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Anybody here actuallY Like Adventures?


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Starfox Adventures was a good game. Though there are parts that aren't great, I'm definitely not sorry I bought the game. I got hours of enjoyment out of it before I got sick of it, lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bit of a dredge, but this is the third thread on the board.

I like to typically sum up SFAdventures thus.

Here's what would have gone down.

General Pepper: Hi Fox, what's happening? Listen, we need you to go ahead and repair this entire planet.

Fox: I see. Let me take a look.

*two and a half minutes later*

Fox: Yeah, General, that planet

GP: Yes?

Fox: That planet is so UTTERLY fucked, I cannot even begin to describe the full extent to which it is ruined. It has broken apart into several huge chunks and, as one may expect, all the inhabitants are now dead. Sorry about that.

GP: Oh. So you can't, just like, solve all our problems with magic then?

Fox: No General, no we can't. I don't think you understand just how much power we need to even contemplate simply "pushing all the bits back together" and then hoping it all works out for the best, which I highly doubt would happen anyway. I'm talking fleets of spacecraft here. I mean the number of vessels that we'd need don't even exist.

GP: Oh. Cheers anyway!

Fox: Bye then!

GP: Bye!

*End transmission*

That's how it would have worked out. I don't even know how there was still atmosphere on any part of that world. Basically what you had there was Rare being put in a tough place coupled with awful, awful writing.

And before anyone attempts to in any defend it from that last criticism, remember: No weapons Fox!

What we saw of it through all the bugs, plotholes, and the non Starfox-y-ness was a sparkling diamond in a sea of sewage. It left us almost with a sense of un-fullfilment because what it could've been was actually kinda awesome.

Yeah, if they had somehow integrated the scenario into the Star Fox universe in a more easily believable manner, I would be more willing to accept it. Ok, there are dinosaurs. But this is SF, so this is interesting because they can bring the full weight of their resources to bear on a ground based operation.

Except they didn't, and that stupid staff is the key to every issue in the universe.

Also, let's imagine a (far more likely) world (but not too realistic, because otherwise there'd be no atmosphere on Sauria) where Krystal's staff did not fall, quite literally, out the fucking sky.

WHAT NOW FOX? WHAT YOU DO? I think the answer is run and hide a lot, and then, realising he cannot in fact engage dinosaurs in unarmed combat, ditch the mission and do something sensible. With a more sane employer.

The more I think about it, the more I can't even begin to accept it as a decent game. The lack of sense in the script exhibits, to me, nothing more than a failure to respect the intelligence of the player.

Hell, the first 25 seconds of SF64 had better plot than this, and that was read off a sheet by a narrator.

Star Fox Adventures only real fun part was the Andross battle ... It's the only genuinely awesome part of the game, in my opinion.

>Did not get to fight Scales. Andross from nowhere. WHO WROTE THIS

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That's a really good question. No one, as far as IMDb is concerned, which is pretty telling...either the writer decided to Alan Smithee this shit or there just wasn't one. Also, the director's only other directing credit is Diddy Kong Racing :I

edit - actually, from the looks of it, the only Star Fox game with a credited writer is Star Fox 64. Go figure.

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But Diddy Kong Racing was greeeaat. Basically, they should remake it with me in charge. That'd set things straight.




Except I'd just make it like some kind of futuristic Vietnam movie albeit with dinosaurs, before buggering off from Sauria and going to the other parts of the Lylat System to have more excellent adventures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't it should've been better... Come on it's Starfox!: space,arwing,landmaster?

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I don't it should've been better... Come on it's Starfox!: space,arwing,landmaster?

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I don't it should've been better... Come on it's Starfox!: space,arwing,landmaster?

I don't it should've been better... Come on it's Starfox!: space,arwing,landmaster?

Remember to use the edit button next time, alright Mozolkiraly?

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Personally, I enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong, it is a Zelda clone, but that doesn't make it bad. Don't get me wrong, I had a few issues with it, but I thought it was pretty fun! I give it a C.

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Remember to use the edit button next time, alright Mozolkiraly?

It may have just been an accident when you push the Post button twice because it didn't appear to work the first time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I never played it yet but I did heard it was supposed to be Dinosaur Planet but it turned into a Starfox game. Anyways I just brought SFA so time to wait til tuesday to be on my front door steps.

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Also, let's imagine a (far more likely) world (but not too realistic, because otherwise there'd be no atmosphere on Sauria)

Care to explain that bit about the atmosphere?

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  • 1 month later...

It would"ve been cool if it were more space oriented. Like play as fox in space missions and play as krystal on sauria and they meet in the middle somewhere.

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  • 3 weeks later...

well i liked it, it was fun playing outside of your arwing and just being Fox. It also introduced Krystal which is like one of my fav charecters. It was also Zelda-like which was a neat idea, but the game overall seemed a bit rushed. Like it was missing a couple things or some parts of it were not polished completly. Still, it was an incredible adventure anyways! So overall, it was a great game!

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Too much like Zelda. I hate Zelda, but it was still a fun game nonetheless, but a little repetitive after about half the way through.

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I liked the game because since before its release, I always wanted an on-foot Starfox game. When I finally got the game, five years later (and five years ago), I still liked it then and I still like it today.

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Well, this was the first time I heard about Starfox. Now, the game itself may not be extraordinary but I like it. It's like a spin-off in the Starfox franchise.

Could it have been improved to fit better in the Starfox universe? Yes. Is it full of plotholes? Yes. But I still like it.

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Heck yea I liked it! I meen it's StarFox! Yea I know I'm a geek don't tell me :lol: Anyhow, yea I liked this game it may not have been the best geme ever (In fact it was far from it) but it was still fun.

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  • 1 month later...

I have to say that Star Fox Adventures was the best game in the series. I've had troubles at a lot of parts tthe first few times I've played it and it took me about a month to beat it but now I can beat it in one or two days

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