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The Movie Thread

Asper Sarnoff

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I think Scott Pilgrim vs. the world look pretty cool. I might see it. 

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I think Scott Pilgrim vs. the world look pretty cool. I might see it.

Ah i cant wait for this :D

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Watched the new Robin Hood movie yesterday, and I got pleasantly surprised I got to say. First half was properly good, then in the second half, I did sort of facepalm myself because it seemed to me like the producer had forgotten what the legend of Robin Hood as we know it was all about. Sneaking around in the forests, playing pranks on the giraff of... sorry, sheriff of Nottingham, head been replaced by epic battles against french invaders along the cliffs of Dover, with King John fighting beside Roin Longstride(Hood). Luckily, it redeemed itself in the last five minutes when the last pieces where put in place, and we got to know ALL of the film was just a prologue to the original story.

Still watching myself. Im up to episode 2-15. I deliberatly avoid that nostalgia critic episode until I'm finished. Also, the third series isn't canon. Just to the comic after series 2 if you can find them.

Okay. The NC review doesn't really reveal any of the story save for the first handfull of episodes or so, just for your information.

just saw A-Team today, was AMAZING :D i went in there with low expectations and man was i ever proven wrong XD

it actually has an involved plot with a lot of backstory, which was suprising since there was a lot of enjoyable comedy! if you like action and comedy, this film is for you!

That's a pleasant surprise! Thought it was going to be rubbish(sort of like the original series were as well. Don't mistake me, I loved them, but they weren't particulary good.), so I'll make sure to give that a look when it comes here.

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Watched the new Robin Hood movie yesterday, and I got pleasantly surprised I got to say. First half was properly good, then in the second half, I did sort of facepalm myself because it seemed to me like the producer had forgotten what the legend of Robin Hood as we know it was all about. Sneaking around in the forests, playing pranks on the giraff of... sorry, sheriff of Nottingham, head been replaced by epic battles against french invaders along the cliffs of Dover, with King John fighting beside Roin Longstride(Hood). Luckily, it redeemed itself in the last five minutes when the last pieces where put in place, and we got to know ALL of the film was just a prologue to the original story.

My friend described the new Robin Hood as a remake of Braveheart.

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My friend described the new Robin Hood as a remake of Braveheart.

The similarities struck me as well. But then, that's not exactly the worst thing to be compared to for a movie, isn't it?

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my brother watched prince of persia a few days ago, he said that is onlu a guy doing parkour in a bunch of sand.

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my brother watched prince of persia a few days ago, he said that is onlu a guy doing parkour in a bunch of sand.

Sounds loyle to the game then. Why do they always pick crap games to turn into films. Mario doesn't make a good film. Uncharted might. Kane and Lynch might. Ratchet might. But no, we get crap.

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Sounds loyle to the game then. Why do they always pick crap games to turn into films. Mario doesn't make a good film. Uncharted might. Kane and Lynch might. Ratchet might. But no, we get crap.

Well, in this case I have to say

it fits nicely. Sure, it is 'Matrix without guns'

in some sense, but it was pulled out better

than the games. For being a Disney movie

I will say it is quite good.

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Just saw Killers, great movie, hilarious and written smartly, though I am tired of Hollywood wrecking nice cars (Gold 79 Trans Am)

Tom Selleck is awesome in it

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Saw the old movie They Live with a great heel from wrestling "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

Great movie even If its a B-Movie, My new favorite line is "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick-ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum" preceding to shooting down some aliens.

Heres the trailer

And a great scene

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Anybody want to see a really bad movie?


nostalgia critic did it :D

man that was bad..

That's a pleasant surprise! Thought it was going to be rubbish(sort of like the original series were as well. Don't mistake me, I loved them, but they weren't particulary good.), so I'll make sure to give that a look when it comes here.

yeah thats what me and my friend expected too, albiet, at some points it is silly (flying a tank?) but man, it pulls a fast one on ya and gives you a story.

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Anybody want to see a really bad movie?



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Watched the Road Warrior again today. I forgot how awesome that movie was.

Although, to be honest, I almost cried when they killed the Interceptor.

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I love the Road Warrior.... one of the best movies ever made.

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Toy Story 3 was perfect.

The entire franchise is perfect.

Toy Story 2 is the best movie of all time at Rotten Tomatoes.

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The Mad Max movies was something of the most awesome ever to come out of Australia, and that says a lot.

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The entire franchise is perfect.

Toy Story 2 is the best movie of all time at Rotten Tomatoes.

RT is an agrigate site, and thus crap.

TS1 was canny back in the day, and TS2 was crap. No interest in TS3

When is Buzz Lightyear going to come out on DVD?

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Toy Story 3 was AMAZING!

But it doesn't beat my fav. movie in MY opinion.

"Merlin" (1980 I think) Starring: Sam Neil

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Toy Story 3 was perfect.

not gonna lie, i almost cried at the end :P

havent been moved by a movie like that in a LONG time..

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Yeah, Toy Story 3 was really good. It's rare to have a movie series that stays so original (and so...good!) through three sequels. I don't know how they did it, but they did.

Any thoughts on this new one? "Alpha and Omega": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi4HJ2jQno8

sitting in the theater with my friends before Toy Story started, this preview came up, and EVERYBODY pointed at me and shouted "FURRY!"

I think I'll be taking a lot of flak from this one. =(

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sitting in the theater with my friends before Toy Story started, this preview came up, and EVERYBODY pointed at me and shouted "FURRY!"


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