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Nox's art

Wicked Nox

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Woo! More awsome art from Nox! And I love psychos!

Psycho Malizar: And I'm proof of that MWAHAHAAHHA!

Malizar: Silence you disgusting mockery of me!

Psycho: Aww, you say such NICE things to me!

Malizar: Insane baffoon...

>_>; Ignoring the comments from those guys, awsome work again, love his eye for some reason.

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Thanks everyone. Here's a character I drew today, he's Leon's brother and is more of an idea at the moment. So far I've got the clothes and such decided, however he's weaponless. Syorm; a talented tactician and he works with Dyne and Arldyn (Double Plasma-Scythe guy. Last pic I drew of him is ancient so he's up for an update.)


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Depends on what you want.  Something unique?  Catclaws.  Axes.  Bladed tonfa.  Staves.  Not enough of these around.

Alternatively, you could just give him a freakin' sweet katana.

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actually I know of very few characters who prefer not to use a weapon, but the few who don't are really cool, then again he could have hidden weapons, or be able to set elaborate traps.

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His main weapon is his mind, being a tactician and all, so he excells in strategy and traps which is further enhanced by his ability to create illusions. I just thought that he could also have something visible like a nice Rapier sword or something.

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Hmm, a brilliant tactician who likes setting traps...

A dagger'd be perfect for him.  A cool one.  With a wavy/split blade.

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Already got a character with daggers, but thanks for the suggestion. I've decided to leave Syorm as he is, he's deadly enough with his cunning mind and illusions.

I didn't really have an idea of what I was drawing before, so I just did a random, practice drawing. This is what it ended up looking like.


I don't draw guns too often, so forgive me if it looks stupid. I already have my next drawing in mind and I only have a half-day of college tomorrow, so you should see something new here tomorrow afternoon or evening. I think you'll like her.

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Ha! More Wicked art from Nox... Keep up the good work there, as for a weapon for that guy up there, perhaps a conceled wrist mounted energy blades, something he can keep hidden and whip out easily to deliver a quick deadly strike!

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Thanks. He doesn't really need blades, since the illusions he can create both imobilize his targets and destroy the brain. On top of that, it has a 360 degree radius and has a fairly large area of effect, so I think anyone who'd mess with him would already be dead before they got close enough for melee combat. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Drawing before from my idea and here she is. I don't think there's any need for introductions.


As you can probably already guess, I got the idea for the pose from a picture of Mary, AKA Lady, Devil May Cry 3.

I just saw it and wondered how Krystal would look in that position and weilding her own big gun.

Hope you like.

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Muy bueno, senor Nox. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

S'been a little while since I had anything I'd like to post but, here's Nozomi in her assassin outfit. The outfit is based on the assassin gear from Guild Wars. Hope you like.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I decided to completely redraw a character I made a while ago. Yuki, the girl with blue hair. I just felt like being a little more adventurous with her look and get her to fit better with the theme of the other characters 'tis all.


Hope you like what I've done with her.

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Yuki...that water chick, right?

Although the "theme" of the other elemental girl seems to be less clothes...I like the change in the costume.  Her left arm/band looks really wonky, I have to say.  Everything else looks nice, including the little lightning bolt in her hair.

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Wrong girl. My water girl's a keeper. She's a redraw of this character.


The arm band thing is supposed to be a sort of detached sleeve, I guess I'll work on it. Thanks for the input, Kal

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