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Cornerian Bar #2


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Scott gave a sigh of relief, when he saw it hadn't been taken. He wlaked over picked it up, place it in his pocket, and rushed out the door. But when he got through the door he tripped over a nail on the wooden stairway and fell over the railing hitting the concrete with his back to gorund...

'ok... ow..'

Scott slowly got himself up and placed his hand on his back to make sure it wasn't broken, then continued his way back through the Parking lot and toward Krystal's Frieghter...

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Lupe sighed thiking about Alessia. "Serena i have some very bad mental images from that girl that dropped in..."

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Guest Mr. Mario

Norman's ear twitched and turned around to face Deckér, Norman said "No, just shooting practice. Trying to shoot where that far-away lake is."

Norman pointed at the far-away lake.

"And as you can see, this gun doesn't have a scope, it's only silenced."

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"Well, I guess you do not mind I join you?"

Said Deckér, taking out his laser pistol.

"Good thing we are on the city's outskirts."

Said the ship.

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Guest Mr. Mario

"No...I guess not but I highly recommend you use a silencer for your gun, people will go crazy and call the police in the bar cause they'll hear gun fires outside."

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Guest Para Astaroth


Lupe sighed thiking about Alessia. "Serena i have some very bad mental images from that girl that dropped in..."

Sereana walked over to Lupe, "And what's that?"  Lupe's question aroused curriousity to Sereana and made her ears perk at Lupe's assumption.

Marcus looked to Krystal, raising an eyebrow, then back to Alessia.  "Why do yo think that?  Do you think she was injected with something?"

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"No...I guess not but I highly recommend you use a silencer for your gun, people will go crazy and call the police in the bar cause they'll hear gun fires outside."

"Good thing I have one of those."

Deckér took out of his pocket a small

laser-silencer; it was obviously of Nanticiian

desing. After setting up everything, he fired

at the lake far away. "I am out of shape" Said Deckér,

after missing the water and hiting a tree instead.

"Try lowered the gun a few degrees..." His friend gave


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Guest Mr. Mario

Norman carefully pointed his gun at the lake...taking a few breathers, Norman fired.

"I hit the tree too. Maybe if we tried to aim at the tree, the bullet will fly down to the lake."

Norman took out his scope for his PP7 and tried to attach it...it fitted after difficulties.

"Try using a scope, it'll probably work." Norman said as he aimed.

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Scott had finally made his way back to the but still leaning a bit after that fall...

He Took a seat right next to the bed.

"so, come up while i was Gone?"  he asked Krystal but not with direct eye contact,  he just Stared at the floor still feeling bad about this whole thing...

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Guest Para Astaroth

Marcus looked to Scott, "You want your spot back?  I'll leave you two to your buisness, if you want."

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Norman carefully pointed his gun at the lake...taking a few breathers, Norman fired.

"I hit the tree too. Maybe if we tried to aim at the tree, the bullet will fly down to the lake."

Norman took out his scope for his PP7 and tried to attach it...it fitted after difficulties.

"Try using a scope, it'll probably work." Norman said as he aimed.

"Probably... Do you mind if I use

my laser rifle? The scope I have

does not fit my pistol." Replied Deckér.

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Sereana walked over to Lupe, "And what's that?"  Lupe's question aroused curriousity to Sereana and made her ears perk at Lupe's assumption.

Marcus looked to Krystal, raising an eyebrow, then back to Alessia.  "Why do yo think that?  Do you think she was injected with something?"

"She was ORally Raped.."Krystal sighed

Tala looked to Serena "Perhaps we should speak  in the ladies restroom about this?"


Scott had finally made his way back to the but still leaning a bit after that fall...

He Took a seat right next to the bed.

"so, come up while i was Gone?"  he asked Krystal but not with direct eye contact,  he just Stared at the floor still feeling bad about this whole thing...

"No ,but I think I can figure out who did this to her."KRystal replied to Scott, she took off the Gloves "may I see the stone?" She asked.
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Cruxis' ears twitched at every shot from the two on the roof. It was extremely faint. Most people would think it was a bug or something, but he paid no mind to it. "Bleh. Kinda slow here tonight...." he said spinning the stool around facing the rest of the bar. "Yea. Not many here." the dragon responded.

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Guest Mr. Mario

"Nope, I don't mind at all." Norman replied.

His ear twitched when he heard a sound of a gun cock behind him...

'Aw sh*t' He thought.

Norman quickly turned around and grabbed something and threw it down the roof.

"Quick! We need to find cover, that things gona blow up any minute!" Norman hided behind a tall flower pot...

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As Deckér was taking out his laser rifle,

he heard Norman telling him to take cover.

"I will cover you." The ship made a maneuver

and positioned himself in a way to act as a barrier;

Deckér hid behaind him.

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Tucker quietly followed Krystal and the others, making sure not to invade anyone's privacy by stepping past the curtains.  He was still surprised by the whole event.  "Rapists...They've got such issues..." the quoll muttered.

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"Don't remind me."KRystal sighed.

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Guest Mr. Mario

After a few seconds...


Pie fillings blast all away to the Corneria skies.

Norman opened his eyes and got up, he was confused "What, Pie fillings? That was inside that thing that I tossed..."

Norman looked from the stairs to make sure nobody was coming up to the roof, he turned back to the roof and took out his gun.

"It's all good, nobody is coming up here." He said as carefully aimed with his new PP7...

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"Don't remind me."KRystal sighed.

"When she comes to, we'll have to talk to her; Maybe we can catch those scum."


A silver wolf, his white pants' deep pockets freshly emptied after a successful pick-pocket or two, made his way back to the bar.  Instead of going inside, though, he simply pressed his back against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest beneath his dark green cloak.

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"Pie fillings?!" Deckér laughted as

he looked at the falling stuff.

"Oh well, it could have been a real

bomb." Added his friend, opening

his cockpit so Deckér could take out

the laser rifle's scope.

Deckér then aimed at the middle

of the lake.

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"as i've already told scott I'm already working on who it is."KRystal said holding a  small container of the white liquid "using the semen I can easily idetify the  assaliant."  "it's better she'd rest after the injuries they gave her anyway." The blue Vixen added

Ruby Slowly walked out of the bar noticing the white wolf she growled "What in the would are you up to Boy?!"She growled.

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"Whoa whoa wait Second... Did you just you just say raped?! Does that mean the stuff on the floor was...."

His face suddenly became pale, his body started to shake, and a  twitchy and angry smile creep-ed up his face...

"Please" he began through his teeth. "Tell me you some disinfecting wipes on here....."

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Looking to Scott, Tucker raised an eyebrow.  "Don't tell me you didn't know what semen was..."

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