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Star Fox: Coming of the Dawn Approval


Approve or Disapprove?  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Approve or Disapprove?

    • Approve
    • Disapprove

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

Title: Star Fox: Coming of the Dawn

Theme- The new age of Star Fox starts

Setting- Lylat System

Description- war has broken out. The Venom Empire, headed by Dash Bowman, has taken nearly all of Lylat. The military projects that Corneria will fall in a matter of weeks. Star Fox is long dead. Fox is keeping the Great Fox togather with Krystal and Slippy. But the ship is very weak and barely passable as spaceworthy. Falco is also in the war as a mercinary for Corneria. But he was recently wounded, and lost an eye in battle. He wears an eye patch instead of a cybernetic eye as a reminder of his brave battles. General Pepper has recovered from an unknown illness not long ago, and still remains in charge. Peppy was removed from his main general position, and is now a feild commander. The only way they can win is by outside force.

Somewhere in another system, there is another civilization becoming space farring, and can achieve technological wonders in the medical and areospace branches. They are now moving out amongst the stars around them, and soon to come up on the war torn system called Lylat.

Everyone says the night is darkest just before the dawn. For Lylat, the dawn is coming.

Goal- The war must end with Corneria on top.

Player count- Unlimited. But the lead characters must be filled. This consists of Fox, Slippy, Falco, Krystal will be later on, Wolf, Leon, Dash Bowman, and the leazon of the outside force. I will be the leazon. (I dont know if I spelled leazon right)

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I just straight copypasta.

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I voted Nay for the reason stated in post in the previous thread. That is I'm not a StarTrek fan, and as a result would have to constantly check ships and jargon and crap if I was to play. I know the broad strokes of startrek, but I can't tell my type x phase arrays from my photon dilithium crystals. If it kicked all that star trek crap in the head I might consider it, but as it stands it's just going to cause problems with reguard to what everything is.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

I stated three times that I would change the outside faction if needed to a more recognized faction. Dont assume that I will stick with one thing against everyones will.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I have closed this poll as requested. Locked.

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