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Proof that Star Fox is in Star Trek!!!

Guest RedPhoenix32

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Guest RedPhoenix32

I found this on the ST:O site.

"The popular Bacco doesn't endorse a successor, throwing the field open to dozens of potential candidates. Jaed Maz of Trill is frequently mentioned by political commentators, as are Federation Councilors Soron of Vulcan and Kevin Steiner of Terra Nova. Candidates from Bajor, Andoria and Sauria are seen as outside choices."

Here is the link: http://www.startrekonline.com/node/372

This is either coincidental, or really freaky.

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If memory serves me correctly then I remember seeing that Sauria means reptile/lizard or something like that.

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If memory serves me correctly then I remember seeing that Sauria means reptile/lizard or something like that.

it does
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  • 1 month later...

Coincidence or not, it's still interesting.

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