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Cornerian Bar #2


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(OOC:  By what I've read, no he didn't, Ris.)

((OOC:  So, I'm guessing everything has calmed down at the moment??))

(OOC:  Blast, that would've been fun =P  And yeah, Krystal's working on Alex, Tucker took Scott into the bar to grab a drink and calm down, Tyr's just leaning against the wall outside the bar eying everything, and...that's about all I know of.)

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(yeha prety much lupe is still waiting for Serena to get scarr and shirrage)

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(Well...  That sure sounds 'fun'.)

(OOC:  What'd you expect?  Now then, make an in-character post so Julius doesn't get mad at us =P)

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(OOC:  What'd you expect?  Now then, make an in-character post so Julius doesn't get mad at us =P)

(Now now Juilius is a good freind of mine he's also on galaxies I doubt we'll have any trouble with him :P)
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(Now now Juilius is a good freind of mine he's also on galaxies I doubt we'll have any trouble with him :P)

(OOC:  Ahh, but he's an RP Mod now.  He's a good guy; he wouldn't shirk his duties because of who's involved lol)

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(OOC:  Ahh, but he's an RP Mod now.  He's a good guy; he wouldn't shirk his duties because of who's involved lol)

(are we really that bad? my point is I can bribe him :P no really we're not a problem and he knows how i am so no problems. I'd probalby bribe him for the lulz anyway because he's such a great guy.)
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Guest Para Astaroth

"Scarr, Shirrage, we need you to come with us."  Sereana said, stepping in behind the two.  Scarr and Shirrage both looked at each other and stood up.

Looking to Sereana, Scarr looked a bit confused and asked, "What do you two need?"

"That girl from earlier?  Remember:  You two wanted to help."

"Krikey!  I forgot!  Sorry, love."  Shirrage said, smacking himself against the head with an open palm.

"It's alright, Shirrage.  You boys just follow us ladies."

Scarr grunted a little, "Yeah...  'ladies'...  More like girls."  Sereana shot her head around to Scarr -- glaring.

"These ears are made for something, Scarr."  Sereana informed to him, and both Scarr and Shirrage chuckled a little.

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"Scarr, Shirrage, we need you to come with us."  Sereana said, stepping in behind the two.  Scarr and Shirrage both looked at each other and stood up.

Looking to Sereana, Scarr looked a bit confused and asked, "What do you two need?"

"That girl from earlier?  Remember:  You two wanted to help."

"Krikey!  I forgot!  Sorry, love."  Shirrage said, smacking himself against the head with an open palm.

"It's alright, Shirrage.  You boys just follow us ladies."

Scarr grunted a little, "Yeah...  'ladies'...  More like girls."  Sereana shot her head around to Scarr -- glaring.

"These ears are made for something, Scarr."  Sereana informed to him, and both Scarr and Shirrage chuckled a little.

"Yeah we're not girls we're ladies." Lupe said  looking at Marcus "Coming hun?"
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Guest Para Astaroth

"Lead the way, sweetheart."  Marcus replied, motioning for everyone to proceed out the door.  "I'm going to keep an eye on these relatives of mine while you gals lead the way."

Sereana giggled a little, "At least someone knows how to act.  Lead the way, Lupe"

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Guest Mr. Mario

After many hours of patience, the waiter handed the ribs to Norman and the ravioli to Decker. The waiter also gave some whisky to Norman.

The waiter left...

"Man, talk about service." Norman said as he slowly ate his ribs one-by-one.

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After many hours of patience, the waiter handed the ribs to Norman and the ravioli to Decker. The waiter also gave some whisky to Norman.

The waiter left...

"Man, talk about service." Norman said as he slowly ate his ribs one-by-one.

"Sure that was slow." Deckér said.

"To be precise; 4 hours and 21 minutes."

Added the ship.

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Sylum's phone began to ring. "This is Sylum" he began. A client of some sorts was on the other side of the line. "You want me to what?" A few seconds of silence fell between him listening and talking. "Alright. I'll accept it" he said as he hung up the phone. He finished off his drink and turned to his friend. "Well, got a new mission. A babysitting mission for some government official....i hate these things." he said hanging his head.                                                            "I hope the pay is good." cruxis chuckled. "You know of those politicians can be."                                                              "I wouldn't do it other wise." the dragon laughed. "Anyway, i'll be back in a few days." he said as he got up and walked out the door. He strapped on his helmet and started his bike. "This is gonna be a bitch" he said as he got on and pulled out of the parking lot.

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"Lead the way, sweetheart."  Marcus replied, motioning for everyone to proceed out the door.  "I'm going to keep an eye on these relatives of mine while you gals lead the way."

Sereana giggled a little, "At least someone knows how to act.  Lead the way, Lupe"

"What you don't trust them?"LUpe smirked as she lead the way to the medical freighter
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"What you don't trust them?"LUpe smirked as she lead the way to the medical freighter

'Well well, whoever's in that ship is certainly getting a lot of attention...' Tyr thought as he silently watched still more people crossing over to the ship's entrance.

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Guest Para Astaroth

"I might just hang back, cousin."  Shirrage said, stopping in his tracks.  "Just something about medical stuff that turns me stomach inside out."

Scarr shrugged, "Suits yourself."

Marcus chuckled, "Nah, you never know what these two'll get into."

"What does that mean?"  Scarr chimed in, looking to his older brother.

"What?  I didn't say anything."  Marcus replied back, looking to Scarr like he didn't know what he was talking about.

"See what I got to put up with, sis?"  Sereana laughed

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Tyr crossed his arms over his chest beneath the cloak, closing his eyes for a few moments of thought.

'Seems like one big family...You'd think someone in that ship just recovered from a near-death experience with all the attention.'

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"Someone did."Tala said revealing herself from the nearby alley.

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His ears perking up, Tyr opened his icy blue eyes and turned his head towards the she-wolf.  "Good morning, telepath." he spoke rather apathetically.

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"THat's Tala what have you been up to?"The white She-wolf asked.

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"My apologies.  Tala." he said with a subtle nod.  His tail giving a light flick to the side, Tyr responded with, "Same as always.  Yourself?"

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"Talkign to family  I guess, Why do you pickpocket?"Tala asked she didn't seem very mad.

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"To make money." Tyr replied casually, rolling his head around his shoulders before lightly rolling them back.

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"But do you know that's wrong?"Tala asked with a sigh. "If you need money you could just ask me or something.

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"Right and wrong are relative terms, Tala." the silver wolf replied.  "If I need money, I already know how to get it."

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