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The Cornerian Bar


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(aww D: now I feel bad! poor tiberius *shniffle*)

(dude, really. if you're not going to be serious then please leave. we're trying to be somewhat optimistic here and I'd like to keep my good mood >.>)

Sophia threw away the empty container and noticed heavy winds and rain, then sighed. She wondered where Tiberius had gone to and her heart panged painfully. (that sounds weird lol)

(As Resetti would say, "You gotta take life, the good and the bad flavors." xDD actually, I dunno. maybe I can make sophia a cheater and have her secretly visit Tiberius xD AHEM anyway, wow, she's in some serious shit right now. :P that's all I can say)

(No bad idea instead we have this...

Sophia:Dash...I'm sorry...I truely love Tiberius...I really am sorry)

(THis is just a suggestion)

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(xD somehow I feel that all this confusion is my fault.)

(anyway, our RP is going in a soap opera direction. xD but i do like the idea, kursed)

(DO what you want Catwings it's your character :D I'm glad I can help with idea's though.)

Ruby stopped crying but still stayed in the restroom.

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(Can we take it into a more comedic direction? I'll be back maybe tomorrow or tonight.)

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(xD somehow I feel that all this confusion is my fault.)

(anyway, our RP is going in a soap opera direction. xD but i do like the idea, kursed)

((Instead of making it mushy, lets just continue with random, meaningless, banter between the parties involved. Although........ I like the cheating part, maybe we can add a gunfight into this! xD lol))

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Guest Para Astaroth

Shirrage and Scarr started laughing after the song and left the VIP room.  "HAHAHAHA!!! That was great, cousin!  We should do that again sometime!"  Shirrage said, still a little energetic.

"HAH!! Yeah, that was fun, huh?  We'll do it again in a few hours!"  Scarr replied back, smiling and snapping his fingers.

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Ruby walked out of the restroom and to Dash her fur was matted where tears had been. "Dash I love you enough that I won't interfear with your life."Ruby muttered and snuck off a Kiss on Dash then walked away into a darker part of the bar.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

(oh... good lord this seems alot like Romeo and Juliet.)

Tiberius took the gun and put it right on a brick wall, desimating the brick it was on. Jeremy took a seat and look up and the makshift roof above their heads.

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(oh... good lord this seems alot like Romeo and Juliet.)

Tiberius took the gun and put it right on a brick wall, desimating the brick it was on. Jeremy took a seat and look up and the makshift roof above their heads.

(Sophia oh sophia where art thou Sophia!) (So if  two girls fightin is  acat fight what do you have when you have a She-wolf and Kitty fighting?)
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The Dumpling of Woe sat in the warm microwave oven, waiting for an innocent human to pick it up. Unfortunately, it had to sit among the blind, deaf, moronic dumplings without supernatural powers.

"So what kinda filling do you have?" a particularly stupid one asked. The Dumpling of Woe smacked it with a nonexistent hand.

"Shut up, imbecile! I have a job to do."


Ruby walked out of the restroom and to Dash her fur was matted where tears had been. "Dash I love you enough that I won't interfear with your life."Ruby muttered and snuck off a Kiss on Dash then walked away into a darker part of the bar.

Dash stood there and felt sheepish. He watched Ruby walk off, and Sophia throw away her trash. He sat back in his chair and sipped on a beer. "Oh what a tangled web we weave....."

He heard gunshots coming from the roof. He looked out the window and saw cans falling. "Seems like fun." He made his way to the roof and saw Tiberius and Jeremy shooting cans. He pulled out his magnum blaster.

"Mind if I join ya?"

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Guest Julius Quasar

Edge chuckled.  "What's so funny, Edge?" asked Babs.  "Well..." Edge replied, "When I was little, when my parents, whoever they were, or are, or whatever...anyways, my dad left me a locked box, but no key for it...I never could get the damn box open, had no idea what was inside..."

"Really?" asked Misty.  "Wow..." said Bill.  "I could help you get it open!" offered Babs.  Edge shook his head.  "Don't bother, I already got it open...I took it to a locksmith, and he opened it for me, I didn't wanna blast the box open, and risk ruining what was inside it...we got the box open, and you'll never guess what was inside it.." said Edge.

"What?" asked Babs.

"What?" asked Misty.

"What?" asked  :bill:

All three of them leaned in on Edge, looking intently at him.

Edge smiled, and pulled out a nylon neck lanyard with a safty detachment clip on it, and a key/id clip on its end.  In that key/id clip hung a single key.  "It was this...the very key to the box!".  He chuckled, and put the key away under his shirt, leaned back, and finished his drink.

"That's...weird..." said Babs.  "That's funny!" said Misty.  "What was the point of that!?" asked  :bill:

"I was told my dad told the orphanage director to give me the box, and tell me it would teach me about life...if I could get to what was inside the box, I'd learn about life...I guess he was saying it's a catch-22 or whatever..." he said.

"Or that you alone had the power to solve life's problems, even without having the solution or answer first!" said Misty, finishing her drink.  "Heh...Steal what I was gonna say..." Babs said ruefully as she finished her drink, smiling at Misty.  "Sorry" said Misty.  "Babs shook her head and said "It's okay, great minds think alike, eh?" she giggled, and Misty giggled too, and Bill smiled, along with Edge.  They paid their tabs, and left the Bar.

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Ruby walked up to Shelia. "Shelia?"She asked.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

Tiberius was about ready to leave now that Dash got here, but Jeremy kept him from leaving. "Sure, Dash!" said Jeremy. Tiberius avoided eye contact with Dash entirely. He kept trying to shoot at least one can, but ended up hitting a wall, or dumpster. Jeremy kept hitting can after can.

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Ruby walked up to Shelia. "Shelia?"She asked.

Sheila just stood there after watching all the events unfold. She had so many feelings flowing through her. Happy for Dash, sad for Ruby, confused on how everything seemed to just break up once it was done. She was never going to understand adult problems. She just gave a wry grin.

"I'm just happy no one was killed or something."

Tiberius was about ready to leave now that Dash got here, but Jeremy kept him from leaving. "Sure, Dash!" said Jeremy. Tiberius avoided eye contact with Dash entirely. He kept trying to shoot at least one can, but ended up hitting a wall, or dumpster. Jeremy kept hitting can after can.

Dash rested his right arm over his left to steady himself as he took aim. He fired. BULLSEYE! He turned to Tiberius. "I'm sorry things turned out the way they did. Hell, I wish the whole thing never happened."

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"Shelia?"Ruby asked repeating herself.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

Tiberius didnt listen and kept trying to shoot the can. Jeremy got fed up, and helped him by trying to get him relaxed. But Tiberius was too tense to relax now.

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"Dang  Ruby's handling it alot better than Tiberius...'Kari sighed wishing that it had been the other way around.

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((I already responded, look back))

(She asked again she's still shook up a bit..)
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Guest RedPhoenix32

Tiberius finally started to relax, and hit 3 cans with one shot.

Jeremy slightly smiled, seeing his friend was calming.

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*the Random Guy from a while ago comes back*

RG: AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! *lands next to Jeremy on the ground* SnooPING AS usual John Travolta?! :P

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(She asked again she's still shook up a bit..)

Sheila couldn't understand why she wouldn't answer. She hugged Ruby, "I'm so sorry."

Tiberius finally started to relax, and hit 3 cans with one shot.

Jeremy slightly smiled, seeing his friend was calming.

"Nice shot!" Dash took aim at 5 cans at a row. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! They all went down.

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RG: *gets off the ground in a zombie-like fashion, singing Michale Jackson's Thriller*

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Sheila couldn't understand why she wouldn't answer. She hugged Ruby, "I'm so sorry."

"Nice shot!" Dash took aim at 5 cans at a row. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! They all went down.

"well you don't know that this will work out for him Sophia may not truley like him."Ruby replied letting out a deep breath "Anyway Would you like to chear me up?"Ruby said hugging Sheila
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