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Cornerian Bar #2


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Guest RedPhoenix32

"Something tells me Im going to need my med kit soon." he said. He preped his med kit, just in case Sophia needed som medical assistance.

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"Anything to cheer her up."Ruby replied.

"I'd leave her alone for a while, she's really in no condition to do anything, besides, she's in quarantine anyway, you can't get in."

Dash saw Sophia run away. Dash turned to Tiberius. "What's up with Sophie?"

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Guest Para Astaroth

"What that he doesn't know much in the first place?" Cruxis joked.

Valenx watched as she rushed off. "Well that was uhhhh.......odd wouldn't you say Ti?"

(now cat......XD)

Scarr shivered.  "That was cold, Shirrage..." He mumbled.

Shirrage handed Cruxis his drink and nodded.  "More than likely."  He agreed

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(lets just wait and see XD)

"You gotta admit it was funny though." Cruxis chuckled taking a glass and drinking some.

Valenx looked back at the bathroom. "Yea you might want to get ready."

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[hahaha. guess what I'm doing to sophia  :cool:]

(Oh god. I think I know! She's turning into an avian, isnt she?)

[well, no, but she's definitely turning into something! >8D]

(Oooooh, the suspense is killin' me!)

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"I'd leave her alone for a while, she's really in no condition to do anything, besides, she's in quarantine anyway, you can't get in."

Dash saw Sophia run away. Dash turned to Tiberius. "What's up with Sophie?"

"I have connections."Ruby smirked "besides she's goto be lonley..."Ruby added
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Guest Para Astaroth

"Ha, ha, yeah, VERY funny..." Scarr sarcastically retaliated.

"Just calm down and have your drink, cousin."  Shirrage chimed in, handing Scarr his

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black fox ........... *sighed*

(Dude, seriously, either post something relevant, or quit posting completely, that is really getting annoying.

"I have connections."Ruby smirked "besides she's goto be lonley..."Ruby added

"Meh, just leave her alone."

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"DasH!" "you expect me to leave her alone she's probalby scared stiff from the lonelyness."

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(don't worry about it Runner. Problem is in the process of being solved)

"It was funny." Cruxis laughed drinking some more.

(WOOT welcome back completely kursed!!!!)

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"DasH!" "you expect me to leave her alone she's probalby scared stiff from the lonelyness."

"I think you underestimate Sheila and her bravery, remember, Sheila and I spent almost 5 years alone on the streets, I'm sure she can brave a flu, besides, I'd hate to see you end up in Quarantine too, and I like talking to you."

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"I think you underestimate Sheila and her bravery, remember, Sheila and I spent almost 5 years alone on the streets, I'm sure she can brave a flu, besides, I'd hate to see you end up in Quarantine too, and I like talking to you."

"I'm not cornerian like you two though for all I know I could be immune."Ruby replied."But Alright Only if you let me speak to her the second she's feeling better."Ruby said giviing Dash a paper with her cell phone number on it.
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(Thats it. I'm tired of it. KJ you've been reported. I didn't want to do it. I'm not the only one who is annoyed with it. Don't take this as a personal attack. but I'm tired of this anoyance. Start posting right and the staff might ignore it.)

((on a side note brb))

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Guest Julius Quasar

Todd and Lola took turns throwing darts at the dart board on the wall.  As usual, Lola was winning.

"How do you do that so...perfect!?" Todd asked Lola, who simply smiled at Todd, giggled, and kissed Todd.  "I'm a natural, hon..." she replied.

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"I'm not cornerian like you two though for all I know I could be immune."Ruby replied."But Alright Only if you let me speak to her the second she's feeling better."Ruby said giviing Dash a paper with her cell phone number on it.

"I promise that I'll call ya, besides, she has been wanting to see you."

(And I'm out for the night)

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Guest Para Astaroth

"I'm not cornerian like you two though for all I know I could be immune."Ruby replied."But Alright Only if you let me speak to her the second she's feeling better."Ruby said giviing Dash a paper with her cell phone number on it.

(You do know I continued our Marcus and Lupe bonding a page or so back, right?)

(don't worry about it Runner. Problem is in the process of being solved)

"It was funny." Cruxis laughed drinking some more.

(WOOT welcome back completely kursed!!!!)

Scarr looked off and started chugging his drink, and so did Shirrage

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(You do know I continued our Marcus and Lupe bonding a page or so back, right?)

Scarr looked off and started chugging his drink, and so did Shirrage

(whoops sorry...too many characters to keep track of)
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(Just take your time.  I'm in no rush. :wink:  :cool:)

(where were we?)
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