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SF Command Haters...


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Bleh. I'm outnumbered on that so have your fun. I'd just rather see a discussion on it than random bashing which is what these threads seem to turn to.

Not alone in thinking that. It's almost as the sole reason for why some stay here is to bash Command, and that I find to be quite the waste of time really. But then, it's their time, not mine.

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I've only read the first two pages but I have to say as someone who has played every game in the series, SF-C was definitely the worst as far as overall game quality.  However, if we are discussing whether it deserves a place as a Starfox game, or if it was just a cheap attempt to make a quick buck then I would have to place it above Starfox Adventures (sorry Krystal lovers).  I mean if there was any game that was an attempt to earn some fast cash it was that one.  Most people seem to forget that the Starfox name was just slapped onto a game that was already in-development as a standalone.  The style didn't even fit in with the other Starfox games.  You want to talk about poor Arwing control and design? Try playing the flight sequences in SF-Av for a while and then come talk.  That said, for what it was, I liked it and it played well (other than the arwing sequences).

Getting back to the topic at hand, SF-C is still fun for me and I still play it.  However, I hate the whole timing system.  It's a pretty useless game mechanic and it IMO was just a half-assed attempt to add difficulty to the game, when they could have just focused on better A.I.  The one-on-one battles also were annoying just b/c it didn't really feel like a true dogfight.  It was more of find-shoot-loop-shoot-loop.  Of course, that's how all dogfights in SF have worked so far, but trying to do that with a stylus just got annoying, and you'd think with all these years and experience under their belt that they'd find a way to give us decent dogfighting A.I. at least for the "Aces".  I really didn't have a problem with any of the endings as much as I really just had a problem with the whole story.  I didn't like how they keep splitting starfox up to begin games.  It's kinda cliche and it doesn't really work in my opinion, especially the way they did it in SF-C.

It may seem like I'm just complaining, but I do actually like the game.  It was fun and the anglars were a refreshing enemy.  I was so excited to finally play as someone other than Fox in the main story, especially my fave chars Katt and Falco (Although they made her a black cat instead of Pink T.T).  All in all SF-C is good, just not good enough...

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Trace

I didn't really see nothing wrong with the storyline. The thing I hate about Star Fox Command,were all the controls...Also the fact you had a time limit/ fuel thing.I hated using the stylus and other controls at the same time.. I also dislike the fact that they brought back all the dead characters THAT SHOULD Stay Dead.. Like Pigma he died.. Yet they say his soul mannaged to go in a little cube.Honestly that was just retarded to me...

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When I rode the first Dutch preview of Command it wasn't look like what it become. StarFox 2 was the word they used. I bought it in the Toy Store for 20,00. I played it the whole night. But already by the first ending.. I DO like all the StarFox games. But this one is diffrent. All stories are made with the love of their creator, but Command didn't. The game itself is very cool.. but the story..

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Oh my god where do I start?

Well, 8 different stories? That's a nono, and a bad one at that.

And the controls for the DS, you're using a damn stick for crying out loud, give the Arwing some respect! (3DS)

Fox and Krystal are perfect, I'm not saying that I'm obsessed with FoxXKrystal, I'm just saying that's how if outta be.

And Krystal joining Star Wolf? Ha! Don't make me laugh.

And Slippy and Falco leaving the team? What the hell?

I can totally understand Peppy having to be the new General, sorta, but Team Star Fox is mainly (Now) Fox, Krystal, Falco, and Slippy. I really wish Peppy would totally get back in there :oops:

And the whole series is as sure as hell better without Command, Assault wasn't bad either, except loosing the Great Fox :facepalm: That was a big mistake. I ? the Great Fox people.

And Nintendo wasn't thinking when they made Command, and just leaving fans out there to guess what the hell is gonna happen and make up crazy fan fics of what the real ending is, that's just wrong, Nintendo could have at least left us a BIG hint that even a blonde could figure out (No offence to all blondes :P)

It's like leaving a puppy out on the road, things like this just arn't ment to let fans guessing. *Sigh*

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Zkorpio

I could come up with a gigantic list of how Q-Games permanentally screwed the starfox series, and how god awful the endings and the character designs on it are, but i'm just going to put it that Starfox Command sucks, failed miserably, and doesn't deserve to even be a part of the Starfox series.  :(

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Lol I don't see why so many people hate this game. I enjoyed it and its fun to play over and over again. To me it is a Starfox game and a really deep one because of the multiple endings. Some of them sucked though XD :lol:

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To be honest, I don't think SFC really deserves all the hate it gets even if it was the least memorable in the series. The gameplay was fun even if the controls were a little awkward, and the choices you had throughout to decide where you wanted to go and get different endings was cool. Graphically it was pretty great, and the music was impressive as it is in all the Starfox games.

Now some of the endings were kinda lousy and the game as a whole was depressing...lol I never cried while playing but it made me feel like crap. Another thing was that it didn't have the same sort of impact that it's predecessors did...it was basically a filler, nothing was really added to the series. In fact, while looking back at all the Starfox games, Command to me always seems like the game that's just 'there'.

Overall I'd give it a 4/5.

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To be honest, I don't think SFC really deserves all the hate it gets even if it was the least memorable in the series. The gameplay was fun even if the controls were a little awkward, and the choices you had throughout to decide where you wanted to go and get different endings was cool. Graphically it was pretty great, and the music was impressive as it is in all the Starfox games.

Now some of the endings were kinda lousy and the game as a whole was depressing...lol I never cried while playing but it made me feel like crap. Another thing was that it didn't have the same sort of impact that it's predecessors did...it was basically a filler, nothing was really added to the series. In fact, while looking back at all the Starfox games, Command to me always seems like the game that's just 'there'.

Overall I'd give it a 4/5.

Storyline and endings are the only thing wrong with it.

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I don't hate the game, I just dislike the controls and the endings (I got ending #3 twice  :x) so I wouldn't call it a starfox game as much as it is a space style shooter.

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My friend got a copy of it when it before me and I asked "how was it?" and his reply was sort of like this:

I got it later anyway because I wanna have all the Star Fox games. No matter how bad.

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My friend got a copy of it when it before me and I asked "how was it?" and his reply was sort of like this:

I got it later anyway because I wanna have all the Star Fox games. No matter how bad.

Now matter how hard you beat yourself with a hammer,

Command's storyline will never get any better :P

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How about shooting yourself will that work?

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The plot was sort of bland, but tolerable. The multiple endings were awful. The gameplay didn't pull me in, either. Overall, it just wasn't what I was expecting.

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Yeah me neither but then again a didn't know what to expect when i heard it was on Nintendo ds

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the only problem with the game was  the multiple endings....if anything they could have made it a multiple story line like they have been doing with Sonic lately...first you play as a Cornarian Pilot (probably Dash for who ever cares).......then Star Fox....then Star Wolf....and once you beat all three endings....you unlocked the ultimate ending like....the Angler Emporer goes 'Andross' on the Lylat system and you get the true ending....so it would not leave you guessing ><

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  • 1 month later...

I dont "hate" it , i just "hate" that i don have a DSI to play it!

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I dont "hate" it , i just "hate" that i don have a DSI to play it!

It would be best if you didn't.

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It would be best if you didn't.

Yeah your gonna want to avoid this game.
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it was that bad?  :(

It wasn't a horrible piece of sh!t but it wasn't a good game either, in my opinion it wasn't a star fox game and more of a fan fic space shooter game.
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  • 1 month later...

Why do many hate SF:C? It is a great game!

People don't like it because the gameplay is uncomfortable and its basically a soap opera with anthros. Also, its been known to make Krystal fans uncomfortable with some of the endings. Kursed made my best friend, Joeseph cry! :(.......No seriously. :oops:

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Kursed made my best friend, Joeseph cry! :(.......No seriously. :oops:

This part actually made me laugh because of the truth it retains.
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