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Outside The Bar


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"something we agreed not to bring up anymore."Kari replied.

"Ya know Ris why don't we go get Ruby and Lupe and try out that new Laser tag Tigress installed in the old rec room."Nicole offered.

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"Sure, sounds good, but first..."  His ear twitching in curiosity and embarrassment, he asked, "Well, could you at least tell me if it was bad or good?  Please?"

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"I think it was bad until now."KAri replied

"yeah hmm we need one more person to even out the sides who do you think we should ask?"Nicole asked.

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"O-oh..."  Ris' ears drooped slightly, even though she said "until now."  It still means that he didn't hit it off right with either of them.  Suppressing a sigh, he forced a smile.  "You can pick--you know everyone here."

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"ya know why don't we just get ruby and go  4 on 4 or a 2vs2."Nicole suggested.

"good idea! what do you think Ris?"Kari asked

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Hearing mention of Ruby, his ears perked up.  "Sounds good to me."

'...Ah frick...How come they all have to be cute?'

"Free for all or versus, I don't mind.  Warning, though; never done it before."

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"Ever shoot a gun?"Kari asked.

"I'll get Ruby."Nicole said getting up.

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"A pistol, yeah, lots of times."  The fox replied, watching Nicole as she left.  "How similar is it?"

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" You just don't feel the pain from the bullet other than that it's very realistic."Kari explained "comone."Kari said leading Ris to a elevator.

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"Good, maybe I can do this then."

Following the vixen into the elevator, he looked over to her, smiling.  "Thanks again, Kari."

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"just try not to remind me okay.'Kari replied as she pressed the up button.

Soon Nicole and Ruby came walking up the hall.

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The fox's smile slowly faded.  "Kari, if you're only ignoring it...then we've gotta work it out.  The problem'll only come back if it isn't dealt with."

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"reminding me willl only make me read your mind and make us both mad."Kari replied as the elevator doors open  she walked in

Nicole and ruby waited for Ris before they entered.

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Ris quietly sighed to himself.  Stepping inside the elevator and leaning against the wall, he mumbled, "All right..."

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when the elvator doors open there was a small room  with vest and  toy laser tag guns hanging on the wall "here Ris I'll help you put it on."Ruby offered.

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Although still disappointed with Kari, Ris blushed at the she-wolf's offer.  Stepping out of the elevator and into the initial laser-tagging room, he said, "Okay...What goes where?"

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Ruby put the vest on Ris "This is what they will shoot at."ruby explained handing him a gun "semi-auto laser gun you don't have to reload"Ruby explained befoe getting herself ready.

"You and ruby vs us?"Nicole asked.

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Studying the gun, Ris nodded at the suggestion.  "I'm fine with it, just make sure with her."  Turning his head to look at the black wolf, he asked, "Ruby?"

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"Your one of the few boys I trust."Ruby muttered programming the computer.

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The blue Arctic Fox grinned lightly at the remark, fiddling with his gun to hide it.  "I'm glad to hear that...Really am."

'Just going to assume that means she'll be on my team...All right...Laser tagging...Whoo!'

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Kari and Nicole disapeared though a door "Follow me Ris.'Ruby said  going through anotehr door the whole rest of the 6th floor was a laser tag room dark with dark lights on top of the room and a  few lit up targets across the room  there were many things to hide behind and sneak around. "alright  the match begins in a couple second try to shoot Kari and Nicole as much as possible  the lighted targets will shoot you back so whacth out."Ruby said giving Ris a headset. "you ready?"

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Equipping the headset, Ris nodded.  "All right.  I'm assuming we split up, eh?"  He asked, studying the room to help him decide his strategy.

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"If that's what you want better go now."Ruby replied.

"Begin!" the annoucer said througout the room.

Ruby walked to the side of the room keeping her gun close to herself.

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When the announcer spoke, Ris hurried behind cover, using a small mirror on the wall to effectively peer around the corner without putting himself at much risk.  Not seeing either of the vixens, the blue vulpine looked down at his weapon.

'Thank gosh this thing feels familiar...'

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Ruby had picked out a rifle laser tag gun it was longer but it fired faster she held it against her chest to keep her silhouette small

Nicole and Kari both had small hanguns and waited in the other side of the room

"Do you see them?"ruby whispered over the comm system that she and Ris had.

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