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Cornerian Bar #2


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Guest Para Astaroth

Heinrich shrugged and crossed his arms, then leaned back in his chair.  "So, what brings you here, huh?"  He asked, then leaned in smirking.  "Got a hot date you're waiting on?"

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Heinrich shrugged and crossed his arms, then leaned back in his chair.  "So, what brings you here, huh?"  He asked, then leaned in smirking.  "Got a hot date you're waiting on?"

"I need a break Fixing Team starfox's stuff isn't all fun and games."Tigress muttered.
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[sorry new comp likes to be complicated sometimes or i would have been back sooner]

Door, returning from the bathroom was now fully intrigued i the event unfolding before his eyes. Plopping down in a booth on the outside of what was the mass on conversation "Alright"he said. "You got me i got time to kill whats going on, what can i do to help, and what is the over all game plan?"

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Guest Para Astaroth

Heinrich looked through his ePod for a certain song and smirked slighty when he saw the green selection bar hover over it.  "'What Comes Around' by Ill Niño...  Just the song..."  He murmured and turned the volume low enough to hear everyone and loud enough to be heard.

Scarr opened his PDA and scrolled through various family photos; mainly of his parents, Shirrage, Marcus, along with himself, and other relatives.  He stopped at one particular photo that showed a silver furred vixen with a black second furr pattern, hazel eyes, hair parted over her left eye, and standing in a warrior stance from his home planet.  He motioned for Shirrage to come look and he got up, looking over Scarr's shoulder at the photo.

"Thats...  Dalaina, cousin!"  Shirrage exclaimed looking down at Scarr then back to the photo.

"Yeah, I know.  How...  How long has it been...?"  Scarr weakly asked staring at the photo and not at anything else.

"Almost ten years.  Do you think..."

"Not right now.  Time will only tell...."

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Julius Quasar

The phone at the bar rang, and the bartender answered it. "Hello, Cornerian Bar..hold on, I'll check HEY, is Amanda Date here?  Hey everybody, I want Amanda Date!  Why can't I find Amanda Date!?" the bartender asked, as he became frustrated.

The others in the bar laughed at the bartender, and someone heckled the bartender (a male), "Maybe your standards are too high!" a barfly said.

The bartender became enraged "Listen you, when I find out who you are, I'll shove a Gorgon Satellite up your butt, and have it discharge its planet busting ray though you!" he then slammed down the phone.

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Akasha jumped up seemliy out of nowhere and smacked Todd upside the head "can we quit it with the jokes/

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Guest Julius Quasar

Akasha jumped up seemliy out of nowhere and smacked Todd upside the head "can we quit it with the jokes/

Todd clipped Akasha 'round the ear.  "I didn't do it!" he said.

Lola giggled and held up a mobile phone, before pocketing it.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Para walked back through the door and seated himself at a table, removing his headpiece and sighing to himself.  He left his eyes shut as he reflected back on what happened an hour or so before.

Heinrich got up from his chair, while his headphones were still on his ears, then walked back into the bar; sitting at the counter away from all the other customers in the building.

Cole scooted closer to the table and leaned in a little.  "When was the last time you were in a relationship...?"  he quietly, and curiously, asked Tigress.  "Sorry to sound like I'm trying to hit on you, but I'm just a little, errrr...  Curious."

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"never."Tigress replied

"has anyone seen Marcus?"Lupe asked.

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Guest Para Astaroth

"Really?  How--  Uhh, never mind.  I can 'possibly' see why..."  Cole said, sitting back in his seat.  "Well...  err, did you have a 'crush' on anyone...?"

Para crossed his arms and looked away, trying his best to ignore Lupe's question.

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Lupe looked at PAra "Where is he Para?"Lupe asked

"No."Tigress replied simply.

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Guest Para Astaroth

"Hospital about twenty or more miles from here."  Para responded back, looking over at Lupe dead in the eyes.  "That's all I'm saying."

"Nothing wrong with that.  Heck, I suppose we share something in common!"  Cole chuckled while scratching behind his head.  "I don't date because I, uhh...  Just worry about people too much.  So that's why I try and keep my distance as much as possible.  I mean, there's nothing bad with hanging out with others;  just dating is what I try to avoid at all times."  He looked off slightly, "Reveals weaknesses too much..." He mumbled under his breath

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"Oh so it's a weakness to date a big hunk of tiger meat like me?"Tigress asked

"GRR!"Lupe growled running towards teh hospital.

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Guest Para Astaroth

"Why?  Do you want to or something?"  He slowly asked, heart racing a little and his tail wrapping around his waist tightly.  "I just don't want to be found out about this and someone using this to their advantage to beat me."

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"Why?  Do you want to or something?"  He slowly asked, heart racing a little and his tail wrapping around his waist tightly.  "I just don't want to be found out about this and someone using this to their advantage to beat me."

"Seriously Cole how would they use me to a advantage there are Few people who'd even want to take down a 7 foot tall tiger.
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Guest Para Astaroth

"Uhmm...  Tigress.  Size sometimes doesn't matter."  Cole disappointingly exclaimed.  "Your shear size and muscle may be intimidating, but that doesn't compare to laser rounds and sabot shells.  I can barely stop some of the rounds with my powers, yet alone sabot shells."  He held out his hand away from Tigress and a electrical shield flew up, zapping while appeared.  "This stops firearm rounds, but not explosive ones."

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"You need a plasma Sheild."Tigress muttered pointing to the personal shield genorator on her belt.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Cole stared at the generator and got an uneasy feeling afterwards.  "Err...  yeahh, I uh..  You know....  Weapons.  I just...  Can't use anything like that."  He stammered out, then looked back at Tigress.  "That's why I rely solely on my electrical powers.  Sorry..."

Para glanced over his shoulder, then back to the side.  "Welcome back, Tiberius."  He calmly said to Tiberius, but not looking at him.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Para Astaroth

Para brought up his heads-up display on his visor and scanned his inbox for any messages he might have unread; most of it being spam and junk mail.  He saw the inbox notice read '0', then his visor slid back into his headpiece, and removing it from his head.  "Key to having nothing to do:  Wait it out..."  He mumbled to himself and shut his eyes, dozing off.

Cole held his hand in his lap as he tried to negotiate with Tigress.  "I mean, there's no problem about it...  It's just I'm a little too...  'Unsettle', as you might put it."  He noted to her and his eyes wandering slightly away.  "But dealing with a break up is the last thing to cross my mind...  Yet alone being in a relationship respectively..."  After stumbling that out, a small bolt of lightning zapped in his hand and he gripped it tighter; only gritting his teeth with his mouth closed.

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He simply nodded at him. And looked foward. Waiting.

Alex walked into the bar and sat next to Tiberius "Hiya."
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Guest Julius Quasar

Edge and Babs set up on the stage.  Edge got his electric guitar and amp, and Babs held her tambourine, and they approached the microphones.

"Hi!  How you all doing tonight?  I'm Feneris 'Edge' O' Donnell." said Edge.

"And I'm Tina 'Babs' Conijn" said Babs.

"And we'd like to sing a tribute to our dear robotic  friend, this is a tribute to ROB 64." said Edge.

Edge strummed the guitar and began to sing:

"People say my broken friend is useless...

but I say his mind is free...

there's lots of things my mangled robot friend could be..."

"Kick it!" said Babs

Edge: "Well he could make a good hat rack"

Babs "He only has to stand there!"

Edge: "Or a cheap doorstop"

Babs:"He doesn't need to move!"

Edge:"Or a great big giant thermos, with a twist off top!"

Babs:"That would be good for soup!"

Edge:"He could be, a storage closet, for outdated pants!"

Babs:"I like 'em tight."

Edge:"My broken friend could do it all..."

Edge and Babs: "Just give him a chance!"

Edge:"That robot has, a tragic secret, that I'd like to share..."

Babs:"For real?"

Edge:"My broken friend is closer to me, than an ass, to a chair!"


Edge:"That robot's name, I never told you!"

Babs:"What's that?"

Edge:"You could not forsee"

Babs:"C'mon, give it up!"

Edge:"I'll say it loud, and I'll say it proud"

Edge and Babs: "His name is you and me!"

Edge:"Don't melt me down into a crowbar!"

Babs:"It suffers alone!"

Edge:"Just 'cause I can't move my arms and legs!"

Edge:"Don't toss me into a trash can! Just 'cause I can't cook your ham and eggs!"

Don't crush me into an anchor!  Just 'cause I can't jump and dance and sing!  I'm telling you, my broken friend, can do most anythiiiiiiiiing!"

(this was the only video with that song I could find on youtube):


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"Get in there! You know it's been forever since we've been here!" Sylum said pushing Cruxis through the door.

"hey hey HEY!! Watch it!!" Cruxis exclaimed.

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