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Star Fox of Harmony

Guest Para Astaroth

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Gotta love those bits of dark humor, scattered here and there! Amazing job, as usual, Harmony; I especially enjoy how well you're able to lay the panels out, as it seems akin to an actual published comic. :)

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Well, I've done comics for a little while -- some horrid, some pretty decent -- so the panel layout just comes to me xD Sometimes, I have a hard time figuring out how to lay them out, so I just draw the pictures, then just draw the panels however LOL

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  • 4 months later...


Anyways, I've gotten back into the Kursed comic I've put on hold and have drawn the next page. Take heed: There is a bunch of blood on this - you have been warned!


I was also looking back and noticed I didn't put up the next Kursed comic cover I was going to do once I was done with this one. Anyways, I'll post both the sketch and finalized one. Tell me what you think!





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I can't possibly articulate how incredible your comics are, Harmony; you've got that particular style down quite well! :D

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I can't possibly articulate how incredible your comics are, Harmony; you've got that particular style down quite well! :D

Ohohoho, trust me, it ISN'T easy to do. Just getting the right angle of lighting on the characters is hard enough, and even trying to see how much shading needs to be applied to one of them whenever a STRONG light presence is like RIGHT THERE beside them.

Also, I'm more or less going to keep this style throughout this chapter, the next, and the final chapter as well. I just hope my hands and mind can survive that long @_____@

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jeez, I TOTALLY forgot about this one! This was done about September of last year and I have no earthly idea WHY I didn't post this @____@ LOL If ANY of you have read my Kursed: Darkness Amidst fanfiction a while back, then you might recognize this: It's Kursed, as she appeared in the story, against "Meta-Kursed" (Or KAM-4, as she was referred to scientifically).

*NOTE: Now, these are fairly old; nothing compared to what I'm doing right now.*


A scene from the Kursed comic I'm working on. Not going to spoil anything about this scene, so brainstorm if you must xD


I can draw a lot better than this since you guys can OBVIOUSLY tell these were merely just sketches/unfinished pictures. The first one, in particular, was just a practice design of Meta-Kursed since I never drew her and I just decided to incorporate her into one since I don't have any particular representation of her at all. The second one was just a small test for the "bubble-effect" in a test tube kind of deal, but I need to practice a little more. Also, if you looked closer and could tell, this was when I was starting to get into somewhat of "Cell-Shading" of sorts, or the shading technique I'm using for my pictures. So, at any point down the road, I plan on redoing some of these just to make them more up-to-date.

Tell me what you guys/gals think! ^^

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Ok, sorry to double-post all of a sudden, but I'm feeling generous. Would any of the admins or moderators like for me to draw something for them? Be creative, if you can xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love stuff like this. Violence always wants me to see more. I hope to see future works of yours. Love your style of drawing as well

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  • 3 months later...

I decided to do a slight update of Kursed in my Kursed comic. It's not much, but it's a little bit more better looking than what she has on right now in the comic - damn large arm bracelet thingies are an eyesore. I have more art of this and Star Fox related later on, but for now, here's what I can muster out. If you look at this and my other anthro art on this topic, you'll notice I'm trying a new style with anthro characters. Hopefully, I'll be able to master this technique quickly xD

Tell me what you think!


*NOTE: Site wouldn't let me post the image for some reason. It kept showing the url, but would show up as plain text at "__few" and onward. So, I had to resort to posting only the link. Sorry*

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Brilliant stuff Harmony, keep up the good work.

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  • 4 months later...

Just curious, but would anyone like for me to continue doing Star Fox art?  I haven't really done much anthro art in a while.

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I would personally love to see your continuation of Star Fox art; your style is so unique that it would definitely add to the already present variety of art pertaining to the series. :P




Also, your above link is 404'ing. 

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I would personally love to see your continuation of Star Fox art; your style is so unique that it would definitely add to the already present variety of art pertaining to the series. :-P




Also, your above link is 404'ing. 


Alright!  I'll try to do some Star Fox art whenever I get the chance.  :)


That's because I uploaded from my now-closed DA account, DarthOmniShadow.  I'll reupload it later - it's of my redesigned Kursed.

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Aww, I can see some really wonderful work over here people. I should definitely say to all a well done. And that's for two main reasons. One, because you really did a splendind job all of you, and secondly, because your work people, also feeds to the other artists inspirations too.


Still there seems to be some files posted in the past that are in the time being missing. And to think most of them received great comments. It's a pity I personally  and all the ones seeing this for the first time after me, wont be able to see.

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  • 7 months later...

Alright, deciding to get back into the anthro artwork and I'm starting off with two random characters.  They have no names and aren't specified to anything already established.  Plus, they're boxing and I'm more or less going to start here as an area to branch from.





Her face at the top right is a little wonky, I know.

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Nicely done; I've always appreciated your art, Harmony, primarily because it encompasses so much expression into its style.  I look forward to more in the future. :D

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Nice as always Harmony.

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  • 8 months later...

Ohai, a thread!

Sketch done for the next pic.  Outlining and coloring will be done tomorrow.  Worked on this almost all day.




*EDIT*:  Gnaaaahhh, shit, forgot to add the straps around the forearm guard on his right forearm.  ARGH!

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I can't even begin to describe just how fucking awesome that is. You've done the hell out of yourself, Harmony.


I mean, I'm not left a blubbering, near-speechless imbecile often, but...




I don't know if it's how well the character of Wolf is represented in that piece, or whether it is just breathtaking in its own right, but I don't think I'll be getting over how jaw-droppingly good that is for a long time.

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I can't even begin to describe just how fucking awesome that is. You've done the hell out of yourself, Harmony.


I mean, I'm not left a blubbering, near-speechless imbecile often, but...




I don't know if it's how well the character of Wolf is represented in that piece, or whether it is just breathtaking in its own right, but I don't think I'll be getting over how jaw-droppingly good that is for a long time.


Very much appreciated!  I had a little hard time doing my own version of his eyes while still trying to make it not too realistic and not too cartoony.  But, hopefully I got the style down.


Also, I will be doing about four or five sketches before I get to outlining and coloring them all.  So, without further ado, here is Leon Powalski!



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Leon is looking great; I love that you decided to throw a coat on him, and the stance that he's standing in doesn't look easy to pull off!

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Harmony Decented for a year. 


Harmony Accending confirmed. 

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