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"we have a problem.." short story

Hatsworth III

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since the anglar army was defeated, peace runned, and krystak was going to have a son,panther had a burst of happiness, but he didn't know what was going to come.. fox recieves one message: "the time has come", "shit' fox says, on the hospital, "panther , the kid i'm awaiting is not yours, is fox's son!" krystal says and panther collapses, "let's name him marcus" fox said, "ok" krystal answerd", the kid born healthy, and krystal and fox married sometime later, peppy is training marcus when fox and the others are on the mission, and they lived their lives, that become one documentary, on the very days of marcus tuned on the commander of the star fox team.


sorry for the grammar errors, it's because i'm not american.

coment please!

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