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Fun Quotes

Guest LoftyBird

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Guest LoftyBird

Hi!  the point of this thread is just to post any quotes, phrases, or scenes of your choice. Enjoy!

(give credit to the author please)


      "Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyways." - Anonymous

"When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep - not screaming, like the passengers in his car." Jack Handey

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I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything.

~Some guy on 4chan, apparently.

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Guest Julius Quasar

*All are gathered at Mr. Spock's funeral*

Cptn. Kirk: "Of all the souls, I have encountered in my travels...his was the most..." *lip trembles* "...human!"

Officer: "ORDERS, HO!"

*All come to attention, rolls down the conveyor belt, as the Federation Flag is removed from it, Scotty plays "Amazing Grace" on the Bagpipes, as the casket is shot into space, it circles around a planet, disappearing into the rising sun*


~William Shatner, as Captain Kirk, in Star Trek, "The Wrath of Khan".

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Guest LoftyBird

*All are gathered at Mr. Spock's funeral*

Cptn. Kirk: "Of all the souls, I have encountered in my travels...his was the most..." *lip trembles* "...human!"

Officer: "ORDERS, HO!"

*All come to attention, rolls down the conveyor belt, as the Federation Flag is removed from it, Scotty plays "Amazing Grace" on the Bagpipes, as the casket is shot into space, it circles around a planet, disappearing into the rising sun*


~William Shatner, as Captain Kirk, in Star Trek, "The Wrath of Khan".

how sad...  :lol:  Hopefully i'll know a little bit more about star treck when i see at the theater

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I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything.

~Some guy on 4chan, apparently.

It's from the toy movie series 'Arby n the Chief'. It's when the chief is trying to pursade arby that he his great and should be in smash bros.

Another 4chan steal from something less known. (pretty much all 4chan jokes of worth)

There's an american army infantry field manuel which has loads of great quotes from an unnamed grunt. Including such classics as

"Remember, your gun was made by the lowest bidder."

"A 4 second fuse lasts 2 seconds."

and my favourite "Teamwork is essential. It gives the enemy someone else to shoot at."

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Oh, I see. Yeah, I thought I had heard it there first. Anyways, I took my own spin at it:


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"Extrodenary claims require extrodenary evidence."

"The weakness of my argument does not implay the stregth of yours."

"Every new fossil discovered creates 2 gaps in the fiossil record."

"There are several Minigun- and Missile-Launcher-wielding super mutants who can be "persuaded" out of their hardware, preferably at range, under cover of darkness, and from behind."

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"Extrodenary claims require extrodenary evidence."

"The weakness of my argument does not implay the stregth of yours."

"Every new fossil discovered creates 2 gaps in the fiossil record."

"Association is not causation."

"There's no such thing as absolute truth."

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That's not a terribly good Comparison, is it?

Krystal:Super smash brothers brawl Cornerian army attacking Andross' army in Lylat cruise map

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Guest LoftyBird

"Well behaved women rarely make history."

funny yet, true. a thought comes in mind and.... oops :lolhyst: *shuts mouth*

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:facepalm: The internet is really really great!

O_o For porn! :|

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Guest Julius Quasar

"A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle." Think about it! :P

Totally! In fact, that's derived from a Buddhist proverb:

"The light of 1,000 candles can be lit by the flame of a single candle, and the light from that very candle

is in no way diminished from lighting those 1,000 other candles".


"Here, I brought you a present...It's a crystal...nothing more..."

-David Bowie, "The Labyrinth"

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Contribution taim.

"I have attained ultra speed by training, and training, and training, all while wearing 100-ton boxers!"

Points if you know what game this line's from. Bonus points if you've played or have any of the ports of the game.

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:shock::Doesn't take a telepath to know what your thinking.

:slippy::You get off on annoying people don't you?

:fox::He's dead jim -medic starcraft brood wars,Statrek Lenord Mccoy

:slippy::Who set all these Lab Monkeys Free!

:slippy::*High voice*I think we have a Gas leak.

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:lol::Hailing Frequencies  Open.

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"If you don't try to save one life, you'll never save any." - Resident Evil Degeneration

"It's so damn hot........ milk was a bad choice!" - Anchorman

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