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Nox's art

Wicked Nox

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Love the color one, but for some reason I prefer the pincilled one better.

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Nice Krystal! The chibi you looks almost cyclopean (the eye's a tad off-center so it looks like he's only got one).

And that Nozomi, uhh... <.<;; You might wanna consider linking to it or putting it behind a spoiler tag, now that we have them. Yeah, I know it's kind of late to be saying so, but it is fairly, uh... You know.

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Heh. Sorry TakeWalker. I'll either link her or give her a little more to wear next time.

Thanks for your feedbacks. And Nate.. I'm just confused about what you actually want there so I'm afraid I'm not gonna bother.

Here's my latest. She a resketch thing of a character that I only just remembered after digging through some old files. She's been stuffed away for atleast two years. She's in Ranharo's gang and if I remember correctly, she -was- going to be his girlfriend in the whole story too.


Looking a little moody. Prob'ly 'cause I went a bit mental with her hair.

Hope you like 'er!

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Heh, well I'm sure she'd be happy that someone likes her hair. Here she is in colour, she could do with a name though.


I also decided to colour Ranharo too.


Hope you like 'em, even though they're so moody looking

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(Hope Iam not sounding mean)

^ I would be the one to differ Nate, for some reason I perfer the pincilled one better. Maybe the pincilled ones fit Wicked nox's wicked style, any way great job! :ok:

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I know my coloured pics aren't that good, but I still like to colour my characters to give them a little more life and so people can actually see how their colours reflect their personalities, otherwise they'd all just be plain Ghost-like and monotonous. That's -my- opinion on the matter but I have more respect for yours and everyone elses of course.

Well, I decided on a name for her; Rufi Kazuma.

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Ah, and I was gonna suggest a name.  'Cept it was a lot more boring and generic than Rufi Kazuma.  =/

As for your art...I personally think that your linearts have more life in them than your colored ones.  I can't really put my finger on it, though.

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I know my coloured pics aren't that good, but I still like to colour my characters to give them a little more life and so people can actually see how their colours reflect their personalities, otherwise they'd all just be plain Ghost-like and monotonous. That's -my- opinion on the matter but I have more respect for yours and everyone elses of course.

Well, I decided on a name for her; Rufi Kazuma.

Yeah, I've been lurking in your thread for quite a bit. Your colored stuff does need a bit more refinement. For instance when you are making shines in the hair it is also nice to throw in a few shades too. A light, medium, and dark, that's all you need to really have for shading to really work out well.

I also notice your shading seems to be a touch wavy, you can alleviate that by using either the pen/path tool in whichever program you use or the freehand selection tool to select an area and then fill it.

Just my two cents for now, if you'd like to go deeper into critique I'd be more than happy to. I just am afraid that I take critique way too far.

Also, on that girl... Well to not sound like a pervert or anything, I think her rear end juts out a touch too much and should be slightly less curved. I'd imagine trying to make such a pose would hurt one's back a little.

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Nah, go ahead and be ruthless with the critque, or better yet, give me a link to a site where I can download a decent colouring program. Although, I won't be online for a couple of weeks. My parents split up and since my dad's no longer living in my house, all the phone and internet bills and stuff are messed up so I'm having to use the college computers. So, back in two weeks tops, I hope, and hopefully with some stuff to post.

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No matter what NOX, I'll go easy on you, no matter if we are friendly or mean at the moment....I'll allways give your pics more points then what they deserve...........the points will allways be "OVER 9000+" :P:lol::cool::D:hehe::lol:

Toule-ya! (<-Something Link from LOZ allways yells!)

See ya!

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That seriously sucks, Nox. Hope things work out. I persobally use GIMP, found at gimp.org, but what you use looks good enough anyway... Let's see what we can work with.


No matter what NOX, I'll go easy on you, no matter if we are friendly or mean at the moment....I'll allways give your pics more points then what they deserve...........the points will allways be "OVER 9000+" :P:lol::friends::D:cool::wink:

Toule-ya! (<-Something Link from LOZ allways yells!)

See ya!

Heh, do not go lightly on artists that want to learn. Critique is allowed here as long as it isn't downright bashing, so...
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Ya, there's a far cry between, "Your art sucks lawl!" and, "Your art kinda sucks, and here's what you can do to fix it."  And, for that matter, "Your art's awesome lawl!"  As long as it's not, like, so harsh it discourages someone from drawing.

Oh yeah, and what Infinity did?  That's a rather light criticism.  I've seen stuff get torn apart in about two pages of crits.  Hell, I'VE torn stuff apart in about two pages of crits.  But good crits.  That's the difference.

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Nox is back and happy about it. I've been so bored. I completed the two StarWars KOTOR games in three days.

Too hard on me? Naaaaah, go ahead and tear my stuff apart with critique then, I realise I've a long way to go so the more stuff that's pointed out, the more stuff I can fix. I was PMed by Nate, suggesting that I inform you all that I'm colour-blind (which I am) though it doesn't really affect my technique in colouring I think (which is basic, I really should just use more layers and stuff)

As for work done during my absence, I only really did one, the others were just random with things such as "The six-armed Kenny-killer" and wierd interpretations of M.C. Hammer. But, here's something not so random. She's Takara Blackwind (Kara or Kari to her friends) and here's a quick bio.

Name: Takara Blackwind

Age: Appears to be around 18 but records of her existence date back 200 years.

Hair: Light Blonde

Eyes: Green bordering yellow

Bio: A young (Yeah, 200 years is young) Demon-Girl that lives with Leon and her two friends Reina and Kesa. A girl of a caring nature and is always happy, although shy. The female Demons of her (and Leon's) clan have wings and unlike most other Kindoms, in the past before the Demon territory was attacked and destroyed, The Demons employed more women within the military and had a greater female population. However, the Demons are a rare race in present times with only four known to be alive.


:Warning: Serious "up-skirt" here. Those of weak constitution, Do. Not. View.

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Serious upskirt there. <.< That's very ecchi of you. Might wanna mention a bit more in your description there, for the sake of those weak of constitution.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Deleted my  previous post  as the pic was.. well.. hideous.

Here's something I found time to throw onto paper today. I'll give you a few clues, he has claws, a sword and his name rhymes with Chicken Pox.


As you can all no doubt notice, the pose is taken from Sasuke, in Naruto, just fliped over since I'm a lefty and my claws go on the right hand. I like the pose cause it's perfect for showing off those claws. The thing in the corner is one of the edges of my double-edged sword, just wish I had wider paper so I could've got it on.

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Awesome pic!

And I have no idea who it is. ^_^

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Can't tell even with my clues!? Oh well.

I took a day off college today to just catch up with stuff and relax a little so I ended up drawing this. It's Krystal, or atleast something like how she would look if she was in -my- team.


I'm thinking of changing her facial expression to something a little more animated/happy looking.

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I dunno... The two-fisted female blade dancer motif has kinda been done to death. I dig the scars, though, and it's still a good pic. I'd recommend making her expression more calm/cold than happy.

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If I draw her again in that "team nox" outfit, I'll see what I can do for new weapons and maybe give her a bit more of a serious look.

I'm getting a fair bit drawn lately 'cause I'm able to find a few loop-holes in college work dead-lines >=3

This one's Ryla. She was originally an RP character that I finally brought out with a new look (used to be a Jedi-ish thing).

I'm quite happy with her. She doesn't have a weapon or special ability of some sort yet but she's in my story.

I hope you like her.


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Why thank you.

Here's Ryla again, now with her new weapon.


Name: Ryla Ishinomori

Age: 18

Eyes: Green

Hair: A wierd dull Blonde-y colour

Bio: Ryla is a student and an energetic young girl. She's friends with Nozomi Hideyori and also makes friends with alot of the story's characters. She wields an impressively large Gunblade, the orb near to the trigger of the weapon is actually a weight, making the hilt end of the blade heavier as she has mastered using off-balance weapons to her advantage.

Her rather large gunblade there is a sort of cross between Vincent Valentine's Cerberus gun and, if you've seen any episode of Mahou Sensei Negima, Kagurazaka Asuna's sword.

I hope you like her and her new toy >=3

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