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Star Fox: Quantum Flux

Guest RedPhoenix32

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Guest RedPhoenix32

I'm still the Enemy Second in Command right?


(If I have to, I'll be Falco if no one else will be him..heck, I'll even be Falco instead of Fara if someone wants her...or I'll be both, w/e...)

(thank you, Julius.)

(RP restart..... NOW!!!!)

Fox was standing on the bridge of the Great Fox as it was cruising through the Lylat system on no appearent course. He simply looked out at the as the bridge was dimly lit, indicating they were on night shift. Falco, Fara, and Slippy had the morning and day shift, while Fox and Krystal had the day and night shift.

He went to his chair and sat down, remembering his mother anf father as he zoned out into the stars. The night shift always seemed to remind him of this. He just couldnt stay out of that depression without someone like Krystal to help him out.

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(thank you, Julius.)

(RP restart..... NOW!!!!)

Fox was standing on the bridge of the Great Fox as it was cruising through the Lylat system on no appearent course. He simply looked out at the as the bridge was dimly lit, indicating they were on night shift. Falco, Fara, and Slippy had the morning and day shift, while Fox and Krystal had the day and night shift.

He went to his chair and sat down, remembering his mother anf father as he zoned out into the stars. The night shift always seemed to remind him of this. He just couldnt stay out of that depression without someone like Krystal to help him out.

"Fox why did you insist we'd be alone on the night shift?"Krystal asked before letting out a yawn.
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Guest RedPhoenix32

"Because we work well togather. If it were me and Falco I'd have had it by now, and Slippy tends to get annoying. Besides, they work better on mornings." He drowsly held his head up, feeling sore from the training simulators. "I swear, if I go against one of those mirror simulators again, my head's gonna explode.... But, if it benefits the team, it benefits Lylat. Such is life..."

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"I know ,but don't you get tired of me?"KRystal asked.

Katt came into the bridge. "I made you two dinner."She interupted.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

"No." he said to Krystal. He turned to see Katt and smiled to hear someone being nice for once. "Thanks, Katt." he said. He yawned and sat back, starting to fall asleep.

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Once Fox fell asleep Katt  and Krystal walked off to another room to eat and talk.

"Yeah i really do worry about Falco."Katt replied "Same with Fox for me."Krystal replied. "I wish for once Falco would stand up and speak his mind instead of hiding the fact that he likes me It's kinda getting old now."Katt muttered. krystal nodded in agreement.

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Guest Para Astaroth

R.O.B was sitting on standby on the main deck staring off into space.  He turned around and walked over to Fox, "CAN I BE OF SOME ASSISTANCE, FOX?"

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(OOC: Hey! Because of the title of the story/RP, can people get transported in a portal and end up somewhere? Is that what Quantum Flux means?)

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Guest Para Astaroth

Fox was startled by ROB. "Um.. Just keep a watch over things please..." He then fell back asleep.

"AFFIRMATIVE."  R.O.B walked back to his post and watched over the monitors and scanned the ship for any maintenance repairs.

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Krystal walked into the bridge  sneaking up behind fox in his chair she tapped his shoulder gently.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

He shuffled his shoulders a bit, still asleep. He was thinking about her in sleep, and that usually takes alot to shake off of him. He was remembering the time he first met her, and how he felt when she said she'd tag along with them from then on. He slightly grinned, seeing that image, and later woke up looking up at her. "Hey.." he said drowsily, but somewhat happily.

(The plot will start to take form on Saturday of next week. Expect to go t combat readiness next weekend)

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He shuffled his shoulders a bit, still asleep. He was thinking about her in sleep, and that usually takes alot to shake off of him. He was remembering the time he first met her, and how he felt when she said she'd tag along with them from then on. He slightly grinned, seeing that image, and later woke up looking up at her. "Hey.." he said drowsily, but somewhat happily.

(The plot will start to take form on Saturday of next week. Expect to go t combat readiness next weekend)

"Sleep well?"Krystal asked smiling she knew what he was dreaming about from his thoughts already.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

He nodded, chuckling and knowing her well enough that he knows she would be reading his thoughts as usual. It made him feel monitored and secure. And, even thought its less privacy, he liked that. It made him feel that she cared that much for her.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

"Sure." he said. "Slippy and Falco's shift be starting now anyway." He drowsily got up and walked to the door, accidently going into the wall. He was really tired from staying up and having so many things run through his head in one shift.

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"Krystal looked at Fox Concernly "You really need to stop overworking yourself Fox."Krystal muttered helping him towards their room.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

He stayed close to her, kind of getting what she's saying. But since he's tired, he barely hears it. He walks in the room with her, and plops on th bed, all sprawled out, expecting her to walk over and lay down ontop, comforting and caring for him, being the sweet and kind woman he met her as. But, you never know what could happen on a late shift. He just looked foward to feeling good after a hard day working.

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Krystal got into her night time clothes then laid down beside Fox and rubbed his back and scracthed behind his ear. "Your really starting to worry me Fox."She muttered

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Guest RedPhoenix32

He let out a faint sigh and nodded. "I guess you're right.. I think I need to reassign the scheduals soon anyway.." He was laying down, still in his work clothes and closed his eyes slowly., remaining awake and still listening. But then... The image of his mother and father came in his mind. It made him sad, thinking about the few days he was able to be with them both. His mother was murdered when she was very young, and his father was killed in action a few years before the Lylat Wars began. The depression started to swell up in him, as his mind was weak tonight, and not able to get off a subject like this. It was this night when he took too much burden on himself and finally ticked.

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He let out a faint sigh and nodded. "I guess you're right.. I think I need to reassign the scheduals soon anyway.." He was laying down, still in his work clothes and closed his eyes slowly., remaining awake and still listening. But then... The image of his mother and father came in his mind. It made him sad, thinking about the few days he was able to be with them both. His mother was murdered when she was very young, and his father was killed in action a few years before the Lylat Wars began. The depression started to swell up in him, as his mind was weak tonight, and not able to get off a subject like this. It was this night when he took too much burden on himself and finally ticked.

"Fox there was nothing you could have done for them you were too young stop thinking about the past and look towards the future."Krystal muttered
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Guest RedPhoenix32

"They're the only family I had besides you and Peppy... They were just taken away. Whats worse is that Andross turned me into an animal bent on vengence. It turned me into something I was against until Peppy intervened.." he sighed and tried to relax, wanting to sleep camly with her if he could help it. Every few nights, they would connect in their dreams and experience them togather. Tonight was one of those nights, when his mind was tired and weak, making it easier for Krystal to connect.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

"Why don't we go to sleep in bed."

"Yes.. Sleep.." he said. He changed into night clothes and got uder the bed covers, waiting for Krystal.

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"Well do you want me to send you some comforting thoughts then or what?"Krystal whispered.

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