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Outside The Bar


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"I closed the door already...And Ruby, come on, you know I'd hug you all day for free if you wanted me to."  Ris replied, approaching the she-wolf.  "It's obvious I think you're cute.  Still, though, if you want one,"  The fox opened his arms, welcoming an embrace.

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Ruby pulled Ris Close, taking a  deep Breath she began to explain."From age 1-3 I lived on a planet known as Ferinian neighboring Cerinia before the planet was destroyed I was sent in a capsule to Lylat, it crash landed on Titania. Two caring wolves adopted me after they found me in the desert. At age four I began to gain a  intrest in guns and hand-to-hand combat prefuring snipers. at my 5th birthday I could shoot a fly that was 2 miles away with the sniper my foster parents got me then one day when i was coming back home I found my parents dead. I'd heard about orphans and  abusive parents one of my friends had abusive parents. So naturally I was afraid of being adopted by a abusive family, I ran away to another friend I knew who was much older than me about 13 I think after she was Raped by her boyfriend I was shocked and developed a hate for men as I ran out  the abusive boy  stopped me I gave him a very good beating before I  ranafter about a half hour of running and Crying I ran into Krystal.  she rasied me for a year  in somewhat secret , she adopted me a year later and ontinued  to raise me. She was the best second Foster mother I could ever ask for."ruby replied bursting into tears.

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after what had seemed to be two hours amethyst got up off the floor turning his cloaker off at the same time.

jumping off the holodeck he expertly landed on his pole then slid down it.

"intresting"amethyst said after planting his feet firmly on the ground,then running to his camp near the front of the house.

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after reaching his camp amethyst resumed what he was doing before.

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The fox was surprised; Ruby had a rather traumatic childhood.  "There there..."  He mumbled, hugging the she-wolf and lightly rocking.  "You're a strong girl to have gotten through all of that.  You're just as lucky to have found Krystal as she is to have found you."

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"I know we share the same past two since our planets were both destroyed or something."ruby muttere sniffing as she stopped Crying."Is that all you came in here for?"

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"I was curious, yes,"  Ris admitted, pulling away slightly to give the black wolf her space, "But it's always nice to spend time with you."

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"aww your sweet Ris If I didn't already have a boyfriend I'd ask you to be mine."She muttered still sniffling.

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'At least he's not the jealous type...'

Lightly rubbing her back, Ris smiled.  "Thanks, Ruby.  I just hope you two are happy together."

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"oh we are I got him  to live here and pulled him and his younger sister off the street I can also teach his sister a few girl things."Ruby replied back looking over to her book for a second."Do you do any reading.

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Glancing to the book, Ris gave an uncertain shrug.  "Well, I'm more of an active person...No books, no TV...Yeah.  Heh, I can see -you- read, though."

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"Reading is better than whatching Tv."Ruby muttered "So how do you know what's going on if you don't read or whatch Tv?"Ruby asked she was getting CUrious.

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Cocking his head to the side, his ear twitched.  "What do you mean 'what's going on'?  Like, the news?"

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"Gossip, mainly."  The fox replied with a shrug.  "Just what I hear as they or I pass by.  Heh, don't even know if what I hear is completely true or not, but it's not like I care much anyway."

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"You should Ris I heard somethings going down on Fichina..."Ruby muttered "I also heard your planning on possibly living here I'd enjoy your company since My boyfriend is usually busy."

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The blue fox didn't even register the second thing Ruby had said.  His ears were perked as his head swiveled in alarm towards her.  "Fichina?  What about it?"

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"I'm not sure ,but Krystal and  I were planning on heading there ASAP"Ruby replied " I heard your also planning on living here I'd enjoy your company since My boyfriend is usually busy."She  repeated herself relizing without even her telepathy Ris was  worried about Fihina.

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Briskly nodding, Ris said, "If I stayed, I'd be glad to keep you company.  Would Krystal know what's going on?"

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"Why you want to Come?"Ruby asked."She would defintly know since she's got somethign planned.

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"I'll be back."  Getting up, the fox quickly walked to the door and opened it, stepping into the hallway, his tail swishing faster than normal.  Approaching his door, he called, "Krystal, you still in there?"

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"Yes why?"Krystal asked she had a hologram of Tigress' head on her commnicator.

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Opening his door, Ris stepped inside and immediately looked to the vixen.  "Can you tell me what's happening on Fichina?"

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"I'm not exactly sure as far as I know some PIrates have taken over the climate control center and are  asking money for  them to leave basily holding the center as  a hostage... kinda silly huh?"

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His eyes widened slightly as she explained.  'Pirates...' 

Returning his focus, he asked, "Are they kind of like a big gang, maybe?"

'Please say no...'

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