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Outside The Bar


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I had a plan. krystal thought back as she raced though the Prison with Marcus.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Then spill it!  Marcus thought back as they both passed by three guards.  We don't have much time!

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I"m going to  Read her mind and see if I can help her through that however I will need your help to hold her down while i begin.

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Guest Para Astaroth

You got it!  Marcus thought back as they reached the central hall with thw two wings extending out.  Ok,  Marcus began.  Try to pinpoint her location.

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(Para, have you thought of whatever my character's reason is to be there? Just checking...)

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Guest Para Astaroth

(Para, have you thought of whatever my character's reason is to be there? Just checking...)

(I really don't see a reason.  Sorry :|)

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(I really don't see a reason.  Sorry :|)

(What about the twins just crash-landed?)

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You or me?Krystal asked reaching out with her mind trying to find SerenaBecause she' nearby.

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Guest Para Astaroth

You or me?Krystal asked reaching out with her mind trying to find SerenaBecause she' nearby.

I'll be holding her down, smart one! Marcus cocked back, and looked to Kursed.  Then lead the way.

(What about the twins just crash-landed?)

(What about it?)

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Krystla lead the way to a  heavly locked down cell no bars just a solid wall and a solid door 'Got a keypick on ya'? She asked

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Guest Para Astaroth

Errr...  I have a hairpin in my pocket for some reason, if that counts?  Marcus thought back, looking at the hairpin that he took out his pocket, staring strangely.

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Good enough. krystl thoguth back snathcing th hairpin from marcus she quickly worked at unlocking the door almost throwing it off it's hinges as she opened it.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Sereana, while inside the cell, rose to her feet as she watched the door slowly open.

Marcus threw the door open and stepped inside, standing against the wall with a cold expression and his arms folded.  He nodded in Sereana's direction to Kursed.

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"I'm back to finish you off."KRystal glared her eyes begining to glow she nodded to Marcus giving him the signal to hold her down she was just trying to scare her ,but really her intentions were of kind nature but it was all hidden in the cloud of a bounty hunter that surrounded her thoughts.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Sereana only let her attention stay on Kursed, but never saw Marcus quickly tackle her and pinned her to the ground; arms pressed to the floor with his hands and legs pinned with his knees.  "Kursed!  Do it!"  Marcus said aloud, looking over his shoulder to her.

Sereana only grunted and squirmed as she tried to break free, "LEMME GO!!!  LET-ME-GO, YOU F***ING BASTARD!!!  ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

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Kursed rush to serena all she had to do was touch her forehead and she was inside serena's mind bypassing all her mental defences Serena could do nothing as Kursed shifted through her memories.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Marcus, baring his teeth, kept Sereana still as he watched her expression change from rage to wide-eyed blankness.

Sereana only let croaks of her voice loose as she remained twitching slightly and her mouth held wide open as Kursed entered her mind.

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"You can let her go now Marcus she'll be out untill I get out."KRystal noted closing her eyes she tried to find any evidence that she did commit the crimes and if so why.

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Guest Para Astaroth

The only visions Kursed got were photographic images of first-person accounts of Sereana taking sniper shots and looking down at dead bodies with a pistol in her hand.

Marcus got up and took a step aside, watching Kursed do her work.  "How long do you suppose you'll be doing this in order for her to fall unconscious finally?"

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"About a minute she should go into a telepathically induced coma ." Krystal noted "Although it's more like sleep." Krystal continued to search for reasons why Serena had done what se had digging deeper into her mind with her telepathic abilties.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Soon, there was a deep voice in her head, regarding her times on Lytkon.  The image soon became more apparant as Kursed dived deeper into Sereana's mind.  All of a sudden, there was a low boom, followed by a flash and the whole image in her mind turned into a thunderstorm as images of the people Sereana killed zipped by with bullet holes in either their heads or their upper bodies.  Soon, the sihlouette of a military-hatted figure came into view as it stood, motionless in front of Kursed.

"Welcome...  To MY world!"  The voice said and stepped into view of Kursed; revealing it to be none other than Marcus' former comrad-in-arms.  The voice laughed menacingly as all the images of the dead people zipped passed Kursed once more and out of Sereana's head.

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Krystal withdrew her mind from Serena's "She'll be out for a minute  ,but I don't think this was her intention I think she may have been forced into doing this who is this guy wearing a military outfit from what I got You knew him he was  former comrade of yours."

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Guest Para Astaroth

Marcus looked away for a moment and sighed, shaking his head.  "Carlos Lugra."  He said, "A former-military comrad-in-arms of mine back when I was apart of the Cornerian Spec Ops Raid Team."  He shrugged,  "I wouldn't doubt he would try and persuade Sereana into doing the things she did."

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"Well in that case I think it's time we spring her out and bring the true criminal in."KRystal said her eyes glowing brighter as the anger filled up inside of her. "You game?"

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Guest Para Astaroth

"No,"  Marcus replied, shaking his head then looking up to Kursed disapprovingly.  "He's dead, Krystal; K.I.A in the Aparoid invasion on Corneria several years ago."

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