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How did you come up with your username?


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How did you come up with your username? Mine is pretty similiar to RPG Maker 2000, and i'm really good at using that program, so RPGMaster2000 seemed to fit. :shock:


(Request for Sticky.)

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I have uesd T-Bone for my name in games and all kinds of stuff for who knows how long. That name has been from day one.

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When the name Unicron is looked up, it reads:

The root 'Uni' means 'all', 'everything' or 'encompassing'. 'Cron' is a variation of the Ancient Greek word 'Kron', which means 'time'. Kron is derived from the name of the first Titan Kronos, Lord of Time and Ruler of Chaos. The allusion to Unicron becomes clear when you consider that Unicron has existed since the dawn of time as the ultimate all-encompassing embodiment of evil, whose sole purpose is to consume the universe and return it to a state of Chaos.

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This name was a unique creation. I'm quite intelligent in the ways of anatomy, so thusly the Doctor part, the Wilopolis part was original.

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Guest Berserker

I really don't like to talk about myself but....

I got the name from being overpowering to people and being the tough hardcore bring it on I can kick your a** anytime b**ch dude. And im extremely aggresive. Suits the name berserker to me.

Sorry for the language to the younger of the crowd, but I think people can handle some words.

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My name, heh, cool!

There's two ways to look at it, my way and XG's way that he sorta created.

Mine is based off two of my favorite hobbies, Wrestling and Starfox. The "Evolution" is my favorite stable, obviously with Randy in it. The "SFox" is Starfox, another cool hobby.

XG's is the same until I get to the "SFox", he thought it might "Strike Fox" which sounds cool nonthe less.

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well I came up with my username with a help from Final Fantasy Tactics for the Playstation, the main characters name is Ramza, then I decided to put the "u" between the "m" and "z", it spelled Ramuza, to pronounce: Rah-moo-za

heres Ramza from Final Fantasy Tactics...


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Rebel, for the Rebel Alliance of StarWars.

And Gunman, for the game "Gunman Chronicles"... and because I'm quite handy with weapons.

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How did I come up with my username? Like I haven't answered that question on a million other forums. :twisted:

I was at Nintendo.com and trying to get cheat codes and game information. I decided to register and couldn't figure out a name. I tried(literally)EVERY name possible. I was going to be Playstation2er for some reason, but someone already had it, so I figured "Hey, I'll use Gamecuber". I type in Gamecuber and someone already has it. Nintendo.com suggested Gamecuber459 and I accepted it. It's been my username ever since. I use it on every site I register(just with a different password). So If you ever find a Gamecuber459, I'm gonna bet it's me. 8) It's also my email address: Gamecuber459@yahoo.com.

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Let's see...

Rogue Fox was the name of a defunct superhero who would save the world from an evil mad scientist who plots to take over the world with robots and mutated things.

Rogue for his sometimes chaotic nature.

Fox... well... because he's a fox.

So I used his name and adapted his character to fit in a Star Fox world.

And there you have it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mine, well... it SHOULD be obvious to those that have seen my previous sig.

XG Fox = Extreme-G Fox.

Why? Because I play a LOT of high speed games. I'm awesome at F-Zero GX, Nascar, Extreme-G III racing (XG-III), Sonic the Hedgehog games, Need For Speed, Midnight Club II, and Starfox Assault.

And high speeds + tight turns = EXTREME G's. And the fox part, obviously has to do with me loving Starfox so much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As you can see at the bottom of my text, I'm using thic name from my Fan Fiction, which does have to do with Star Fox, heh.

If you were to ask me that same question for Cyber Chat on rpghost.com I would not know how to reply.

Names on Cyber chat: Laisha, Kiria, Radagal, ~Fox~ (Not McCloud), Luke (For Harry Potter rp), and Charizard (to be "owned" by a guy) lol. I have no clue where these came from.

:mrgreen:O_o:twisted::twisted::twisted::arrow::arrow::shock::shock: :evil:

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Guest Mad_But_Happy

I like to trick people when I make screen names. You see, when people see "Mad But Happy" they usually think "Mad" means "Angry". The truth is, "Mad" is another word for "insane". Therefore, my screen name means "Insane But Happy". I like it when people get confused with it, though. I'm such a meanie. ^_^

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how did i come up with my user names well if u know the codes starfox 45 code 45 means armed and dangerus

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Guest Mad_But_Happy

Mm. Didn't confuse me. I could see through your little mind game. =P

Hehehe, not everyone gets tricked. Some people do, though. It makes me giggle. :lol:

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heh every one trys to trick me like when they tryed to make me sit on a towel with a water ballon under they got 14 peeps they told me but i saw it coming

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If anyone is trickying anyone.... that's me. And even after all this time, you still have no idea!

Anyways... I shouldn't have brought it back, so just ignore this post.


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  • 1 month later...

Must I really explain?


Inuyasha's an anime I've kept up with since the beginning, in 2002. I still watch it whenever I can, and we get the DVDs via Netflix so we (me and my sister) can catch up on any missed episodes.

I've always liked it. I probably will for a long time. I'm not one of those people that buys the merchendise, though. Still, I wouldn't mind a shirt or two....

I credit my obsession with anime to my love for Krystal. After so much of it, I've just stopped minding the ears and tails. Though I've always had a thing for the cat/fox-eared girls. Don't ask why--I don't know that myself.

And before you try and associate that with Inuyasha, I'm a straight guy. It ain't the only anime I watch.


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