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Outside The Bar


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"Because i"ve trained to use Rifles."Ruby muttered.

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"Then there's your reason.  Maybe I'm just the same way with these kinds of pistols."  Ris replied, gesturing towards the weapon in his pocket.

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"But the guns we offerd worked exactly the same way  just the ammo was diffrent."Ruby replied.

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Waving the issue away, he muttered, "Really, it's not important."  The fox then turned his attention to Krystal, giving her a brief nod of acknowledgment.  "Time estimate?"

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"At most 40 seconds."Krystal muttered

"But it does matter you have any idea how cheap body armor is for normal bullets?"Ruby asked

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"dirt Cheap."Ruby muttered.

"Ris you really should listen to her as a Spec op snipre for the Cdf Ruby took down alot of underground crime."Krystal said waiting for the ship to arrive at Fichina.

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Turning to Krystal, the blue vulpine shrugged.  "I believe her and all, I just don't really care.  No offense."

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"Well I do Ris this is not some laser tag match If these guys get any chance to use your disadvantage they will I will not be the one to whacth you die ,because I refused to be stubborn."Krystal muttered as they arrived in orbit of Fichina.

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"Your joking Right?"Ruby asked.

Krystal activated the Cloak before she took the ship closer to teh planets surface just before  the main pirate Vessel spotted them. "so are you going to listen to my plan or not then?"Krystal asked.

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"What plan?"  The Arctic Fox retorted, his tail flicking.  "All you've said is if I don't do this and that crap I'm gonna die.  Great plan."

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"I assumed you were too steamed up to hear my plan I actually have two."Krystal said starting to explain "This ship carries Four  plasma beam cannons  we could use them to destroy the land mines and move in with a  Landlynx hover Tank." she took a breath before explaining her second plan "Or we could all drop in from above since the control center sheild was turned off by the Pirates."Krystal finished.

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"I'd prefer dropping in from above.  That's where everyone's being held, right?  The control center?"

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"I thought you'd say that take these." Krystal said handing Ris a  personal cloaking Devise and a booster pack.  " One so we won't be seen and  the other well so you don't  break your legs." Krystal explained. "Right then Ruby will be on sniper whath she'll snipe any terrorist that try to escape Preferably in the legs or hands first if they have a gun." Krystal explained "As for you and me we'll work on getting the hostages safe so we'll try to take out the guards on the inside then rescue the hostages, Including your mom if she's there."Krystal explained "First let me get a good camera view of everything so we can drop right."

Meanwhile down below in the control center the terrorist were comepletly unaware of the destroyer above them Four guards were stationed inside and 2 at each exit entrane there were also  20 hostages all women oddly.

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Accepting the equipment without arguing, he equipped them both as best he knew how.  "Are there any men being held captive?"

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"No oddly,Why?"Krystal asked as she looked over the Camera View she had on the monitor.

Ruby  prepped her sniper rifle putting a magazine into it she  pulled the pin back and was ready to move out  after she strapped on the booster pack and set the cloaking devise on her belt.

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"Right Serena keep the ship in orbit."Krystal said to the ship

A hologram of a Pure snow white Vixen appeared Near Ris. " Right Krystal just stay safe ,please I don't want to be the last Cerinian left ya know." Serena joked a bit.

"Oh sorry Ris You two haven't met this is Serena she's a Cerinian Ai created from the brain of a Cerinian clone I found her on the same Place that manufactured this ship  I'm working on lettign her roam free on other ships like the Great Fox ,but that's going Slowly anyway Serena will moniter us which remind me take this."Krystal said handing Ris a  gauntlet communicator.

"It's a plesure to meet you Ris."Serena  bowed slightly.

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"Erm, hi."  Ris greeted the A.I. with a raise of his hand, though as she bowed, he gave a half-hearted bow as well, saying, "You too."  Standing back up, the fox slid the communicator over his wrist, fitting it into place.  "All right then, let's get this over with.  Who knows how long those women have."

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"Judging by the fact that the guards are having Lunch I'd say...plenty."Ruby muttered walking to the exit hatch where the ship would usually launch fighters.

"That's ruby for ya always observant makes her a good sniper I suppose."Krystal muttered Following Ruby.

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"Not -observant-, she just knows where to look..."  Ris muttered, rolling his eyes as he followed the two.

'If you're in there, I'll get you, at least, out.'

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as krystal walked into the drop room she stopped "Make sure your booster pack works BEFORE you jump."Krystal warned Ris  activating her cloak by switching a switch on the side of the devise she had. "Ris  once we land take out the guards and try not to get your legs broke please, and use your gaunlet to see where we are."Krystal said before she jumped she had a couple blaster pistols in holsters on her belt and her staff strapped to her back.

Ruby activated her cloak and jumped down the hole just behind Krystal her sniper strapped to her back

Music Begins

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Flipping his own device on, Ris jumped in the hole after them, the wind rushing through his fur as the ground came  up to meet him.  After going quite a bit, trusting his gut, the fox flipped on his booster pack, the soft roar of the flames sounding as his legs jerked into the air form the sudden halt.  Turning the boost off, the blue vulpine landed on the "roof" of the building, quietly walking to the edge and leaping down into the snow below.  Although his footsteps could be seen in the soft white covering the ground, he himself was not visible.

Spotting one of the guards at the entrance, the Arctic Fox crept towards him, his fingers flexing.  Holding his fingers together and extending them straight, Ris stopped beside the guard, slamming his hand down just near his neck.  The guard went down without a struggle, immediately unconscious; the guard at the other end of the hall took notice, however, quickly running forward to examine the body.  As soon as he was outside, Ris slammed his elbow down on the man's back, his foot crashing upwards towards the man's head as he fell.  With that, there were two bodies.

Glancing around, there weren't any more immediate disturbances.  The fox looked down to the communicator, shaking his head as he looked away again.

'Heck if I know how to use this thing.'

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"I'd tell ya but i'm Busy."Krystal whispered as she passed by Ris taking  out the other two guards she set their body's in the hallway. "I think we can uncloak now but keep the hostages quiet. There is still four guards outside."Krystal whisperd to Ris as she walked up behind him.

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