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1. The main forum rules apply.


2. Please keep RPs PG-13. Keep the cursing to a minimum and do not describe violence in explicit detail.


3. No sexual acts or desires for sexual acts.


4. Do not insult anyone.


5. The RP Moderator has full control over behavior on this board and may take any action within reason to maintain order and civility.


6. The RP Creators (GMs) set the rules, scenarios, and format for individual RPs. They also are the primary enforcer of the policies of their RP. The staff will back GMs at their request.


7. No player can run more than one RP similtaneously.


8. RPs are to be submitted in the RP request thread. Only roleplays judged to have enough support and a solid foundation to make it past more than a couple of pages will be approved. The RP creator shall PM the RP mods to ask for the request to be judged, or rejudged if previously turned down. The difference on what should and shouldn't be approved is a fine and delicate decision that'd have to be taken by the individual RP mods. Whenever a RP mod turn down a request, they are to also act as advisors, offering tips and advice on what needs to be improved before it'll be approved.


9. A player should limit themselves to fifteen posts in a single RP thread each day. This will prevent overactive players from taking over an RP completely, like the old sticky RP's, but allow them to roleplay till they puke provided they are in several RP's. This rule will be somewhat flexible, and enforcement will be up to the discretion of the RP moderator(s).


10. You may not be the same canon character on multiple RPs simultaneously or consecutively if another person wants that role. This is to allow others a chance to take those roles. Exceptions: 1. No one else wants the role after a reasonable period of time 2: If you create an original character (IE your own character), you may play that character in as many RPs as you want, provided it meets the creator's guidelines.


11. No double-posting. Use the edit button.


12. Only staff may delete posts. If something needs to be changed, use the edit button. If something needs to be deleted, please ask the RP mod.


13. Allow time for other people to react to your post. This is for two reasons: 1. fairness and 2. to regulate the pace of an RP so that the RP mod can keep a good eye on it.


14. If your RP's scenario ends and you want to continue, please add a sequel to the request queue.


15. Make sure your actions are fair. You do not get to declare someone dead nor have unlimited invincibility. Always give everyone else a chance to react.


16. If the RP creator, RP moderator, or any other SFO staff member asks you to leave an RP, you must do so.


17. Any RP that the staff deems to have gotten out of control will be locked.


18. The roleplayers themselves, and especially the RP creator/GM, shall do their very best at spotting any trouble rising in the RP's, hopefully solving it amongst themselves if possible, and calling the RP moderator(s) for assistance if needed. Remember; if you see something, say something.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I will be adding a rule for clarification purposes.

When talking Out of Context (OOC), Please place your OOC content in Parentheses.

(OOC: Like this.)

This makes it easier on me, as well as fellow members and helps distinguish between the RP and OOC.

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I will be adding a rule for clarification purposes.

When talking Out of Context (OOC), Please place your OOC content in Parentheses.

(OOC: Like this.)

This makes it easier on me, as well as fellow members and helps distinguish between the RP and OOC.

Actually I've seen many ways of doing ooc the most common is OOc: followed by Bic: or like you showed there
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Doubt it. It's starnderd way to do the brackets. Also I thought ooc stood for out of character?

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Doubt it. It's starnderd way to do the brackets. Also I thought ooc stood for out of character?

I thought it did too.
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you idiot!that's OOC!

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I will be adding a rule for clarification purposes.

When talking Out of Context (OOC), Please place your OOC content in Parentheses.

(OOC: Like this.)

This makes it easier on me, as well as fellow members and helps distinguish between the RP and OOC.

Well couldn't we also have seperate threads for OOC and RP posts? Like a sign up sheet/discussion, then the actual thing? Its gettting a little off hand having to get through all the discussion posts to read back, especally since this board is so active.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I am working on that as we speak. I also want to add a special OOC tag to help distinguish OOC posts.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Owner/Technical Admin

When your RP is finished, please notify me via PM so I can close it. You can also make a post in your RP signifying that the RP has closed - any posts after that will be deleted when I close the RP.

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  • 10 months later...

Fira and I are working on a few slight changes to ease up pacing and such since there is now two of us. Once they are finalized, she will post them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Feel free to edit my post if you make any rule changes.

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Would this BB code tag to make something off topic help with anything?

ubb_tag("Off Topic","offtopic","<i><b><font color='#114499'>Offtopic:</font></b> <font color='#2277DD'><% INNER %></font></i>",0,"Mark text as off topic||Type in the text you want to be marked as off topic");

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Firstly, that line of code is not in SMF format, so it would have to be completely rewritten.

Secondly, I do not want to modify SMF's PHP unless I have to.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

The rules for the RP board has undergone several changes. Please re-read to get an understanding of what has been changed and what is still in effect.

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