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How did you come up with your username?


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My name... it comes from me screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" EXACTLY 100% NO DIFFERENCE from the Slippy in SF64 when you die >.> I need to record me screaming that one day and you will be able to tell for yourselves and its all jumbleded together cause I didnt know if the forum had limit to the length in names but it was originally gonna be "Slippy screaming no" I like what it is though cause it works well with abbreviations... SGN... I go by the same name on Wolfen Hangar and Soldat...

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I was plaing to sign up as:



and this one's recent

slim shady85



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TurboJ is the name of my personal sonic character. He's currently in my avatar (sorry it's so small).

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mine came form my name i think it looks pretty

victor manuel is the firste three letters of each and then the letters are al reves lol :shock:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Zohrra Ka

mine is zoran for zora me and the story behind starts at zelda universe in my opinon is s*** any way after being kick out of ZU i joined zelda underground where I called myself zora me where I then joined zoras and found the zoran dictionary then when I join zelda dungeon I called myself Zohrra Ka and it stuck

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Let's see, ONE_HELLCAT, or 1H for short, When I was going through the Nintendo forum sign in just fillin' stuff in I put in one of my favorite fighters, the Grumman F6F Hellcat. Now my dad likes to put ONE in things like he had a cadillac and the license was 1 Toy Cadi(something like that) So ONE_HELLCAT.

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Guest Mithos Kionisu

Mithos = cool sounding name i got from an episode of highlander

Kionisu = merging of the first few letters of kitsune o ninin suma (or close to that) which translates to fox in human skin (for an rpg i was doing with a friend)

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Guest CoachLombardi

Bit of a play on words based on a (hopefully) obvious SF character, and the greatest professional football coach of all time, Vince Lombardi. *coughpackersfancough*

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You joined September 9th? :cry:

I guess you just haven't really been active here then, that's why I never noticed.

Well... again, since mine may be in here, I dunno if it is or not, but... here's how I came up with my main two usernames:

XG Fox = Extreme-G Fox (used here, Starfox.org, Starwing HQ, and various other little forums)

Originally inspired by the racing game Extreme-G III Racing, and then eventually inspired by EVERY racing game I played from then on out, but mostly F-Zero GX, I eventually shortened it to 100% awesomeness to just XG.

Wolfen Lover (Exclusive username, used only on Arwing Landing)

I love Wolfens. What can I say? :cry:

And yeah, CoachLombardi... I'm the same Wolfen Lover you know from AL. :cry:

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Guest AbSoLuTeZeRO919

I was sitting in science class and up comes tis kewl sounding word AbsoluteZero and I found out what it ment "total absence of heat energy" and everything has heat energy just there is no such thing as "cold" theres always HEAT just it gets so low that it comes to be what we call "cold", but any way I thought it sounded kewl and had a kewl meaning so I used that. And im a pretty cold person so theres another reason.... Long enough?

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Well to be honest, I joined this forum on the second day it was up and running, and I wanted a name that I liked at would probally be taken quickly. I didn't wnat a character name, and so far no-one has beat me in SF64 multiplayer so my name came naturally.

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well, this is a tad complicated......

I used to be know as Dark Cobra during my early 64 Days...

I changed it to cobra for this website, I belonged to , but left for reasons unspeakable (it was a gamemaker site, and I got jipped out of some code for camera control....... :shock::shock::shock::cry::cry: )

anyways, I found this site....and decided to go back to some roots....

hence "Dark"

the "Fox" is the new part, because this is a new bunch, (and a heck of a lot better to be honest...), and it is a Starfox forum.....and <3 starfox......

So this is the "new replblic" of websites *for you R_G, for the resst of us, a new alliance.....*

and there you have it (you can wake up now....) :D:D

**edit did I just type that :D **

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I actually should've named myself Fox Kid, the kids at my school call me that... they now how obsessed I am with it so they decided to make a nickname for me... and boy did it spread like a disease.

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Hmmm.... my name came from some RP work some friends of mine in Boy Scouts and I were working on with Star Fox, Star Wars, and a few other Sci-Fi and Fantasy generas. Ranger is the Designation of an X-wing Squadron i've created for my Fanfics. One is the designation of the Pilot in that squadron. Leader and One are, in Star Wars books and Movies, used by the same pilot, so Ranger One and Ranger Leader are both the same Pilot, the #1 Pilot in that Squadron. Same thing would work with a more star wars name, Like Rogue Squadron (Rogue One = Rogue Leader). As for my character himself, i got the whole idea from checking the StarFox section of Fanfiction.net, and i didn't find ONE decent Star Wars / Star Fox crossover Fanfic that didn't make Fox a Jedi. Mabey i'm biased cause of my experience with Star Wars Galaxies (just read up on SOE, and you'll get the picture), but I highly dislike the Idea of Fox being converted into a Jedi right off the bat. Okay, mabey getting some training later in the fic, i could stand, but starting off right off the bat with the "big glowy laser-stick?" No. N-O. Couldn't stand that, so i decided to write my own. The fanfics kinda spread into Game character names, Forum names, and so on, with my characters Squadron Designation being my Account name, and the character name being my old SWG name given a second chance at life.

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Guest xzero44

MMM is Easy Ilove all games of Megaman So i take zero and X and me it XZero and the 44 IS just my favorite number :D

i use this Nick since i have 11 Years 6 Years Ago

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Guest Reilly McCloud

Reilly is my real life last name, so I put it as my character's first name. and we all know the McCloud part. No relation to Fox though.

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HOnestly I dont remember how I got my screen name...go ask the guy i stole it from :lol: (j/k)....just a name i thought up..i do that..

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