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Statement on genral forum behavior. [DE]


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Take a look at the "Just be thankful." thread in the starfox fanart board.

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Guest Julius Quasar

This place beats the living hell out of "Vampirefreaks" and "L.A.Dead", 2 of the worst online communities in the history of human kind, the people there are the biggest s***bags, losers, a******s, web trolls, and degenerate scum!  They're just like the morons on Encyclopedia Dramatica, or the clownboats on Urban Dictionary.

This is the first online community I ever felt really safe, and able to express myself with out getting flamed, harassed, or terrorized, especially by the staff, who at other sites have terrorized and harassed me, but here at SF-O the staff been doing a great job, so they shouldn't feel bad...

Vampitrefreaks got too damn big (over 1,000,000 members), and 1/2 the mods there are as bad as the type of people they're supposed to moderate...you got intellectual dork snobs, and retarded lowlife moronic idiots at that site...LA Dead is overrun by stuck up snobs, trend slaves who are poser-yuppie-hipster retarded trust fund jackasses, and poor white trash who troll that forum constantly, and the webmistress is a stupid, talentless, ugly, egotistical, attention-mongering sociopath Disk Jockey who gives goths a bad name...she purposely allows trolling and flamewars to happen, and that's disgusting.

This place, SF-O is an online gated community, but Vampirefreaks, and LADead are online sewers...

I just thank God I found this place.

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Take a look at the "Just be thankful." thread in the starfox fanart board.

I did. Still don't see what I said that deserved a telling off. He was in a strop, I asked why. I don't see the problem.

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I just wish people wouldnt be so unbearable and unrealistic.

The battle of Hoth RP?...

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I did. Still don't see what I said that deserved a telling off. He was in a strop, I asked why. I don't see the problem.

Why? Because we don't like your crap?

I imagine this is the post Mr. K was referring to. That post is rather rude.

I have instructed the staff to no longer treat formal warnings as an elevated punishment. If one of us has to say something to you, you get one. Though I noticed that the in-post warning button on this theme is broken. That will be fixed shortly.

He only gave you 5%. It will be gone tomorrow provided you don't get another one.

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How do warnings work then exactly?

Also I don't see how that is rude. He posts a video, everyone says they don't like it. He claims he will leave the forums and I ask why. I don't see the problem.

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When you get a warning, it raises your warning level by 5% (or more if the staff member decides). When you reach a level of 25%, you get flagged in the mod CP (lets mods know you have been trouble lately). Hit 75%, and you lose the ability to post until it drops below 75% (and auto temp-ban, if you will).

But, to be fair, if you're good for 24 hours (get no further warnings), your warning level will decrease by 5% until it hits zero. I may change that to a 2% drop, but I'll have to see how this works out first.

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I don't think the comment itself was that rude. But it was undeniably the wrong comment at the wrong time.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

PLEASE FOR GOD'S SAKE TEMP BAN SOMEONE ALREADY! Im starting to lose it! (and if I do, someone temp ban me.)

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O_o... Are you OK?

Anyway, people don't get banned without due process. I'm not the BOFH yet...

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Oh dear...all this banning talk makes me worried. Why can't we just get along and chill?

I really wish it were that simple.

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No one is getting banned unless they do something horrendously wrong, and the staff as a whole agree that it is the best thing. Or if there is an obvious troll. That hasn't happened here.

If you follow the rules, you will not get banned. Guaranteed.

And since the discussion has moved to this, I think it is safe to declare this the end of this thread.

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