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The Cornerian Bar


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"I guess so." he said.

"alright"Krystal replied "I hope I don't let you down if it happens Fox."Krystal replied.(I better get going)
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Guest RedPhoenix32

He looked up at her. "It wont. I promise." He then noticed Kari, and then looked down at the table with a depressed look on his face.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Para finished off his remaining stitching and sat back, hoarsly breathing.  He then coughed up a purple liquid that pulsed green as it sat on the table.  He slowly got up and moved to another seat as the liquid began to slowly move off the table and onto the floor.  He never took his eye off it.

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Guest Para Astaroth

A side-effect?  What in the world is that...  Has to be an Aparoid..  Para slowly got up and reached for his saber.

Scarr saw the liquid, also, and he knew how to deal with it.  He got up and his hand ignited with flames and he threw a fireball at it.  The liquid sizzled and screeched as it caught fire.  Scarr snapped his finger, and his hand extinguished.

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Still sitting in the crator Sylum thought to himself. "My god this is getting to crazy. I should have just killed the bastard right there. All of them should have died. They destroyed my home." "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?!" He screamed as a few tears rolled down his eyes. He pulled out a cigarette and took a drag. "I need to quit....." He said wiping the tears off his face.

(i might not be back till late. Going to school to pay tuition and scheduling.)

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Setting: Next Day at the Cornerian Bar


Everyone that was there yesterday, except Gerty, entered the bar and sat at a table.


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Guest RedPhoenix32

"It is, isnt it?" Tiberius sat back and closed his eyes. This was his first girlfriend, and it was probably the best thing he ever had before. "Did I ever tell you that Im telepathic? I get it from my mother."

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"From Krystal? Wow!"


Sharp: Double Unexpected...

Esmeralda: Fancy!

Thunder, Sharp and Annie: ......

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Guest Para Astaroth

Para rested against a wall and rested his eyes.  His visor was still off from the night before.  Scarr sat at the counter and ordered the Spicy Scarab Juice, while Shirrage sat outside smoking another cig.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Scarr's arm communicator went off and he clicked the screen that popped up on a hologram.  Para opened one eye slowly as he watched everyone.  Shirrage finished off his cig and walked in. 

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Thunder: WILL YOU QUIT IT!?!?!?

Sarah: I have sort of feeling that-


Sarah: Fine, if you want to know-


Sarah: C***...

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