golf ball

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I'm soo glad I didn't bother visiting the site during school. XD Priceless prank, one of my favorites today.

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Dude! I totally missed it. Can someone post a screenshot of the forums during the joke?

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I never thought to take a screenshot. Though the spongebob theme is still on the server if you wish to see it. (Change your profile).

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I never thought to take a screenshot. Though the spongebob theme is still on the server if you wish to see it. (Change your profile).

Next year do a batman theme! (*slips DZ a 50*)

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