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Star Fox, Come out to Play!

Guest Julius Quasar

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Guest Julius Quasar

Fox helped Krystal, as Mercy helped Marcus.  Falco kept watch, and the train came to a stop.

"We gotta wait for the next train.." he said.  They got out onto the platform, and rested on the benches.


The CDS was in position, waiting for Star Wolf. They knew they were coming out of the store.

:wolf: "Oh, s*** it's the CDF!" Star Wolf tried to make a break for it.

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Fox helped Krystal, as Mercy helped Marcus.  Falco kept watch, and the train came to a stop.

"We gotta wait for the next train.." he said.  They got out onto the platform, and rested on the benches.

Krystal laid behind a bench as she  tried to relax the wound on her upper cheast was really starting to bug her.
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Guest Para Astaroth

Marcus stood up and couged out a little blood but ignored it.  "...No time to tend to myself.."  He muttered.  "Got to press on..." He looked at the map and set a route to intercept Star Wolf, and started towards the building across the road.

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Guest Julius Quasar


(oh come on! I want Star Wolf to slaughter them!)

Captain Smith and his team opened fire.

(We need Wolf and his crew alive for the final battle)

Wolf and his team hit the pavement, their hands over their heads.

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"Mercy Give me a hand here Dear!"KRystal said stil laying behind the bench.

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Guest Julius Quasar


"Mercy Give me a hand here Dear!"KRystal said stil laying behind the bench.

Mercy came to Krystal's aid.



The team closed in, keeping distance.


(Guys, let's slow down a bit,  let's let Evilwaffles will join us when he gets home from class, he PM'd me and I told him it was cool)

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Mercy came to Krystal's aid.


Wolf and his crew were wounded, on the ground....

(Guys, let's slow down a bit,  let's let Evilwaffles will join us when he gets home from class, he PM'd me and I told him it was cool)

(I'm probalby going to head to bed soon) "So is that your real name?"KRystal asked using Mercy to get up.
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Guest Para Astaroth

Marcus stopped and saw the team drawing near Star Wolf on his map.  "I've got a bad feeling about this..." Marcus darted off and hid behind a wall and watched from a distance.

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Guest Julius Quasar


(Star Wolf shoot CDF and get away)

(OH, okay, sorry, let me fix the last post i did)


(I'm probalby going to head to bed soon) "So is that your real name?"KRystal asked using Mercy to get up.

"Yeah...it is...I helped you 'cause I feel like it's my fault that Sully and his dorks attacked you..I'm sorry about that...so, you're the famous Star Fox Team?" she asked.

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(OH, okay, sorry, let me fix the last post i did)

"Yeah...it is...I helped you 'cause I feel like it's my fault that Sully and his dorks attacked you..I'm sorry about that...so, you're the famous Star Fox Team?" she asked.

"The newest member."KRystal replied..."I'm KRystal nice to meet you Mercy."
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Guest Julius Quasar


(go ahead and redo it Julius)



"The newest member."KRystal replied..."I'm KRystal nice to meet you Mercy."

"Nice to meet you, too, Krystal" said Mercy

As the group waited for the trains on the platform, a strange bunch of footsteps came closer and closer in the station, echoing around.

"Who-who's there!?" asked Slippy

No answer, except for the footsteps.  Suddenly, several furry characters, in painted KISS style, multi colored faces, and Baseball Uniforms, and holding baseball bats, stood there.  "RUN!  It's...THE BASEBALL FURRIES!" yelled Falco.

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As the group waited for the trains on the platform, a strange bunch of footsteps came closer and closer in the station, echoing around.

"Who-who's there!?" asked Slippy

No answer, except for the footsteps.  Suddenly, several furry characters, in painted KISS style, multi colored faces, and Baseball Uniforms, and holding baseball bats, stood there.  "RUN!  It's...THE BASEBALL FURRIES!" yelled Falco.

"Dangit!"KRystal shouted pulling out her staff adn holding her ground "Cover me would you?"She asked Mercy hadning her a blaster.
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Guest Julius Quasar


"Dangit!"KRystal shouted pulling out her staff adn holding her ground "Cover me would you?"She asked Mercy hadning her a blaster.

"Right!" said Mercy, taking the blaster.

The Team decided to fight the Baseball Furries in the station.

:falco: "I'll shove that bat up your @$$ and turn you into a Popsicle!"

Falco said to a Baseball Furry, as they fought.

Mercy covered Krystal, as Fox covered the rest of 'em.


The CDS got ready to take Star Wolf down.

Star Wolf tried to sneak away.

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"Right!" said Mercy, taking the blaster.

The Team decided to fight the Baseball Furries in the station.

:falco: "I'll shove that bat up your @$$ and turn you into a Popsicle!"

Falco said to a Baseball Furry, as they fought.

Mercy covered Krystal, as Fox covered the rest of 'em.

Star Wolf tried to sneak away.

KRystal whackd one Baseball furry to the ground  then stuck her staff up teh behind of another before whacking that one.
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Guest Julius Quasar

Fox fired, and Falco knocked out one Furry, and used his bat to fight the other B Furries.

Slippy was getting attacked, but Falco came to his aid.

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(Sorry Guys! School kept me away from the RP)

Outside the Park, Thunderstar heard some fighting going.

"How the????" He decided to join in until he saw team Star Fox. "SHIZZLE! It's them! Oh gosh, they didn't do anything to General Pepper." Thunder mumbled. "I'll try and help them somehow... BLAH, just get on with it Thunder!" Thunderstar grabbed out his bamboo stick (going on the profile) and tried to use it as a sword and whacked one Baseball furry.

And again, outside the park Sarah was covered her ears from the loud ruckus.

"Gosh! What's going on with these people! I got to stop them!" Sarah marched down the park with her blaster ready, until she saw Star Fox.  "S***, it's Star Fox! THEY are the ones who shot General Pepper! THEY should be arrested for that, and is that Thunderstar!?! He made the worst decision ever."

She made her first shot at (INSERT A STAR FOX MEMBER HERE), and then made her fire at Thunder.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Marcus grunted and slumped to the ground against the wall; exhausted and the pain setting it.  He bared his teeth as the wounds all over his upper body stung and tensed up.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Fox narrowly avoided being shot by Sarah "Hey! Who shot at me!?" he said, angrily.  "Never mind that, Fox!  We gotta fight these guys off!" shouted Falco.

The other train puled into the station.  "Our train!  We gotta get outta here!  That's our shot to Union Station!" shouted Mercy.

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Fox narrowly avoided being shot by Sarah "Hey! Who shot at me!?" he said, angrily.  "Never mind that, Fox!  We gotta fight these guys off!" shouted Falco.

The other train puled into the station.  "Our train!  We gotta get outta here!  That's our shot to Union Station!" shouted Mercy.

"AGH!"KRystal shouted  she had gotten hit betwen the legs byone of the baseballers bats she whacked him upside hte head hard enough to almost crack his skull then limped to Mecry ,"I'm gonna need some help...
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