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Star Fox: Quantum Flux

Guest RedPhoenix32

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(it's a holographic communication message/call, you can both answer xD)

"Hello, Tigress and Todd!" Peppy greeted cheerfully, and Lucy gave her a wave behind the screen. "How's the team doing?"

Lucy smiled and set her hands on her lap. "We were wondering if we could use our vacation days to visit soon. We haven't seen you in so long!"

"Sure I don't think we're going anywhere soon."Tigress replied.
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Guest Julius Quasar

Lucy nodded sympathetically. "Oh, I know how you feel, dear...that must be very hard. Maybe we can try contacting her between shows?" she suggested. "The same problem with Wolf and I, he's always out doing work..."

As soon as she said this, Peppy shot her a disapproving glance, and she blushed sheepishly. "Well, you can't blame me for missing him!" she quickly added.

[*hears record scratch* BWAHA I just had to stick that pairing in <3]

"Ah, we're doing great!" Peppy replied. "Busy, but good and healthy."

"Thanks, but I ain't allowed to contact her, and she's not allowed to contact me, not even between shows...she's gotta finish touring...Have either of you seen any of her shows?  She's touring Corneria now, I think..." Todd told Lucy.

"Glad to hear it, Peppy!" Todd then said to Peppy.

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Lucy nodded sympathetically. "Oh, I know how you feel, dear...that must be very hard. Maybe we can try contacting her between shows?" she suggested. "The same problem with Wolf and I, he's always out doing work..."

As soon as she said this, Peppy shot her a disapproving glance, and she blushed sheepishly. "Well, you can't blame me for missing him!" she quickly added.

[*hears record scratch* BWAHA I just had to stick that pairing in <3]

"Ah, we're doing great!" Peppy replied. "Busy, but good and healthy."

"Wonderful! Does flying over today and staying for a few weeks sound good to you?" Peppy asked. "Or is it too much of a bother?"

"Fine ,but don't bring wolf."Tigress replied.

'want to see more?"KRystal asked fox.

(...let's all make a agreement not to mention that Pairing again Wolf is too busy to settle down anyway.)

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Guest Julius Quasar

(...let's all make a agreement not to mention that Pairing again Wolf is too busy to settle down anyway.)


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(wholesomely agreed. Sorry Catwings, but that was messed up.)

"Sure." said Fox.

"heavy or light?"KRystal asked.
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Guest Julius Quasar

Todd got off the comm, but said "See ya' Lucy, Peppy, nice talking to you both again...I gotta go now..."

and Todd walked off, heading for his and Lola's room.

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"Interesting." said Fox.

"you want to see the light or assault mechs?"KRystal askedwrapping her arm around him.
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Guest RedPhoenix32

"Nah. I've seen enough to determine a good answer. They are going to be a great asset to the team, Krystal." he wraps an arm around her, smiling and approving of the new vehicals.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Todd was on the holodeck, meditating in a virtual program simulation, he was in the Krazoa Palace, while the rain and wind storms were going on.

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"Nah. I've seen enough to determine a good answer. They are going to be a great asset to the team, Krystal." he wraps an arm around her, smiling and approving of the new vehicals.

"okay I'll tell tigress and she'll put the Team logo on them."KRystal replied."but i suggest you at least look at some of the weapons. Before we use any of them>"
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Guest Julius Quasar

Todd's holodeck program changed to a Corneria City Rooftop, with the sun setting beyond the city, the buildings lighting up like lots of tiny candles in the large, dark faces of the monolith buildings surrounding him.

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Guest RedPhoenix32

"okay I'll tell tigress and she'll put the Team logo on them."KRystal replied."but i suggest you at least look at some of the weapons. Before we use any of them>"

"Lead away."

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Guest Julius Quasar

Todd turned off the holodeck program, went to the kitchen, and went to the kitchen, where he made himself a strawberry milkshake.  Todd checked around, and, finding no one, secretly poured a flask of bourbon into the milkshake, mixed it, put the milkshake in the fridge as he cleaned the milkshake machine and put it away, then he took his milkshake from the fridge, and drank it down, slowly.  When he finished, he staggered, drunkenly, washed the glass, and the straw (which was not disposable) and put them on the drying rack.  He then staggered into the rec room, and passed out on the couch.

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"Lead away."

"I can show you here."Krystal muttered bringin up the weapons the list included



Missle (Ignore the stats and rolls that's for the board game)

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Todd turned off the holodeck program, went to the kitchen, and went to the kitchen, where he made himself a strawberry milkshake.  Todd checked around, and, finding no one, secretly poured a flask of bourbon into the milkshake, mixed it, put the milkshake in the fridge as he cleaned the milkshake machine and put it away, then he took his milkshake from the fridge, and drank it down, slowly.  When he finished, he staggered, drunkenly, washed the glass, and the straw (which was not disposable) and put them on the drying rack.  He then staggered into the rec room, and passed out on the couch.

Tigress came into Krystals room shaking her head.
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Guest Para Astaroth

(QUESTION:  May I use MY Marcus FC, since he is considered more of a Cornerian than a D' Sor-- yeah, that name is hard to pronounce.  Or, could I use Para Astaroth, since he helped Corneria from a major disaster ((See my Para Fanfic)) and he helped Julius in his fanfic.)

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