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The Mexican Sun (APPROVED)


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As I see, the rate of approving an RP usually is as slow as bureaucracy.  So I'm aiming for next weekend on this one hopefully.

Theme- I enjoy the theme of new and old combining (Like my addiction to Assassins Creed).  In this case, future technology and weapons being used in old historic points of Mexico City.


Lovingly ripped from G.R.A.W. 2

But this one, THIS one totally shows the feel for the RP.


Setting- Mexico 2015 and if possible, end up in Texas/Las Vegas/Los Angelis

Description- In 2015, the leaders of Canada, US, and Mexico meet to sign the North American Joint Security Agreement (NAJSA) in Mexico city, but recently, riots and fears of a civil war in Mexico have escialted in the last week.  Soon, when our team is deployed, an explosion breaks our little assembly into an almost indefinite recess.  With the world leaders evacuated, we must try to leave Mexico City.

Goal- Evacuate Mexico City in one piece

Player count- I'd say up to six/eight

Another thing, not every RP has to be Starfox related. (right?)

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Another thing, not every RP has to be Starfox related. (right?)

Correct, although some don't like it, or play as SF characters anyway.

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Yes, I see no reason why it would hurt with a little variety. But you may have trouble filling your player count with people that don't "have" to use SF characters every time.

I've voiced my interest in several RP sugestions, and are coming close to the limit of how many I want to take on at a single time, but I might want in still. That is if there are more than just a couple of others as well.

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as long as i can stick Krystal and another furry in I'm happy.

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as long as i can stick Krystal and another furry in I'm happy.

Possibly isn't the RP for you then.

As longs as its sci-fi, Im happy.

World War II and post apocolyptic Earth work too.

Futuresque 'Blackhawk down' style work for ya?

Note: I was thinking maybe we could use a lot from google maps, or if at all possible, use Google Earth for maps.

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Possibly isn't the RP for you then.

Futuresque 'Blackhawk down' style work for ya?

yeah sure. I mean if you want me to go from lasers to bullets that's fine ,but i must be able to use furry creatures.
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You mean like halo or resident evil? Yeah. I think I can work with that.

No Blackhawk down like the movie

EDIT:whoops, yeah, like resident evil 5

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I are most certanily in, Napshaye (If you could remember him.) Also, this is sort of what its based off of:

An oddly bassass and somewhat over-patriotic trailer...

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Anyone else in?  Yes, Kursed, I would perfer you use a human character.  No furries really.  Anyone else see furries running round Mexico City in 2015?

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Don't worry, I don't know much about it either.  I'm just running it off from what I've heard.

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Anyone else in?  Yes, Kursed, I would perfer you use a human character.  No furries really.  Anyone else see furries running round Mexico City in 2015?

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Err, right...

1. Roswell and the current set location are some distance away.

Anyone else see furries running round Mexico City in 2015?

2.  God knows what happened, but I'm sure anamorphic animals did not land in Roswell, maybe green slimy little buggers, but thats getting off topic.

Anyone else in?  IF it gets started, I'll shoot for this coming weekend.

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"And then... there was silence!"

"...and it was good..."


Anyway, when exactly are you going to get this thing's story line down? I mean, it has to be somewhere, riiiet wobbly?

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...And it was good indeed.


Last time I tried to do the storyline, it totally failed.  So I'm letting us decide the storyline (without goddmodding.  No warthogs in random places or calling for airstrikes every other post.)

Using google earth, we try to find our way out of Mexico City, and as far north as possible across the border.  From there, we can decide on a city to go to for help somewhere like in Texas or New Mexico.

We might have to come up with a unit name too, since if this goes well, I might do some more RP's with the same concept only in different situations and locations.  Like a Saga of movies, since I would like this RP to be as much of a GOOD movie as possible.  Not some cheezy B-list/Indie movie.

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Sounds like a fun RP.


Can I Can I Pweez?

/puppy eyes.

Besides, I probably won't start this until this weekend anyway.

EDIT: oh yeah, and Sideways, mind locking it from Monday morning to Thursday night so that me and other people who only have weekends off can get a chance before others take up like three whole pages of posts while we're (or I am) out for only a couple hours during the week?

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I'm sure I can do that. I'm hesitant to approve any more RP's with the talks of restructuring the RP section.

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