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Cornerian Bar #2


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The ship finally got inside the bar, by diving through

the opening the Twins had made some time ago.

(Remember Geo?)

As he came out of the bathroom he scanned the

place, then headed for the table his friend was

sitting at.

"Good, you got in." Deckér said neutraly.

A somewhat happy beep was all the reply he

got back.

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"I remember that," he said, adding with a shrug, "Just...not you."

"We were Chatting not long after some drunk wanted to take a swing at me, then a few minutes later You, Tala over here, And some Girl named Ruby Left in her Pick-up Truck to go pack up some things before going on a trip of some sort. Well... wether you remember me or not Its nice to see you either way."

After that sentec He picked up his glass to take another Sip, only to find it was empty when it reached his lips...

'Hey, where did that waitress go? eh...'

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"Well, you've got the girls wrong, but apparently you were here for that long, at lea--Oh!"  Tucker smiled as he remembered, patting the husky on the back.  "I remember you now, that's right.  Heh, sorry for the confusion, mate."

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(ooc: Wait... Was It Lupe or Tala?)

(OOC:  I was referring to you leaving out Para's character lol)

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(Speaking of that.)

Ruby sat across from the seat Roxane was in "How you doing?" the black she-wolf asked.

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Guest Mr. Mario

Norman was almost finished writing his novel, until he heard feminine voices, he did his best to ignore it and resumed writing...

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"well i've gotten married sorry i should have invited you to the wedding but you seemed busy.

"Serena you feeling alright?" krystal asked.

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Guest Para Astaroth


"well i've gotten married sorry i should have invited you to the wedding but you seemed busy.

"Serena you feeling alright?" krystal asked.

"Oh, hi, mother!"  She said, looking to Krystal and nodding, but turned her attention to Ruby.  "What?  When?!  I never heard of such a thing from you.  I thought you despised men to the point that you wouldn't date them."  She then rolled her eyes, "Well...  That's what I've heard; not that it's true and all."

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"I've finnly found one that I loved." Ruby smiled as she replied "PLus he has a cute little sister.

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"Sorry guys, but I have to leave

now." Said the spy, looking at her

field computer.

"O-Kay... See you later." Replied

Deckér. "Take care." added the

ship, and after a quick nod from

the spy, they found themselves

alone as she made her way to

the exit.

"So... A game of cards? Or something?"

Asked Deckér to his friend. "What about some

D&D? The one we left some time ago unfinshed?

You know - the Undead Sorcerer has to

be defeated by someone." Replied the ship.

"Oh, yeah." said the blue fox, and in no time

they had everything ready at their table. "So...

Your roll?" Asked Deckér.

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Guest Para Astaroth


"I've finnly found one that I loved." Ruby smiled as she replied "PLus he has a cute little sister.

"That's good to hear."  Roxane replied, giving a pleasant smile to Ruby.  "I surely hope things work out between you two."

As Roxane overheard Ruby and Roxane's conversation, he looked down to Lupe, "Speaking of which, I need to go get something."

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"I'll be here." Lupe muttered.

"I just hope you can find a man who cares for you like your cousin did."Ruby muttered.

KRystal moved from the ruddlock's table and sat next to Roxanne "and how are my onyx roses doing?"

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Guest Para Astaroth

"Pleasantly, mother."  Roxane said, smiling sweetly to her.  "Yeah, I'm not going to look too hard.  I'm...  Just not ready yet."  She responded to Ruby's plan.

Marcus nodded, kissing Lupe's forehead and excused himself from the table.  Looking around, he walked out of the bar and walked sort of quickly to his ship and left the bar immediately.

Scarr and Shirrage both noticed Marcus' abrupt exit, but paid no attention to him, nor did they to Krystal.

Lazarus, on the other hand, woke up suddenly by a nerve jolt below his eyelid, and his eyes scanned the room.  Someone left...  But I'm in no mood to stir up anymore squabbles.  Best if I keep my intentions to myself and keep quiet...  Hmph...  Seems the best thing to do now...  He then laid his legs onto the cushion of the seat in the booth and pressed his back against the backrest.  He kept a blank, cold look as he stared straight ahead of himself.

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"19" Said the Black Sov., after rolling the dice.

"Whoa! Critical hit!" Replied Deckér. "You know,

we are going to finish this very soon if we can

get another hit like that." He added.

"I doubt I can do another critical hit, his Dark

Aura gives me a -5 luck modifier after that hit..."

Replied the ship, in turn.

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"Well technically my husband 'ran' into me Roxane I won't pressure you."Krystal replied.

"Nor will I you'll find the right person when your ready."Ruby replied.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Roxane nodded, neutrally.  "I know the both of you are right, but I would rather stay by myself.  I just can't get over ordeals and relationships as easily as most people do --I just can't...  Succomb to it, as you may call it."  She then pressed her clasped hands to her mouth, which was closed, and she stared at the table.  "It never has crossed my mind that I should date someone; likewise to that person dating me.  I just won't do it...  It's too much..."

"Ever got the feeling Marcus has been...  'hiding' something from us?"  Scarr asked Shirrage quietly across the table.

"To be honest, cousin, he is."

"What...?!  What has he been hiding all this time??"  Scarr was now leaning a third of the way to Shirrage across the table, and Shirrage looked around to make sure no one was listening.  He then told Scarr what it was that Marcus was hiding, and Scarr slowly made his eyes over to Lupe. 

"Ahhh, I gotcha.  Anything else?"

"That's about it, cousin."  Shirrage said, shaking his head.  "All we have to do now is wait."

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"What?" Lupe asked.

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"YEAH!" Said Deckér happily. "I defeated him!

yay me! Hoorah!" Deckér continued to speak happily.

"Affirmative; You defeated him..." Added the ship,

who after doing a last roll he damaged the 'Undead

Sorcerer' enought for his friend to finish it.

"Do you wish some drink to 'celebrate' our victory?"

Asked the Black Sov. "Well, yeah." Replied Deckér,

still happy. They had been slowly playing the game

for the last year, and until now, they could not defeat

the 'Undead Sorcerer'. Deckér was still happy when the

drinks his friend ordered came.

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Guest Para Astaroth


"What?" Lupe asked.

"Oh, it's nothing."  Scarr assures to Lupe and exchanged a wink to Shirrage

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