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SF Command Haters...


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Other than the "confusion" of having the 8 different possible endings, can someone please explain to me exactly what they found so horrible with the storyline? I seem to be in a minority that enjoyed a more diverse and dark story line (though I do agree Star Wolf was way out of character...but even then it was workable.)

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Characters out me character.

Majority of the endings.

Seemed like a crappy fan-fic to me.

To sum it all up... depressing:


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Guest Julius Quasar

Characters out me character.

Majority of the endings.

Seemed like a crappy fan-fic to me.

To sum it all up... depressing:



plus, the controls were awful, it was too hard to use the d-pad, stylus, and buttons at the same time, plus the timed/fuel limitation missions were dreadful...no voice acting, just the chattering with text....depressing ending(s), Dash Bowman, and bringing back Pigma....it seemed like Nintendo and Q Games just cranked it out to make money, not a new game...thank God Command is not considered canon....

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The controls and all that I get, not a fan of the stylus either, but storywise, i dunno, i found it interesting. Tried a little too hard, maybe, but I always prefer when stories, movies, and such have layered storylines and more substantial endings than "everyone did everything the way they were expected to and they lived happily ever after".

Besides, as a first-gen SF fan, I've already had my SF canon raped a few times, I've learned to just roll with the punches.

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Look at the majority of the endings and you will see why it is good. G-Zero, Kursed, etc.

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In my world, I still like to think James McCloud vanished in the Black Hole and Fortuna is the Dinosaur Planet. :wink:

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Guest Julius Quasar

The controls suck and it just didn't seem like a Starfox game to me.

Amen!  Q Games and Nintendo were just cranking out a cheap quality, poorly conceived game, to make more money off of a popular franchise/series...

just like Double Dragon 3...however, the game after Double Dragon 3 was great!  Maybe the next Star Fox game will be great (Nintendo owes it to the fans to make it up to them with a better Star Fox Game next time, IMO)

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I found nothing terribly wrong with the game except for the controls. And I don't know why people are complaining about the fuel time, for me that's not even a factor, seeing how I can complete a level way before the timer runs out.

That being said, its my least favorite Star Fox game, but I still like it.

The only ending I found out of place was the G-Zero ending.

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Two words....

Marcus McCloud.


Okay seriously, I found the game to have its highs and lows. But the way people are b_tching about it on Youtube and some other sites, ticks me off. The Wi-fi multiplayer was the nail in the coffin for me. Character issues were quite ummm...interesting but not a major blow to the game. Endings made me laugh...alot. Maybe a little too hard.

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Guest Brittsta113

Two words....

Marcus McCloud.


Okay seriously, I found the game to have its highs and lows. But the way people are b_tching about it on Youtube and some other sites, ticks me off. The Wi-fi multiplayer was the nail in the coffin for me. Character issues were quite ummm...interesting but not a major blow to the game. Endings made me laugh...alot. Maybe a little too hard.

haha dittto! I felt bad laughing at them :P but now I dont anymore !

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Guest Chiro-Chan

I don't really hate it either, because I see the entire game as a satirical play on the fanbase. I have seen every single one of those endings done in a fanfiction in one way or another, and I can't help but think that the guys who made the game were mocking the fans the entire time. Come on, the 'new team member falls in love with character x' and 'child of character x and y's adventures' have been done millions upon millions of times, along with the other endings as well. I think the reason it got so many people worked up is because it's a parody of what *they* do.

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I don't really hate it either, because I see the entire game as a satirical play on the fanbase. I have seen every single one of those endings done in a fanfiction in one way or another, and I can't help but think that the guys who made the game were mocking the fans the entire time. Come on, the 'new team member falls in love with character x' and 'child of character x and y's adventures' have been done millions upon millions of times, along with the other endings as well. I think the reason it got so many people worked up is because it's a parody of what *they* do.

You know what? I've never really thought of it that way, but your right!

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You know what? I've never really thought of it that way, but your right!

Interestign way to look at it ,but I still dislike command.
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I don't really hate it either, because I see the entire game as a satirical play on the fanbase. I have seen every single one of those endings done in a fanfiction in one way or another, and I can't help but think that the guys who made the game were mocking the fans the entire time. Come on, the 'new team member falls in love with character x' and 'child of character x and y's adventures' have been done millions upon millions of times, along with the other endings as well. I think the reason it got so many people worked up is because it's a parody of what *they* do.

Wow, that's actually a really good deduction. How many times has there been a "New Enemy" fanfic or "The Children of Fox and Krystal" or "Insert another cliche here". They probably used Fanfiction.net as their storyboard.

Oh about Marcus McCloud, I was only teasing. Can't say I like or dislike him. The fact that his existence caused an uproar (From what I understood) and we don't even know his character in depth we only saw a couple of screens of him. If he were to replace Fox, then I would be very disappointed. Since, we've known Fox since the beginning of the Star Fox franchise. But to hate a character solely on some vague information and no story is just plain silly. This comment really applies to some Youtubers. I'd say just give him a decent chance if they went that route. (In which I hope they don't...)

The only endings I tolerated were Lucy and Krystal, Dash Makes a Choice and the one where Krystal becomes Kursed. Those have the potential to be considered in the next SF storyline.

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Wow, that's actually a really good deduction. How many times has there been a "New Enemy" fanfic or "The Children of Fox and Krystal" or "Insert another cliche here". They probably used Fanfiction.net as their storyboard.

Oh about Marcus McCloud, I was only teasing. Can't say I like or dislike him. The fact that his existence caused an uproar (From what I understood) and we don't even know his character in depth we only saw a couple of screens of him. If he were to replace Fox, then I would be very disappointed. Since, we've known Fox since the beginning of the Star Fox franchise. But to hate a character solely on some vague information and no story is just plain silly. This comment really applies to some Youtubers. I'd say just give him a decent chance if they went that route. (In which I hope they don't...)

The only endings I tolerated were Lucy and Krystal, Dash Makes a Choice and the one where Krystal becomes Kursed. Those have the potential to be considered in the next SF storyline.

yes I would be very disspointed if Marcus replaces fox even if Krystal is still in the game.
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Thanks for explaining that Sol.

Yeah I know you were teasing, there are others I know of though... I agree about him not replacing Fox.

Lol they skipped all the good fan-fics on FF.net

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I adore the additions of Lucy and Amanda. Go more female characters! :D

Wolf was a bit of a pansy, but I loved some of his lines.

Gah. I don't have time to type about what I love and hate about it, I'll do it later.

I'm always for female characters ,but Amanda I think i'll have to  make a acception for I prefure Miyu and Fay to be honest. Lucy wasn't half bad though.
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Guest Julius Quasar

I'm always for female characters ,but Amanda I think i'll have to  make a acception for I prefure Miyu and Fay to be honest. Lucy wasn't half bad though.

I agree, plus we need Fara, too

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I think Bill and Katt sort of replaced Miyu and Fay, or at least personality wise. ^^ I like Amanda because she's so carefree and cheerful (except when Slippy goes off without telling her, of course.)

Lucy is my favorite character after Falco and Wolf. xD She's smart and sweet instead of being the stereotypical ditzy "pretty girl" or whatever. Astrophysics and dogfighting with pink fur and a girlie theme song! W00t!

I'd like Fara back too, but admittedly, it'd just cause more unneeded drama.

I donno i'd still like to see Miyu and Fay return as starfox needs more Females that are actaully in the team.
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