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Cornerian Bar #2


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"Who's to say you can't cross back over that line?"Tala asked her voice still calm.

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Looking back to the she-wolf, he spoke equally, "Tala, people can't change when they have no desire to do so.  You're wasting your time."

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"A waste to you maybe."Tala said turning back into the alleyway she turned around "How long untill that favor is returned to you?" she added then walked on.

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'How was it not a waste to you?' he thought.  'You didn't get the outcome you wanted.'

Tyr ignored her last remark and closed his eyes, his hands instead sliding into his pockets as he rested his head back against the wall.

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"So what do we do now?" ragna asked his host. "No one seems to be here anyway." Cruxis walked over to a booth and decided to lay down. "I'm gonna take a nap. I'm sure someone will come by soon anyway." he say shutting his eyes. Ragna projected him through the com gauntlet on cruxis' arm and appeared to sit on the table. "You're no fun..."

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"Err...no." Norman said then resumed "I'm going to the rooftop as always but not for shooting practice."

"Okay, I should be here

when you came back, if you

decide to do so..." Replied the

blue vulpine.

"Do you mind if I go to the

roof too?" Asked the ship.

Meanwhile, the dark figure

approached Tyr from behaind.

Keeping a moderate distance,

she spoke "So, you came back."

She told Tyr.

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Guest Mr. Mario


"Okay, I should be here

when you came back, if you

decide to do so..." Replied the

blue vulpine.

"Do you mind if I go to the

roof too?" Asked the ship.

"Well...hate to hurt your feelings but I think you should stay here and protect Decker." Norman said as he left the booth and headed to the rooftop...

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Meanwhile, the dark figure

approached Tyr from behaind.

Keeping a moderate distance,

she spoke "So, you came back."

She told Tyr.

(OOC:  Well, Tyr's leaning against the outside of the bar, but that works =P)

The wolf gave a subtle nod.  "I wanted to do something.  Didn't take long.  Thought I'd come back here for a break afterward."

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"Well...hate to hurt your feelings but I think you should stay here and protect Decker." Norman said as he left the booth and headed to the rooftop...

"As you wish." Replied the ship,

then Deckér gave Norman a quick

nod as they left.


(OOC:  Well, Tyr's leaning against the outside of the bar, but that works =P)

The wolf gave a subtle nod.  "I wanted to do something.  Didn't take long.  Thought I'd come back here for a break afterward."

(I am lucky sometimes  :lol: )

"Well, I pretty much did the same

thing." Replied the girl, her cloak

still covering all of her, head included.

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"Well, I pretty much did the same

thing." Replied the girl, her cloak

still covering all of her, head included.

"Hm.  Convenient."  Tyr turned his head back towards her, flashing a light smile.  "In that case, welcome back."

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"Hm.  Convenient."  Tyr turned his head back towards her, flashing a light smile.  "In that case, welcome back."

"Thank you." The spy blinked

an eye back.

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"So tell me," he began, "What're your plans now?"

"Me? Well, I think about taking down a

mafious... But he is pretty much in a

congress. This obviously means it is

going to be more difficult, and thus

more fun to do." She replied, revealing

her face, but not her entire head.

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"What exactly do you mean by taking him out?" Tyr asked.  He was interested, but if the details went a certain way he'd have to decline.

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Suddenly the alleyway that the Spy was in started to smell bad REAlly bad.

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"What exactly do you mean by taking him out?" Tyr asked.  He was interested, but if the details went a certain way he'd have to decline.

"Like ruining his so called 'bussiness empire'.

He controls like three-quarters of his planet's

economy. You might say it is fine, but he has

recently begun to make life miserable for

mostly everyone around. He is the security

minister as well as the internal matters, so

imagine." She replied.


Suddenly the alleyway that the Spy was in started to smell bad REAlly bad.

"And by the way, do not you smell something?"

She added, not really expecting an answer.

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Suddenly the alleyway that the Spy was in started to smell bad REAlly bad.

( you probably didn't read this a while back  but lazarus ripped a biker to shreds in that ally, so its supposed to have that smell ^_^')

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"Like ruining his so called 'bussiness empire'.

He controls like three-quarters of his planet's

economy. You might say it is fine, but he has

recently begun to make life miserable for

mostly everyone around. He is the security

minister as well as the internal matters, so

imagine." She replied."And by the way, do not you smell something?"

She added, not really expecting an answer.

Tyr took a few quiet sniffs of the air, his ear beginning to twitch as he removed a hand from his pocket, bringing his cloak over his muzzle.  "Jeez...What is that?"  The scent was strange.  Blood mixed with...skunk?

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A Skunk was standing right behind the spy she was a little angry so she skunked up the place.

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Tyr reached out and gently pulled Interlocke towards him so he could better see the newcomer.

'Yeah, that's definitely a skunk.'

"My apologies, I didn't know you've already claimed this alleyway.  She and I will just go elsewhere." Tyr said, sarcasm lightly detectable in his voice.

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"I'm just mad and maybe unsettled."The skunk replied.

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Tyr suppressed a sigh, his ear giving another twitch.  "So you have to release your anger...like that?"

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"Would you rather me beat the snot out of you?"Ray  the skunk asked.

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"Well, you trying would certainly be better than assaulting my nose." Tyr calmly replied with a shrug.

He did find it somewhat funny, however, that everyone seemed to believe they could take him in a fight.  His frame was rather small for a wolf, true, but he was good.

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