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SF Command Haters...


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People don't like it because the gameplay is uncomfortable and its basically a soap opera with anthros. Also, its been known to make Krystal fans uncomfortable with some of the endings. Kursed made my best friend, Joeseph cry! :(.......No seriously. :oops:

My thoughts exactly, Dublinfox. The story was basically an emo goth soap opera in outer space and it reduced the characters to badly drawn, overly angsty twits. A huge 180 from the great story that had been holding up well from 1997 to 2005. But that is just my opinion. If one likes it, that's alright.

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Wow this thread is actually still going?  O_o What bad things are left to even say about Command? :lol:

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A huge 180 from the great story that had been holding up well from 1997 to 2005.


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My thoughts exactly, Dublinfox. The story was basically an emo goth soap opera in outer space and it reduced the characters to badly drawn, overly angsty twits. A huge 180 from the great story that had been holding up well from 1997 to 2005. But that is just my opinion. If one likes it, that's alright.

And speaking about character being badly drawn, There wasn't a single change in facial expression or body movement! They kept the same faces and body stances throughout the entire game! Games that have characters talking like in Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin had different expressions and body stances to show that the characters had feelings and character, and that was made the same year as Command. So why didn't they do it for that game?  Like for instance, when Fox discovers Krystal joined Star Wolf, he didn't look sad or shocked at all, he just kept the same straight face throughout the whole game!

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I would say the line but I already said it for him...... What the heck? So that's what Milkyway64 looks like.
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  • 1 month later...

For the people who hate it why did you bother buying or playing it? I mean we have internet now, you could have looked at the game play and storyline or read the topic of people who played it if you had suspicious doubts. It seems childish complaining about stuff that you only want in a Star Fox game when there are millions of other people who are in the same boat who want to fill their desires in the game as well. Nintendo did the best they could giving what the fans wanted by proving the closest ending they wanted to see. SFC was fun in my part, it wasn't godly addicting as SF64, but it served many hours of fun, and had some decent replay value for your moneys worth rather than the linear game play put in Adventures and assault. If your a Star Fox fan you wouldn't complain more than you would take this as an example not to hate Star fox Command, but what Nintendo could do to improve for the next one.

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For the people who hate it why did you bother buying or playing it? I mean we have internet now, you could have looked at the game play and storyline or read the topic of people who played it if you had suspicious doubts. It seems childish complaining about stuff that you only want in a Star Fox game when there are millions of other people who are in the same boat who want to fill their desires in the game as well. Nintendo did the best they could giving what the fans wanted by proving the closest ending they wanted to see. SFC was fun in my part, it wasn't godly addicting as SF64, but it served many hours of fun, and had some decent replay value for your moneys worth rather than the linear game play put in Adventures and assault. If your a Star Fox fan you wouldn't complain more than you would take this as an example not to hate Star fox Command, but what Nintendo could do to improve for the next one.

the only reason why I couldn't look up stuff like that was because I before I got the game I had no intentions on doing research on it. Plus, I didn't even know sites like youtube even existed until early 2007. Plus I got it as a christmas present from my father, and I have no thought on getting rid of a gift. And as a Star Fox fan, I plan to collect every game........except the SF2 beta demo. Thats too rare for me to find.

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I still have Star Fox Command unpacked stuffed in a box in my closet, I bought it when I was one of my ex's in NC years over two years ago but never played it lol

For the people who hate it why did you bother buying or playing it?

Firstly, the internet is not a full substitute for your own personal review of the game and secondly, by actually playing it, you're own review of the game when you explain it to others has more credibility than just going by what you see or hear online - it also gives you more entitlement to bitch about things you didn't like. :)

Furthermore, fans of video game series (ex. Star Fox, Metroid) will usually play any game associated with the series, no matter how bad is it. It's just how they roll.

I mean we have internet now, you could have looked at the game play and storyline or read the topic of people who played it if you had suspicious doubts. It seems childish complaining about stuff that you only want in a Star Fox game when there are millions of other people who are in the same boat who want to fill their desires in the game as well.

Only a lot of the valid complaining concerns aspects of the game that the vast majority agree were "bad", such as the controls - not so much personal tastes.

Nintendo did the best they could giving what the fans wanted by proving the closest ending they wanted to see.

First, I highly doubt that Nintendo "did the best they could". While the multiple endings are a nice touch I'll admit I'm doubtful that the majority of fans would have wanted multiple endings as they would have wanted one "true" ending and more solid canon.

SFC was fun in my part, it wasn't godly addicting as SF64, but it served many hours of fun, and had some decent replay value for your moneys worth rather than the linear game play put in Adventures and assault. If your a Star Fox fan you wouldn't complain more than you would take this as an example not to hate Star fox Command, but what Nintendo could do to improve for the next one.


Well, guess I better actually start playing Command now. Where's my DS?

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Don't care for the game, and yet I don't hate it either. I just got a look at a trailer before its release and went with my gut--which was telling me the following statement: 'looks like a game that should just be skipped'.

Simple as that, honestly..

...just noticed now that I had posted something like this before. memory epic fail. >_> xD;

Edited by Shinigami
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Did some one bump this?


Chrono Reaper, but it really wasn't a huge bump by any stretch, and he made a lot of points that I felt needed responding to. :P

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  • 5 months later...

I hate it. I hate everything about it.

So sad...

Oh yeah, the game was also VERY depressing. :|

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  • 2 months later...

Did this really deserve a dredge for that?

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This specific topic again? What is with command and people dredging?

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Dredgers gonna dredge :troll:

But seriously, go away Star Fox Command. Go away SF: Assault. Go away SF: Adventures.

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I just wanted to show my support for Command. Story be darned, the gameplay feels very rewarding and I find it addicting.

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Okay then. Now someone please lock this topic, for the sake of my sanity.

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...how is the gameplay rewarding

barrel roll into a million ships and shoot a million missiles to get nine different depressing-as-hell endings? (With the exception of like two)

blablabla whatever dredgey dredge dredge

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Other than the "confusion" of having the 8 different possible endings, can someone please explain to me exactly what they found so horrible with the storyline? I seem to be in a minority that enjoyed a more diverse and dark story line (though I do agree Star Wolf was way out of character...but even then it was workable.)

9 endings, and the rest of the gang can explain. My opinions are there somewhere.

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Same old, same old; we get it. Another damn reply talking about reasons already mentioned like fifty times before and I will personally hunt down every copy of Command in my city and smash them to pieces.

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Guys...This was made in sep. 2009...Don't you think it's kinda...Old? Btw what's the point in continually blabing about command when all we do is say the same thing? It's stupid...Buuut since I'm saying this I'm also going to say that I liked command, but it's definitely not the best Starfox game I've played.

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