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Cornerian Bar #2


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Cruxis walked through the doors just as ruby and roxanne went back in. His wrist gauntlet flicked on and the image of Ragna appeared next to him.

"Where ya going?" Ragna asked as Cruxis sat down on the steps and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He pulled one from the pack and lit it taking a drag and exhaling a small cloud. He shot a blank stare at the image.

"Does it look like I'm going anywhere?" He smirked taking another drag of the cigarette. "There's nothing to do around this place. I don't know why that dragon still drags me around here."

"Heh. Don't you still have the hots for that wolf." Ragna asked with a laugh. "Seems to me like you come here on purpose."

Cruxis blushed a bit. "You talk to much....."

(deleted and elaborated a little more since my recent post was a crappy phone post.)

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"Whoops!  I'm sorry--"  Roxane did as she was ordered to and immediately let go of Tucker.  "Well, uhmm...  I guess we should get going, huh?"  She said, turning to Ruby and smiling happily.

"yeah it would even though we're just camping out in the field near our home."
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With a nod and a smile to the girls, Tucker called to the husky, "Hey Scott, I'm gonna be leaving in just a moment.  I'll catch up with ya later, alright?"  Turning his attention back to Roxane and Ruby, he said, "Good guy, that is, good guy...So, shall we?"

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"I'm waiting For Roxanne not you so let her answer."Ruby replied.

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'Ooh, she's definitely a feisty one...'

Nodding, he replied with a simple, "Fair enough."

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Batender: There, though i think i might have put a little to much water in it, like I said i haven't serverd one of these in a while...

"Nah, its ok" He turned around and replied "oh... well ok then..." he started walk back to the booth until he noticed that the Stone was on the floor... (oh, it must have gotten knocked off when Tucker shook the tabel)

He sat on the seat of the booth and leaned over to pick it up, "Man, even after all this time its still shines like this"

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Guest Para Astaroth

Roxane playfully shoved Ruby, "Ruby, be nice!  Jeez!"  She then motioned to the door.  "C'mon!  Let's go."

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"This is mostly for you Roxanne.'Ruby complained following the other wolf (What color is Roxane?)

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"This is mostly for you Roxanne.'Ruby complained following the other wolf (What color is Roxane?)


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(any one are there stairs in the bar?)

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(Sure. If you want it. lol)

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jack and kitty went up the stairs,and onto the roof

they were on a steak out.

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Cruxis finished his cigarette and flicked it into the parking lot, watching as the tip burst into sparks as it hit the ground. "Well this is......" he looked up towards the roof as he heared clamoring. "....not boring? Heh. If they're trying to be stealthy, they've got a lot of work to do." (yay filler post i'll elaborate when i get home.)

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"Sylum?"Kali asked "What do you want  to eat?" The Red Vixen sasked as she looked through the menu.

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jack and kitty finished setting up,and kitty took her sniper,and aimed it at a building in the distance.

jack was going to be the look-out to see if any one was watching them.

sure enough he saw cruxis,and activated his active cameo that he stole from a spangheli.

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Moving to walk beside Roxane, Tucker whispered, "She doesn't really like me, does she?"

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"What are you hungry for?" sylum asked ordering a drink. Cruxis just stared at the place jack and kitty were at and where she was aiming before they cloaked. "Come on guys.....cloak before you set up." he chuckled lighting another cigarette and sitting down.

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*cough*, (man i hate those things). he said inside his head.

(heh, this bar is kind of crazy. But that guy can make one hell of drink, so its a keeper.)

(But What the heck are those 2 doing up there anyway?)

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(OneWinged, you can italicize thoughts. It'll make it easier to read since parenthesis are mostly used for out of context things. Just a suggestion. :D)

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jack threw a flare down to where cruixis was,the flare confusing him,and shifted to another spot.

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Blinded, he covered his eyes and looked away. "You little rat! I was giving you advice!"

Hahahaha you got played.

"Shut it....."

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"What are you hungry for?" sylum asked ordering a drink. Cruxis just stared at the place jack and kitty were at and where she was aiming before they cloaked. "Come on guys.....cloak before you set up." he chuckled lighting another cigarette and sitting down.

"How about pizza?"Kali asked.
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(Before anyone replies DIRECTLY to this char, please read my post here: http://forums.starfox-online.net/index.php?topic=4827.1665)

    By the time Kyle got to the Cornerian bar, the blood on his wrist blades had dried. They were still extended, a testament to what Kyle was thinking: Screw with me and you're dead. His hand-held plasma caster was in a holster, and his corrosive blue acid - the one used to erase the corpses of the thugs he killed - was in a small container in his pocket.

    There's a Telepath in here... better hide your... malicious thoughts. one part of himself thought.

    Why hide them? his other self countered. They're a perfect deterrent for any telepath wanting to pick a fight. Only the suicidally brave would want to enter this mind, and if they do, I'll gut them. End of discussion.

    You've got some serious problems, dude...

    Kyle retracted the blades with a loud schwiinng! and entered the bar. He paused just shy of the entrance and scanned the faces in the area, many of whom were regarding him with suspicious and scornful eyes.

    No matter, Kyle thought. He continued to a booth, sat down, and waited for a waitress to take his order...

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why am i getting an odd feeling about this guy? Scott said in his mind while staring at Kyle.

whatever, i came here to relax and forget about these sort of things. Talk, laugh, and drink, thats what you said to yourself when you walked out the door an hour ago. So do it!

Scott got up from the booth, slipped the stone in his pocket, grabbed the glass of scotch, and moved his way towards the counter again then sat on a stool about 2 away from Kali.

"do they even have pizza in this galaxy?" he asked her with an dumbass grin on his face.

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    Even as the waitress took Kyle's order, he could sense her fear. Fear of death. Fear of evil. It made Kyle feel all the more... powerful. If there was an aura of death around Kyle, he was content to let it stay. The more the locals feared him, the better.

    Kyle again scanned the faces at the bar, and when they fell on Kali, they stopped.

    A Cerinian? Here? he thought.

    Told you. his other self said. Kyle hesitated for a full second before averting his eyes before Kali realized he was staring at her. He turned his head as well, to further hide his eyes.

    That you did. Kyle thought to his other self. Still, if anyone tries to break into my mind, they'll be lying in a pool of their own blood.

    I doubt you'll be able to kill another Cerinian. his other self stated.

    We'll see about that, Kyle thought as the waitress came with his order and quickly departed.

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