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SF Command Haters...


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I'd like to see that picture.

Well, I took the honor of finding it for you and it is right here, I think...


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^Thank you!

OMG! This is the first time I see a humanized Bill. Awesome. Usually he gets no love! And you made everyone so true to character. The only thing is that Foxie looks older than Falco, even Peppy. Slap some shades on him and I'd think he's James. Other than that, I love them.  :D

I can't believe I'm saying this but Amanda looks so cute.(Not cuter than Lucy though) I don't even like her. Fffffff. She even reminds me of what Fay could look like if she were humanized.

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No its not. They are really good and not bishie. (I don't mind a bishie style but really if artists can pull off something else, I'll lean more towards non bishie.) Dun sob, this is multitudes better than what I could draw and believe me I ain't got skillz. :P So yeah great job!

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Guest Julius Quasar

Well, I took the honor of finding it for you and it is right here, I think...


Right on, Katt (and thanks, Fox-Shot)

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FINALLY! Someone else who liked Katt's new design! I also liked the custom Arwings, especially the Cloudrunner. I didn't like Fox's Arwing though, of all of the Arwings, I prefer the Brawl design.

HEY! I liked her new design too! What about me? :P

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FINALLY! Someone else who liked Katt's new design! I also liked the custom Arwings, especially the Cloudrunner. I didn't like Fox's Arwing though, of all of the Arwings, I prefer the Brawl design.

what I like Katt being black!
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@ Falconry and Kursed  Yay! We all like Black/Dark Grey (whatever) Katt! Everyone else outside of the Star Fox community hates it. Later for them.  :P

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Guest Julius Quasar

@ Julius, Falconry and Kursed  Yay! We all like Black/Dark Grey (whatever) Katt! Everyone else outside of the Star Fox community hates it. Later for them.  :P

Wo-wo-wo, hang on there....

I said "Right on catwings" 'cause I like her humanized drawings of the Star Fox Characters as humans, I found those fascinating.  I don't care for Black/Dark Grey Katt, no...I don't like anything associated with Star Fox Command (except for Marcus McCloud).

I don't like the black/dark grey Katt Monroe (sorry for the confusion/mix up there).

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^Oh Whoops I'll edit my statement. I thought you were agreeing with catwings' whole statement. :P

Well, you know what they say.....Once you go black/dark gray, you'll never go back. :P Okay honestly she looks more D.Gray than anything.

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  • 3 weeks later...

well to say my opinion, the first ending was a crap.

krystal's pink outfit makes her look.. strange. blue makes more her style.

the other endings wasn't all good, but marcus is a very good character, if nintendo change some things on his part of the story, he could even appear on the next starfox game!

katt's new design.. i can't tell about it because i've just played sf command...

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well to say my opinion, the first ending was a crap.

krystal's pink outfit makes her look.. strange. blue makes more her style.

the other endings wasn't all good, but marcus is a very good character, if nintendo change some things on his part of the story, he could even appear on the next starfox game!

katt's new design.. i can't tell about it because i've just played sf command...

i didn't like any of the endings at all...personally i don't think Nintendo worked very hard on command....

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yeah I don't really like all of them I can pick out a couple that make sense to the story. or put three of them together to make a good ending. and as for marcus... i'm not really sure I like him at all first of all he starts a new starfox which means No more KRystal and more importantly Fox.

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Yeah, you're right kursed, well at least the game is not canon (could someone explain the canon word better to me? because i think that canon means that the game is an alternative part for the story.)


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Yeah, you're right kursed, well at least the game is not canon (could someone explain the canon word better to me? because i think that canon means that the game is an alternative part for the story.)


Cannon means somethign is actually part of the story since command is non-cannon it is like Starfox64 or the Farewell beloved Falco comic) IT's not part of the starfox story ,but i could be another dimension of Starfox..
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errr.. i din't get it, so star fox 64 is not an part of the story?

i knew about "farwell beloved falo" comic wasn't a part of the story, and command too.

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errr.. i din't get it, so star fox 64 is not an part of the story?

i knew about "farwell beloved falo" comic wasn't a part of the story, and command too.

either 64 or the Snes version was non-cannon i'm pretty sure it was 64 though.
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well,thinking better, i think that snes star fox and star fox 64 were only used to introduce the characters.


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Star Fox 64 IS canon, anything during the SNES era is not. SF64 was the reboot to the series and the rest of the games take their origins from there.

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well,thinking better, i think that snes star fox and star fox 64 were only used to introduce the characters.


uh im confused with this cannon stuff and starfox64 is way more important than just introducing the characters.

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uh im confused with this cannon stuff and starfox64 is way more important than just introducing the characters.

yeah, you're right.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Endings can be defined as two things: Corny or just plain Horrible.

Other problems really are just:

- controls

- characters

- multiplayer

- etc.

I really think they messed this game up. :evil: :x

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I have heard multiple people say that Star Fox Command isn't cannon, where is the evidence to support this claim? There isn't any. And you can't use the argument that the multiple endings make it non cannon because according to Immamura and Cuthbert, Command is the last game in the time line and any new released games will be prequels, which makes it possible for the game to have multiple endings and still be cannon.

I think most people want to believe this because they didn't like the game's endings.

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I have heard multiple people say that Star Fox Command isn't cannon, where is the evidence to support this claim? There isn't any. And you can't use the argument that the multiple endings make it non cannon because according to Immamura and Cuthbert, Command is the last game in the time line and any new released games will be prequels, which makes it possible for the game to have multiple endings and still be cannon.

I think most people want to believe this because they didn't like the game's endings.

"Cuthbert:  I think Star Fox has always evolved. There's always a chance to change. Nothing's ever set in stone in the Star Fox universe. Except Storyline.

IGN: Which do you consider to be the one definite ending?

Cuthbert: The canon ending. Hehe. I think if the game continues it won't pick up where the game ends, but start more in the middle.

Imamura: This storyline, ends here, and if there's a continuation it would start from the middle, so it wouldn't depend on any of the endings.

Cuthbert: If you think about it, the timeline to the end of the game, jumped a few years. So we can pick the game up before those events. We're not going to start the next game with a 150 year old Slippy, or Falco with one leg.

That's the excerpt from the interview stating its the end of the series, and they're saying its definitely possible to pick it up before the actual endings take place, and either pick a real one, or make a new one itself and that none of the endings are set in stone.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Starguy24

Starfox Command I'll admit isn't as good as the others. I guess what I didn't like much about it is that it didn't feel as significant. For instance, when playing SF64 my thoughts were 'Wow, what exciting and intense gameplay!" or when playing Starfox Assault 'That was an incredible storyline!' Here nothing really blew me away. A few things like the time limits during battles and some awkward controls (at first) also cause annoyance

The thing is though is that it wasn't bad at all. The controls, although they took some getting used to, worked well after that. And the gameplay is very fun on the DS. As far as the endings go....most of them were interesting, and gave fans some things to think about. But they were also sad (this is easily the most depressing Starfox game) and a couple of them I didn't really care for.

Command is probably worth about a 7.5 or an 8 out of 10.

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