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Star Fox: Quantum Flux

Guest RedPhoenix32

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Guest RedPhoenix32

........ The Lylat System. Home of the legendary team, known as Star Fox. This team has been Lylat's guardian for years, fighting implecable enemies such as Andross, the Aparoids, and the return of Andross. Now they face an enemy that they have never encountered before. An enemy that they can see easliy in a mirror.

Roles to be filled:

Fox: RedPhoenix32

Falco: EvilWaffles

Krystal: Kursed


Main Enemy: RedPhoenix32

Enemy Captain and second in command: Yusuke Fujiwara75

Enemy mercinary: EvilWaffles

enemy lady mercinary:

General Peppy: Catwings30

Wolf: Sylum

Leon: Yusuke Fujiwara75

(Panther is presumed dead after an incident)

Non required characters:

Lucy: Catwings30

Katt: Kursed



Fan characters can come in once the main roles have been filled. You can double play. But the enemy ones cannot be the same as the Star Fox team ones. This does not include Star Wolf and excludes me, since I am basically the ring leader of the RP.

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Top Posters In This Topic

  • Kursed


  • Yusuke Fujiwara75


  • Sylum


  • evilwaffles


........ The Lylat System. Home of the legendary team, known as Star Fox. This team has been Lylat's guardian for years, fighting implecable enemies such as Andross, the Aparoids, and the return of Andross. Now they face an enemy that they have never encountered before. An enemy that they can see easliy in a mirror.

Roles to be filled:

Fox: my normal character. was going to be yorokobi, but he hasnt been on in ages




Main Enemy: (me)

Enemy Captain and second in command:

Enemy mercinary:

enemy lady mercinary:

General Peppy:



(Panther is presumed dead after an incident)

Non required characters:





Fan characters can come in once the main roles have been filled. You can double play. But the enemy ones cannot be the same as the Star Fox team ones. This does not include Star Wolf and excludes me, since I am basically the ring leader of the RP.

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Okay. Can you double for me?

who do you need I can only play krystal and katt as cannon.
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This rp is relevant to my intrests. what roles do starwolf have in this? Are they against star fox?

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Guest RedPhoenix32

They will fight them once or twice, but then they are forced to join forces.

BTW: Star Wolf needs a new member.

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I could probably play the enemy mercenary, would it be one of your creaions or a FC?

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I could take wolf if you want.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

As long as you dont plot. Since you know the background info of the mercinary, dont try to reveal it until I give you the say so.

Anyone else want to take parts?

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As long as you dont plot. Since you know the background info of the mercinary, dont try to reveal it until I give you the say so.

That won't be a problem.

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Someone here's going to have to triple role. That, or we'll just have to continue without them. No one wants the remaining parts.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

Cmon, guys! We need more people! Everone give me a list of who they want or will do, and try to get others to do this RP. This rp will be awesome if we get enough.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Cmon, guys! We need more people! Everone give me a list of who they want or will do, and try to get others to do this RP. This rp will be awesome if we get enough.

You pick for me, Red.  :) I'll do whichever character you give me to RP.  Doesn't matter if it's a she-male, or a hobo;  just someone

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Give him a hobo!!!! lol

Anyway i'm still wolf so yea

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Guest RedPhoenix32

Alright! Alright! Slow down. I really didnt see that coming...


Catwings can have Lucy AND Peppy if she wants.

Sylum, self explanitory.

Para.... I dont know who Im going to stick you with yet. Give me a little time.

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