rainfyre66 Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 *I was working on this screenplay a while ago, when I came up with the idea, I thought it'd be a neat concept for a fantasy film. The goal was to write the screenplay and make concept art for it, just because. Unfortunately, I got discouraged due to lack of time for the dedication I wanted to the project. But, I figure for the heck of it I'll post what I have here. It's incomplete, yet long- 65 pages, so I'll break it down in posts over time. It is a story based on a classic segment from Pinocchio, about the naughty boys who are taken by a Coachman to a boys' paradise called Pleasure Island. Here's my "official" summary-*Lampwick is a notoriously troublesome boy who has grown up with no money, no father, a hard-working and hard-edged mother, and saintly sister. Along comes a man who promises him paradise- he will take Lampwick and other boys to a place called Pleasure Island, a dark carnival where boys are free to do as they wish…but there is a price.After days and nights of boyish anarchy, the boys are transformed into donkeys to be sold into labor. When Lampwick helps his new friend Pinocchio escape off the island, the boys’ plight captures the attention of the mystical Blue Fairy. With the help of the Blue Fairy and a mysterious ally, Lampwick concocts a courageous plan of escape, but they are going up against a darker magic than they could have ever imagined. Lampwick and the boys must discover that the most powerful magic of all doesn’t come from wishing on a star…it comes from the heart. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainfyre66 Posted October 2, 2009 Author Share Posted October 2, 2009 *Meh, I'm going to have to go back and italicize the stage directions so it can be more clearly seperated from the dialogue. I will as soon as I have more time. Until then, my apologies...*FADE INEXT: Early morning out in the ocean. A mountainous island is ominously surrounded by fog. A ferry sets out and travels over to the mainland.The morning sun shines on a quaint village in Anyworld, circa the late 1880’s, with cobblestone streets and gaslight lamps. It is a sprawling hillside town, edged by a forest on one side and the ocean on the other. People hurriedly mill about the streets, on their way to school and work. Zoom in on the “poor side” of the town to focus on the exterior of a tenement building, where we hear a MOTHER yelling from inside.MOTHER (os)Lampwick! Lampwick, come on, it’s time to get up for school!INT: The house. A woebegone and frazzled Mother swings open the door to a tiny bedroom. In the middle of the bed there is a bedspread covered lump.Mother draws open the window curtain and yanks back the covers to reveal a long-limbed 12 year old red-haired boy- LAMPWICK.LAMPWICKAw, Ma, I can’t go to school today, I got a bit of pain in my head…MOTHERI’ll give you a pain upside your head! Come on, hurry up, you’re going to be late for school again.(on her way out)And see to it your bed gets made for once!She leaves. Lampwick grumbles and pulls the covers back up when he hears the door slam.LAMPWICKStupid school…I should just stay in today…(Sits upright as he remembers something)Oh, wait! That’s right!Lampwick is suddenly energized as he leaps up and then dives under his bed. He slides back out with a pastry box.EXT: Morning- outside of house Lampwick emerges, now dressed and the box is tucked under his arm in place of school books. He swaggers down the street, kicking rocks at flocks of doves to scatter them, swipes an apple from a vendor’s cart. He stops by a fountain in the village square and meets up with another boy- EUGENE.EUGENEIt’s about time, thought maybe you decided to play hooky again.LAMPWICKI thought about it, but I got something to show all you guys today. Just wait till you see what I swiped yesterday!EUGENE (eyeing the pastry box)What? Did you swipe some sweet buns or something?LAMPWICKSweet buns?! No way, something much better than that!He starts to lift the corner of the box, but a cop wanders by. The boys casually look around. Something catches Lampwick’s eye.LAMPWICKWell, can you beat that!EUGENEWhat?LAMPWICKA wooden boy, over there, look!They watch as a little boy with wooden marionette slats for limbs skips by, swinging a strap of school books.LAMPWICK(calls to Wooden Boy)Hey Slats, where do you think you’re going?WOODEN BOY (still skipping)I’m going to school to learn!Lampwick and Eugene laugh at him. The wooden boy is oblivious.LAMPWICKI wonder if he had a disease or something. Weird.EUGENE(Pounds fist into his palm)C’mon, he wants to learn, I say we teach him a lesson!LAMPWICKAh, let him alone, he ain’t bothering anybody.EUGENECome on, it might get you on Mr. Polendina’s good side if you brought him some firewood.LAMPWICKNothing can get me on his good side, who cares about that anyway? Besides, I got something much better for him…He lifts corner of the box and Eugene peeks inside.EUGENEJiminy Crickets, Lampwick! Are those fireworks?LAMPWICKGenuine, honest-to-goodness Chinese fireworks!EUGENEOh boy, what are we gonna do with those?LAMPWICKAlright, but you can’t tell too many of the guys, and you all gotta keep it a secret! Later tonight, we’ll all sneak out and meet here in the village square, then we’ll set these up around Polendina’s house, and BOOM! He’ll think the British are coming with all the racket these will make! At school, we’ll show the others what’s in the box for a penny a peek.EUGENEThat sounds swell! You always have the best ideas!A pretty girl, LAVINIA, walks by. LAVINIAHi Lampwick. Oh, do you have sweet buns? LAMPWICKUh…He fumbles the box and spills some fireworks on the ground. She helps pick some up.School bells sound in the distance. The boys take off running towards school, leaving Lavinia behindINT: Day, Schoolhouse classroom. The teacher (MR. POLENDINA) drones on about square roots at the blackboard, Lampwick is flicking paper wads, clearly bored. One accidentally hits Lavinia. She turns and sees Lampwick, who mouths an apology.MR. POLENDINALampwick, rather than distracting others with your jackass behavior, why not come up and take your place in the dunce corner?LAMPWICKNah, I don’t belong up there.He leans back and kicks his legs up onto his desk.MR. POLENDINAAh, you proud but stupid boy, you enjoy being the center of attention, all eyes on you, yes? Then surely you belong up where everyone can see how stupid you are.He holds out the dunce cap to Lampwick and points to a stool in the cornerLAMPWICKAlright then…He hops up from his desk and walks to the front of the classroom. He ignores the dunce corner and goes up to the blackboard and selects a piece of chalk.LAMPWICKBoys and girls, here’s a review of today’s lesson…He rattles off a complex lesson about square roots flawlessly, and ends the lesson with a gentlemanly bow. The class hoots and hollers. Teacher grabs a thrashing stick from the rack and whips it down onto the desk.MR. POLENDINASILENCE!He walks over to Lampwick and raises the thrashing stick as if he is going to strike him, then lowers it. MR. POLENDINA (CONT’D)Do you think that because you can recite a lesson, that makes you any less of a jackass? You think you’re smart, but any intelligence you think you own is sold by your own ignorance and laziness. (looks him up and down with disgust)What a waste of a boy. Sure, your friends laugh at your hijinks now, but I’ll be the one who laughs when you become a shiftless vagabond, begging for change when your tricks and charms fail you, leaving you without a friend or penny in the world.Lampwick and Mr. Polendina stare at each other defiantly, neither willing to back down. MR. POLENDINA Get in your seat.Lampwick marches back to his seat, still full of defiant pride.Lavinia lifts her school book high in front of her face, pretending to read but is actually showing Lampwick a cartoon of Mr. Polendina. He snickers.Mr. Polendina is droning on at the blackboard. Lampwick and Eugene sit there, bored.EUGENESay Lampwick, can I see those fireworks again?LAMPWICKI don’t know…EUGENEAw, c’mon, I’m your best friend, you gotta let me get one more look at ‘em!LAMPWICKOh, alright, but just one more, and be careful, I don’t wanna get ‘em taken away!He hands the box to Eugene under the desk.EUGENEBoy, what I wouldn’t give to light one of these suckers right now!Eugene pulls a box of matches out of his pocket.LAMPWICKNah, don’t be stupid, we gotta save ‘em for later, and anyway, you’d blow us to smithereens!Eugene doesn’t listen and lights the fuse on one anyway. He realizes his mistake as soon as the fuse starts sparking.EUGENEOh! What’ll we do? This will blow us up any second!LAMPWICKDummy! I told you not to light it!(Looks over at the wood stove in the corner)Quick! The stove!Eugene throws the firework into the whole box and juggles it over to Lampwick. Lampwick leaps over the desk and throws the box into the stove and slams the door shut.LAMPWICKFire in the hole!The fireworks begin to go off, popping, banging and smoking, colored sparks coming out of the stove. The girls scream while the boys whoop and yell. Mr. Polendina reacts, then pulls the fire alarm bell and ushers everyone out of the room.EXT: Outside of the school house, afternoon. The entire school is congregated outside while the firemen finish up clearing out the smoke. The boys from Lampwick’s class are all lined up while the school master (MASTER CHERRY) paces back and forth.MASTER CHERRYOne of you boys is responsible for this. Who had the fireworks?None of the boys answer, but involuntarily glance at Lampwick. Master Cherry goes over to one of the boys- FREDERICK- and stares at him.MASTER CHERRY Frederick! (Frederick jumps)I don’t suppose you would tell me who brought in those fireworks. (Walks away from Frederick)It is useless to tell me that you don’t know who brought in the fireworks. That is not something that you would be likely to forget, therefore, if you claim that you don’t know, I’ll have to assume it was you.FREDERICK (uncomfortable)It- it was Lampwick.The other boys mumble in agreement.MASTER CHERRY Very well then. You boys agree that the fireworks that just went off belonged to Lampwick?They nod. MASTER CHERRY (CONT’D)You boys have done the right thing and saved yourselves a lot of trouble. Lampwick! You’ll come with me!Before Master Cherry can grab him, Lavinia steps forward.LAVINIAExcuse me, Master Cherry sir, but…it’s true the fireworks were Lampwick’s, but he didn’t light it. I saw, Eugene was the one that lit it.MASTER CHERRY(to Eugene)Is this true, Eugene?EUGENENo sir. They were Lampwick’s fireworks. He’s the one that threw them into the stove.MASTER CHERRY There, you see! Lampwick is the one responsible for all this mess. Come along now…(He grabs Lampwick by the ear and drags him towards the school.)Your mother has already been summoned to come down and discuss this.INT: The School Master’s office. Master Cherry sits behind a grand dark wood desk, while Lampwick and his mother sit on small chairs. MASTER CHERRY Look at this, this is record of every shenanigan that Lampwick has done. He drops a stack of papers on the desk with a loud “thud”.Clock tampering, harassing substitute teachers, stealing a box of cigars from the teacher’s room, the list goes on, and gets worse. MOTHERYes, Lampwick has always been a mischievous child, ever since he could crawl. I apologize for all the trouble he has caused. Lampwick is busy carving his initials into the wood chair. Mother notices and smacks his hand. MOTHERI can assure you that this will not go unpunished, and we will most certainly find a way to pay for any damage that has been done.MASTER CHERRY Ma’am, I appreciate your willingness to correct this situation, but this is the last straw. While his sister Isabella is a model student, Lampwick is nothing but a menace.(He flips through the stack)Destruction to school property, disrupting the entire school, putting the lives of others in danger…Lampwick is a hazard to every other child that comes here to learn. He is past reform.MOTHERWhat are you suggesting?MASTER CHERRY Lampwick, despite his poor marking records, shows signs of high intelligence, and is certainly clever enough. Unfortunately, he makes no effort to live up to his potential, and if he is not willing to put forth any effort to improve, then I can no longer put forth any effort into keeping him here.He spreads sheets of paper in front of them. Mother looks through them. MASTER CHERRYHe has poor attendance, has done only a handful of his assignments this term, and instead uses class time to cause trouble. When it has reached such a level that he is a danger to others, there is no choice but to expel him for the rest of the term.LAMPWICKDoes that mean I don’t have to come back to school for the rest of the year?MOTHERQuiet, Lampwick!MASTER CHERRY Do not speak unless spoken to!MOTHERDoes this mean he doesn’t come back to school for the rest of the year?MASTER CHERRY Lampwick is not to return for the rest of the year. Perhaps if by next term he has proven that he is willing to show that he has changed his ways, I may allow him to return. But at this time, I cannot allow him to stay here. (Taps papers on desk as if to say “that’s that”) That is all.INT: Lampwick’s home, late afternoon. The front door swings open and Mother drags Lampwick in by his ear, pushing him into a chair. He rubs his ear and his mother starts yelling.MOTHERExpelled from school! Fireworks! Where did you get fireworks from? Even if you had money for them, why would you waste it on something so foolish when we can barely afford food to eat, and then do something as foolish as light it in a class room?LAMPWICKBut Ma, it wasn’t even me that lit it. It was Eugene, I just couldn’t rat him out, you gotta believe me…She doesn’t listen and carries on with the yelling. His 14 year old sister ISABELLA enters quietly and is pretending not to watch, although she eagerly is.MOTHERWhy can’t you be more like Isabella?! Now I have to get back to the inn, I will have to work late tonight to make up for having to leave earlier. I expect you in bed when I get home.She leaves.ISABELLAYou’ve really done it this time Lampwick. When are you going to grow up and stop being such a pain in the neck?LAMPWICKOh, come off it, you sound like Ma.ISABELLAWhy don’t you come off it? It’s bad enough that Ma works so hard so we’re not out on the streets, but all you ever do is think of yourself.LAMPWICKWhat makes you think you’re so much better? Oh yes, you’re the one who always has to prove how much better you are than everybody! That’s pretty selfish yourself.ISABELLAWell maybe if you weren’t always making things hard for everyone else, I wouldn’t have to make it up for you!LAMPWICKGod bless you, Saint Isabella! You’re an inspiration to us all!ISABELLA (shakes head)I’m going to see if there’s anything to make for dinner. Not that I expect you to help at all.LAMPWICKDon’t worry about it, I ain’t gonna be here! Ma would rather just have you anyway!He storms out of the house, slamming the door behind him.EXT: Afternoon in the school yard. Lampwick hangs around by the fence as the children play, trying to get their attention. His friends Frederick and GEORGIE reluctantly come over.LAMPWICKSay guys, it’s great not having to go to school! C’mon, who wants to play hooky with me? We’ll have the time of our life!FREDERICKWe better not…Teacher might see us leave. Then we’d all be in for it.LAMPWICKWhat’s the deal here? You guys acted like this after school yesterday too. I ain’t got the Plague you know!FREDERICKWe know…it’s just that our mothers don’t want us hanging around with you anymore. They all heard you got kicked out and think that means trouble for us.LAMPWICKAw, they’ve always thought I was trouble and you guys never had a problem before! You’re really gonna believe all that? FREDERICKWell, you know…mothers! Besides, if we get in trouble, we won’t be able to go to Eugene’s birthday party.LAMPWICKWhat?! I didn’t hear about any of that, and he’s my best friend!FREDERICKOh, it’s gonna be swell! There’s gonna be all kinds of food, 2 cakes, and games like they have at the fair!GEORGIEBut anyway, we gotta go!They run off. Lampwick catches sight of Eugene and waves him over. Eugene edges over.LAMPWICKSay, what’s all this about a birthday party? I’m invited, aren’t I? I’m your best friend after all!EUGENEOh, yeah…about that…look, you know my parents never liked you much, and now that you got yourself kicked out of school, they really don’t want me around your kind of riff-raff.LAMPWICKRiff-raff?! Wait a minute, I’m taking the heat for you, you’re the one that lit the stupid thing!EUGENEYeah, but you shouldn’t have brought ‘em to school in the first place is how everybody sees it. Stolen fireworks, no less!LAMPWICKEveryone? So does that mean you too?(Eugene doesn’t answer)Well fine, some friends you all turned out to be! I don’t need a bunch of stinkin’ double-crossers for friends anyway!He kicks the school fence and turns away. Lavinia sees him and starts to come over, but Lampwick is already stomping away.INT: Lampwick’s house, early evening. Mother sits in a chair by the door, strangely calm. Lampwick comes in.MOTHERIt’s been two days. Where have you been?LAMPWICKOut.MOTHERNo son of mine is going to roam around the village like some kind of street rat. I’ve had a job arranged for you at the Red Crawfish Inn, washing dishes and cleaning tables. All the money you will earn from it will be given to the school to pay for the classroom repairs.LAMPWICKAw Ma, c’mon, I can’t do that sort of thing…MOTHERYou can, and you will. A twelve year old boy’s job should be to go to school, but since you couldn’t pull your weight there, I have to find another way for you to do so. I will not have you become just another runaway hoodlum or vagrant like your… (stops herself)LAMPWICK (knowingly)Like who, Ma?MOTHERYou will work and learn responsibility. Understood?Lampwick ignores her and goes to his room. His mother follows him.MOTHERYou will start there tomorrow afternoon. The door is locked from the inside, and I have the key, so don’t even try to run away again. He slams the door on her. 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Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 Hey, I like it so far...Lampwick's family sounds almost like my s***ty family. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainfyre66 Posted October 2, 2009 Author Share Posted October 2, 2009 Man, that's a rough family, JQ! Glad you like it so far, though I was always struggling with the beginning scenes, I always feel like it needs to be punched up a bit to capture the attention more. But thanks for reading, I didn't expect anyone to, really. I'm kind of just posting it so I don't have a reason to forget about it, because it is a project that I do really, really want to follow through on one day. But thank you . I think the contrast of this story on a Star Fox site is kind of funny, since this story takes place in old times and SF is in the future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainfyre66 Posted October 2, 2009 Author Share Posted October 2, 2009 EXT: Early evening during a rainstorm. The Red Crawfish Inn is located in a dark, dank alley of the seedy part of the village. INT shot of the inn. It is a dim, smoky tavern with a bar, pool tables, and dining tables. The place is nearly empty save for one old PEDDLER at the bar, and THREE MEN talking amongst themselves in a dark corner booth. Lampwick grudgingly wipes off some tables as his boss, MR. TYTLA, slings back a drink with the peddler, and is already fairly soused.MR. TYTLACandlewick! (Lampwick ignores him)MR. TYTLACandlewick! Ya deaf, boy?LAMPWICKMy name’s Lampwick…sir.MR. TYTLAYou think it makes a difference to me what your name is boy? The only thing that matters to me is that you clear these tables and get that pile of dishes in the kitchen clean!LAMPWICKYeah, I’ll get to it.MR. TYTLAYou better. Ain’t nobody else coming in on a night like this, so you’ll have plenty of time to get this place cleaned up! (He grabs a flask and tops it off with a bit from a whiskey bottle) I got a whole bunch of paperwork to do in my office, you know.LAMPWICK (sarcastic)I’ll bet you do, sir.Mr. Tytla shakes hands with the departing peddler, then stumbles into the back, singing incoherently. Lampwick picks up a mug of untouched beer, sniffs it, and starts to lift it to his mouth. As he does, sees an OLD MAN is watching him from the corner booth with a smirk on his face. Lampwick rolls his eyes and chucks it into the dirty dish bin. He looks over at Mr. Tytla’s office, then moves over to the pool table, where he proceeds to play a solitaire game of pool. He shows off his flair for pool with fancy yet impressive shots. As he makes a shot, a shadow of a man falls over the table.SHADOW FIGURE (os)Well done, boy! LAMPWICK (still focused)Thanks…The man holds out his hand for Lampwick to shake.SHADOW FIGUREThe name’s Honest John. I frequent here often and I have seen your skills. You are quite the pool shooter! Very impressive! Lampwick finally looks up from his game and regards Honest John, who is flanked by a silent partner- GIDEON.HONEST JOHN Have you ever considered playing tournaments or others for money? Why, with your skill and concentration, you could really make a mint, what with all the fools out there! How old are you son?LAMPWICKI’ll be thirteen in September.HONEST JOHNAh, see, think about it! A boy not quite thirteen years old, challenging grown men to a game of pool, they’ll look at you and say, ha! This boy surely spends more time on his studies than he does on shooting pool, it’s in the bag! He’ll bet big and next thing he knows, break! Sink! Eight ball in the corner pocket! You’ll have tripled your candy money!LAMPWICKI never have any “candy money”, and besides, I don’t think I’m good enough to really hustle somebody just yet.HONEST JOHNSurely you jest! Why, you’re one of the finest pool sharks I’ve seen, and I’ve watched Gideon play many a tournament! Isn’t that right, Giddy?His partner nods.HONEST JOHNCertainly they pay you something for the work you do here!LAMPWICKJust a few copper pieces, and that all has to go to my old school to pay for the wood stove I blew up. Honest John and Gideon look at each other.HONEST JOHNI just had an extraordinary idea! A boy your age shouldn’t have to work so hard for money he can’t even keep! How much do you have on you right now?Lampwick pulls a tiny coin sack out of his pocket. Honest John takes it and puts his arm around Lampwick.HONEST JOHNMy boy, I would like to make you a deal that could help us both out! (Looks over shoulder and moves them a few steps away from Gideon) Poor Gideon doesn’t like to admit that his eyesight is going, the stubborn creature is nearly done blind but still thinks he can shoot with the best of them! Perhaps a little lesson learned tonight will humble him enough to retire the stick and stop making a fool of himself. Besides that, the fool loses the money he could be using to fix his eyes! He keeps up he won’t even have a penny to buy one glass eye, let alone two! LAMPWICKOkay…HONEST JOHNNow, if you play game against him, I will double, no, triple that modest little wage of yours! LAMPWICKYou don’t say…HONEST JOHNOf course! They don’t call me Honest John for nothing! However…because I insist on being a fair player- dishonesty brings bad luck, you know!... Should Gideon win, we will keep your little bag of coins. (whispers in Lampwick’s ear)Though I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that!LAMPWICKOkay, you guys got yourself a deal! HONEST JOHNWonderful! Rack ‘em Giddy, this scrappy young scamp would be honored to challenge you to a game of pool! You break, er…what is your name again?LAMPWICKLampwick.HONEST JOHNYou break, Lampwick!Despite Lampwick’s best attempts, the following pool game is sabotaged by Honest John taking advantage of the old pool table’s wobbly legs by tapping them with his foot or cane anytime that Lampwick shoots, ruining his shots.Gideon is hardly the pool player that Lampwick is, though he tries to imitate his fancy tricks, but still manages to sink the last ball. Honest John pretends to be shocked.HONEST JOHNI don’t believe it! Why, Gideon hasn’t played this well in years! Oh, oh dear…well, sorry my boy, but, a deal IS a deal! He shoves Lampwick’s coin sack into his coat pocket. Gideon meanwhile has spotted something outside and points and waves wildly to get Honest John’s attention. He finally notices.HONEST JOHNAnd unfortunately, we do have to run, so, with all condolences, I bid you farewell and perhaps we can play again! He tips his hat in a gentlemanly fashion as Gideon pulls him out of there by his sleeve. Meanwhile, Lampwick stands there like a fool with a cue stick in his hand.INT: The kitchen of the Red Crawfish Inn. Lampwick is washing a huge stack of dishes. One accidentally falls out his hands and breaks on the ground. Lampwick slowly grins- that felt GOOD, then picks up another plate and purposely drops it. Soon he is pelting the wall with dishes.LAMPWICKTake that, School Master! Take that, so-called Honest John! Take that, stupid Red Crawfish Inn!He stops as the kitchen door swings open. The well dressed roly-poly old man that was watching him earlier enters- the COACHMAN.COACHMANHaving a rough day, eh lad?LAMPWICKYou said it. He starts to pick up the broken dishes. When he rises, the Coachman is holding out a small coin sack.LAMPWICKWhat’s this for?COACHMANI saw how those two petty thieves took you for all you were worth at the pool table. It’s a shame how people will play on a young boy’s naiveté for profit. LAMPWICKAh, thanks just the same, but it’s my own dumb fault. Besides, it wasn’t my money really. I have to give it to the school to fix up a wood stove I busted up, or they might not let me back next year. If I had it my way though, I’d just as soon never go back!COACHMANNot the scholar type, eh? You don’t get any pleasure by going to school? LAMPWICKNo way. It’s boring and the teachers are nothing but a bunch of bullies. Not that working here is much better, but at least I can shoot pool and stuff. COACHMANAnd what might your name be, lad?LAMPWICKLampwick.COACHMANHmm, Lampwick. Would you believe me if I told you that there is a place where a boy can be a boy all the time? There’s no school, no parents, no police! A place where boys can run free and do as they please until their heart is content! LAMPWICKYou gonna kill me and send me to heaven? COACHMANNo, no, no, I speak of Pleasure Island, dear boy! Have you never heard of it? It is a land where boys just like you can play, eat, and drink anything you want! You can stay up as late as you like, do anything you desire, there are no rules!LAMPWICKThat does sound like a swell joint, but c’mon, I couldn’t pay to go to a place like that.COACHMANPay? Who said anything about paying? It’s all free, lad! Free food, free fun and shelter, and you stay for as long as you can! LAMPWICKAnd you’re for real about all that? COACHMANOf course. I have a coach that departs tonight at midnight, ready to take you and dozens of other boys to Pleasure Island. You seem like the type of boy who is just right for a place like this.(Puts his arm around him)Think about it, Lampwick. The coach will be waiting at the northern border of the woods. I hope you can join us. My coach is nearly full, but I believe I have room for one more…LAMPWICKI’ll be there. COACHMANVery well then, we shall see you just before midnight! He exits. Lampwick ignores the remaining broken dishes, removes his dishwashing apron and chucks it on top of the dirty dishes.LAMPWICKHave fun doing your dishes, Mr. Tytla. I’m outta here for good!INT: Late night, Lampwick’s bedroom. He is lying wide awake in bed. He slings back the blanket and he is fully dressed. He puts on his hat and pushes the window open.LAMPWICK (low voice)Forgot to lock the window, Ma.He starts to climb out, pauses and goes back, grabbing a pen and a sheet of paper from the rickety nightstand. He pauses again, puts them back, and climbs out the window.EXT: The Village- Late night The rain has stopped and the cobblestone roads are shiny with water and moonlight. Lampwick reaches the village square, pauses, then changes his direction. INT: The School Master’s Office- NightThe room is pitch dark, save for moonlight coming in through the window. There is a loud crash as a rock is thrown through the window. Lampwick hops in through the busted window. He lights a candle on the desk and pockets the matches. He jimmies open a lock on a drawer, revealing confiscated goods. He first grabs his old sling shot, looking at it fondly before stuffing his pockets full of other contraband. He writes something in big letters on the desk top, then hops back out of the window. EXT: Eugene’s mansion Lampwick hops over the gate, greets and pets the “guard dog”, and moves to the back of the house. He tosses some stones up at a window. The window slowly opens.EUGENEWho’s there?LAMPWICKIt’s me, Lampwick! EUGENEWhat do you want, I’m sleeping!LAMPWICKI want you to come with me! I’m about to go to a place called Pleasure Island, there’s a coach that’s just about to leave at midnight. You should come too! It’s a place with no school or rules, and we can do whatever we want all day!EUGENEAw, you lie! Now leave me alone, some of us have school tomorrow. He closes the window.LAMPWICK (shouting up at him)Who needs you? I’ll go all by myself and you can hear all about the great time I had when I come back, if I come back! What do you guys got to do, besides go to your stupid party? I bet your parents got a magician to be at your party like a little kid! Oh no, I don’t want to miss the magic! MAN’S VOICE(os)Who’s there?Lampwick pulls his sling shot out and fires another rock at Eugene’s window, this time breaking it, before hopping the wall and fleeing down the road.EXT. The edge of the forestA large stage coach is waiting, literally packed to the brim with boys ranging from ages 7-14. There appears to be a dozen donkeys hitched to the coach to pull it, though it is hard to tell in the dark. The Coachman checks his pocket watch and is clearly impatient as Lampwick casually strolls up. COACHMANHurry up, boy! It’s near midnight, we were about to leave without the likes of you! LAMPWICKI’m here, aren’t I? And it ain’t midnight, so what’s all that fuss for?The Coachman glares at first, then a grin creeps over his face as his eyes light up. COACHMANYes, I can see how much you need to get to Pleasure Island. Got to show you poor boys a real good time eh? Come aboard the box, there is room for one more up here…Lampwick leaps cleanly up onto the stage coach bench up front. As he settles back in his seat, the voice of a small boy is heard calling out. BOY (OS)Wait! Wait for me!The same wooden boy that Lampwick and Eugene saw earlier runs out of the woods. The Coachman sneers at him while inspecting him. COACHMANSorry, there is no more room left on the coach. WOODEN BOYAre you sure there isn’t? Gee…He regards the noisy, overloaded coach, and the lines of donkeys that woefully await the Coachman’s whip to send them moving.I know! I could ride on one of the donkeys! COACHMAN Very well, go on and try, but hurry up lad! We must be going!The wooden boy hesitantly approaches one of the donkeys. It gives a loud bray and kicks him to the ground. The donkey repeatedly rejects him by kicks, bucks, and finally by lowering his head and sending him sliding to the ground on his bottom. Lampwick and the boys who had been bothering to pay attention howl with laughter at him. LAMPWICKHey, you’re alright kid! C’mon up, there’s a little bit of room left up here!The wooden boy lumbers clumsily up onto the coach and plops between Lampwick and the Coachman. COACHMANGet ready boys, away we go!He cracks his whip and the donkeys take off. LAMPWICK (to wooden boy)My name’s Lampwick, what’s yours? WOODEN BOYPinocchio.Lampwick and Pinocchio’s conversation drowns out and merges with all the excited conversations from the other boys.The Coachman sits there cracking his whip, a sly and slightly sinister smirk on his face as the ruckus goes on around him. As the coach travels through the darkened countryside, the donkeys solemnly bray, very low and quiet at first. As they near the ocean’s shore, the brays become louder and louder. The boys pile off the stagecoach onto an awaiting ferry. The donkeys’ brays now sound almost as if they’re calling out a warning of DON’T GO! DON’T GO!The Coachman pulls the stagecoach up onto the ferry and dismounts the box. COACHMANSHUT UP!The boys are too excited to notice. The Coachman goes to the front of the line of donkeys and strokes the donkeys’ heads in what looks like a gentle fashion, but there is a menace in his eyes. He takes on his smooth gentleman’s tone. COACHMAN (CONT’D)One more bray out of any of you, and I’ll tear ALL of your throats out, got it?(The donkeys become silent and lower their heads in dejection.)Alright lads! Onward, we’re moments away from Pleasure Island!The ferry sails through a foggy ocean to a dark, rocky island, pulling up to a dock and large wooden gate. The boys are in awed silence for a very brief moment, then noisily pile off the ferry and impatiently push their way towards the gates. The Coachman grins widely and the gates open, revealing a sprawling boys’ wonderland. A carnival is the centerpiece of the island, surrounded by larger than life statues, vendor booths, toy shops, and lavish houses. The boys immediately scatter and begin their boyish anarchy. They run amok, shouting at each other for no reason. They gobble down towering mounds of cotton candy and other junk food, rough house with each other, etc. Lampwick and Pinocchio are in the midst of this, Lampwick is just glowing at the prospects, Pinocchio’s eyes and mouth are wide open in innocent amazement. PINOCCHIOWhere do we start? LAMPWICKWhat difference does it make? We can do whatever we want, whenever we want! I’m starved, let’s go get some food! Come on! He runs over to a vendor and Pinocchio scrambles to keep up. They load up their arms with piles of candy and treats, and stuff their faces like a couple of gluttons. The voice of a carnival barker eggs the boys on. This begins a MONTAGE of their high jinks that ensues the first night.MONTAGE (Lampwick as the fearless leader)-cheating at the carnival’s midway games -grabbing toys from the shops -wreaking havoc throughout the carnival. They drop things off the top of the Ferris wheel onto the other boys, tear thru the funhouse, and scare other kids in the maze of mirrors. The montage ends in the FREAK SHOW tent where a crowd of boys watch a “moving pictures” slide show of various circus freaks. A player piano taps out dark tune. A CHUBBY BOY and his FRIEND turn and point at Pinocchio, laughing. FRIENDHey Woody, how come you’re not up there? CHUBBY BOYYeah, you freak! LAMPWICKWho you calling a freak, Chubs? You should be up there as the Human Blob! CHUBBY BOYIt’s baby fat! And sticks and stones may break my bones…hey, you could use your friend for that! FRIENDI hope there’s no woodpeckers on this island or your friend is in trouble! LAMPWICK Yeah, but you got something worse to worry about on this island- ME!He throws his drink onto the boys.CHUBBY BOY(sputtering from the liquid)Ooh, I’m shaking in my shoes! LAMPWICKYeah I know, I saw that whale blubber jiggling! The boys begin a food hurling, fist-flying brawl that soon gets the whole tent of boys involved in a giant rumble- including Pinocchio, who is enjoying it very much. LAMPWICKThat’s it Pinoke! Way to get him!As the boys brawl, the picture on the freak show screen changes to the “Donkey Boy”- a forlorn looking creature with the head and tail of a donkey, but the body of a young boy. He looks out sadly at the boys, who have long stopped watching the show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 VERY good! I wonder what Lampwick wrote on the desk? >=] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainfyre66 Posted October 4, 2009 Author Share Posted October 4, 2009 INT: Freak Show Tent, afternoon. The tent is now trashed and abandoned from last night’s fight, save for Lampwick and Pinocchio, who are sprawled out on the wooden bleachers, woozily coming out of an exhausted sleep. Lampwick groans as light comes in through the tent’s slit while Pinocchio is bright eyed and bushy tailed. LAMPWICKWow, what a night! PINOCCHIOYou said it Lampwick! What do you think we’ll do today? LAMPWICKAh, let’s take a look around and see what else they got ‘round here.(They come out of the tent.) LAMPWICKWow, it must be at least noon! And I didn’t even have to worry about anybody nagging at me to get up! (elbows Pinocchio) This is the life, huh? PINOCCHIO (amiably)Sure is, Lampwick!EXT: Pleasure Island, evening.A row of statues have come alive, chucking cigars to the boys like candy, who greedily grab them and run off. Nearby is a wooden booth where a mechanical bar tender slides mugs of beer down a long wooden counter to the hands of impatient boys. Lampwick spots this and grabs Pinocchio, elbowing his way through the crowd of boys. LAMPWICKC’mon Pinoke! You gotta try this stuff, it’s great!EXT: NightLampwick and Pinocchio stumble around, singing off-key and shouting random things at the other boys, laughing loudly. Lampwick stumbles over to a large clown’s head structure. LAMPWICK (slurred)Who wants a punch in the nose?!He waves his fists wildly at the air. Pinocchio sways back and forth on wobbly legs. PINOCCHIOSay Lampwick, why’s the island keep spinning around, and arouuuunnnd, and a…He collapses in a noisy clatter and passes out. Lampwick laughs until he trips over his own feet, and passes out himself once he hits the ground.POV: Lampwick opens his eyes, late afternoon. There is a BUZZING and POUNDING sound, and his vision is blurred. He realizes he is lying on the dirty street.He groans and sits up, Pinocchio is doing the same. PINOCCHIOMy head hurts. Doesn’t yours? LAMPWICKSure, a little bit, but what a fun night, huh? PINOCCHIOOh yes! I wonder if the Blue Fairy knows about all the fun I’m having… LAMPWICKBlue Fairy?! Jeez, I wonder about you sometimes. The beer wasn’t that strong! (He jumps to his feet, pretending to be more game than he really is)C’mon, let’s go see what all the hullabaloo is today! They walk down the road, which is dusty with litter and broken glass. Their shoes make that stick-squish noise from all the spilled drinks and sugary treats the boys have dropped. Lampwick spots a good sized charcoal rock and grabs it mischievously, then goes over to a statue and draws on it. As they wander around the island, it is clear that some of the other boys had the same idea. Amongst the childish graffiti, on the ground is scrawled “DESTROY ME”, with an arrow pointing to one of the large houses. Boys are already in the process of doing so. Lampwick and Pinocchio don’t hesitate to join in the riot. The riot slowly spreads to the shops and vendor booths. The cigars and beer are still flowing free. Lampwick and Pinocchio tucker out in one of the trashed houses. Pinocchio is stretched out on a broken, cushioned arm chair. Lampwick lies on a pile of cushions. Pinocchio tosses a wooden chair leg onto the fire. Lampwick starts to drift off as Pinocchio furtively sobs into his arm. Lampwick hears him and sighs grudgingly. LAMPWICKIs that you, Pinoke? PINOCCHIOYuh-yuh-yes…I guess I miss my father. LAMPWICKOh…is he a pretty nice old guy or something? PINOCCHIOOh yes! He’s a woodcarver, and he makes all these wonderful toys, clocks, and all sorts of things! That’s why the Blue Fairy brought me to life! LAMPWICK (doubtfully)Yeah, uh-huh…(beat) Yeah, I kind of know who you’re talking about. Me and my sister used to like to look in his window when we were little and look at all the toys…well, go on and miss him, but I think you’re better off here without him. PINOCCHIODo you miss your father at all, Lampwick? LAMPWICKWouldn’t know. Never really met the guy. He ran out on us without a word when I was a year old. PINOCCHIOGee…I’m sorry Lampwick.Lampwick turns on his side away from Pinocchio.LAMPWICKAh don’t worry about it. I got a Ma and an older sister and they do alright. (shifts uncomfortably) What’s anyone need a father or mother for anyway? Always yellin’ and tellin’ you what to do. This is the good life here. PINOCCHIOYou think so? LAMPWICKI know so. You only live once, so why not live it to the fullest? The boys lay there and contemplate this as they drift off to sleep, the faint sounds of destruction still playing behind them.EXT: Pleasure Island, dusk. The island shows its wear from all the boys’ chaos. Much of the island lays in ruins. The carnival is the only thing that still half-heartedly chugs with life, even though half the colored lights are burnt out and broken, the tents shabby and the Ferris wheel crooked. The mob of eager, incorrigible boys head towards the carnival to let out their last wave of destruction. Lampwick, of all the boys, stands back and watches the crowd rush by, a discontent and bored look settled on his face. He has no desire to join in. Something else catches his eye. He grabs Pinocchio’s arm as he runs by, who is carrying a pellet gun and eager to join the brouhaha. LAMPWICKSay Pinoke, forget about all that. You ever shoot pool before? PINOCCHIOHuh? LAMPWICKC’mon, you know, pool? Billiards? Pinocchio shakes his head. Lampwick rolls his eyes and steers him towards a saloon that reads “Gambling and Billiards Hall”. LAMPWICKLet me show ya. It’s a swell game! I’ll teach you how to play cards too, cards is mostly about luck anyway…He pulls Pinocchio into the saloon. Meanwhile the sun sets on Pleasure Island. As the sun sets, the ruckus from the other boys’ riot slowly fades away. The last of the carnival lights burn out. It is now dark and silent. Pleasure Island looks as if it is a ghost town. In the distance, there is a faint sound of donkeys braying.INT: Billiards HallLampwick looks at the doors for a moment and hears the braying. He shakes his head and goes back to the game. He, of course, is showing off all his best moves on the pool table. Pinocchio lounges on a chair. The saloon itself is dim and smoky.PINOCCHIOWhere do you think all the other boys are, Lampwick? LAMPWICKAh who knows, who cares. They’re around here somewhere. What’s it matter anyway, we’re having a good time here, right? PINOCCHIOYou bet! LAMPWICKSee, I told you this was the life to the fullest! Why anyone would want to waste their life working their fingers to the bone like a poor sap is beyond me.(He finally misses a shot)Your shot, Pinoke.Pinocchio hems and haws trying to set up his shot. He is clearly no match for Lampwick on the pool table, but is eager to try. Lampwick waits impatiently, zoning out. A small, shrill voice calls out- VOICEPINOCCHIO! JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!The boys react. The voice belongs to that of a small CRICKET that is perched on the edge of the pool table. Lampwick spots it and is about to poke it with his cue stick when the cricket speaks again and hops across the table. CRICKETI’ve been looking for you everywhere in this place! You’re coming home this instant! Look at yourself! Drinking! Smoking! Shooting pool with hoodlums! What would your father say, or even worse, the Blue Fairy?Pinocchio looks ashamed as the Cricket carries on. Lampwick meanwhile, is annoyed.The Cricket hops onto the 8 ball mid-rant, and Lampwick takes this opportunity to sneak up behind him and shoot the cue ball into it, sending the Cricket and 8 ball into a pocket. He laughs and even Pinocchio stifles some giggles. The Cricket emerges from the pocket, even angrier. CRICKETWhy you rotten little urchin! I oughtta… LAMPWICK (still laughing)Ah come on, if you’re smart enough to talk then you’re smart enough to get out of the way of the ball, right?The Cricket begins directing his reprimands at Lampwick, who of course is paying attention to his game of pool instead of the Cricket. Pinocchio finally nudges the Cricket with his stick. PINOCCHIOOh, lay off him. Lampwick’s my best friend, he’s teaching me how to live! CRICKETLampwick! Best friend?! That rogue is hardly anyone you should want for a friend! You’ll never become a real boy if you have him as your best friend, his way of living only leads to a dead end! PINOCCHIOBut a guy only lives once, so why not live it to the fullest?CRICKETWell, that’s just fine! If you want to stay and be a jackass like the rest of the bunch, go right ahead! I’m done!He huffily hops out of the saloon. Lampwick stomps over to a keg and spitefully pours two mugs of beer for him and Pinocchio. He slams it down in front of Pinocchio and begins grumbling. Pinocchio sits there ashamed, not touching the beer. Lampwick notices and stomps back over to the pool table. LAMPWICKWho does that guy think he is, huh? Trying to spoil our fun. That’s exactly why I came here, to get away from all that. We don’t need a cricket coming around, trying to nag us like some parent. Why, I would’ve squashed him if he wasn’t your friend…As he is grumbling, he makes shots on the pool table. He comes around to the side to make a shot. A tail has grown from the seat of his pants. It is a thin, furry grayish brown tail with a dark tuft of fur at the end, like a donkey’s tail. Lampwick is oblivious. He goes around to the other side of the table and makes another shot, his head obscured by a shadow. When he lifts it back up, his head is transforming into a donkey’s. Still unaware, he grins at Pinocchio and gestures to the table. LAMPWICKOkay, your shot, unless you think playing pool will turn you into a jackass like your cricket friend says. PINOCCHIOHey, you do look like a jackass!He laughs, but his gales of laughter turn into noisy brays like a donkey. This makes Lampwick start cracking up. LAMPWICKYeah, well, you laugh like a donkey!The boys start laughing at each other, oblivious to their own condition. They soon are laughing so hard they are leaning against each other. Out of Lampwick’s mouth comes a noisy bray, just like Pinocchio. Lampwick is confused, but Pinocchio still has no idea that something is not right. LAMPWICKWas that from me?Pinocchio nods and starts laughing/braying again, which causes Lampwick to start laughing again. He gives another noisy bray and claps his hand over his mouth…only he no longer has a mouth. Instead he feels the fuzzy muzzle of an animal, and runs his hands up his narrow cheeks and up to his ears, now long and rabbit-like. LAMPWICKWhat the devil is going on here?!He stumbles back in fear, tripping over his tail, which he grabs and looks at in horror. Unable to believe what is happening, he runs over to a dark dusty mirror in the corner. He wipes away the layer of dust and staring back at him is a half donkey-half human boy creature. He reacts. LAMPWICKWhat’s happening?! What’s happening to me?! (He is in complete panic. Pinocchio watches helplessly.)What do I do? Make it stop! (He grabs Pinocchio)Please, help me Pinocchio! Don’t you see, I’m not supposed to be a donkey! It’s some kind of set up! (Pinocchio is still frozen in fear. Lampwick shakes him.)Please Pinoke, you’re my best friend, help me! You gotta help me, PLEASE! Get the other boys, the Coachman, the cricket, ANYBODY, PLEASE! Pinocchio sprouts ears and tails of his own, then runs and cowers in a corner.Lampwick cries out in pain and backs away as his hands ball up into fists and become hooves.Short grayish brown fur erupts all over his body and he involuntarily hunches over to all fours. He struggles to stand upright but can’t. LAMPWICKMama? Mama! Help me Mama! Maaaammmaaaa!!!!His transformation is complete as his voice becomes the bray of a donkey’s. He bucks around angrily, destroying everything in his vicinity, starting with his reflection in the mirror. Finally he calms himself and sees Pinocchio fleeing from the saloon. He tries to call after him, but of course the only sound that comes out is a donkey’s. LAMPWICK (V.O.)Wait for me!(Lampwick follows him out of the saloon.)(V.O.)Wait! Don’t go! He brays, but Pinocchio doesn’t seem to hear and starts climbing over a steep, rocky cliff that leads to the ocean.Lampwick has trouble climbing on the rocks with his hooves and stumbles, sliding down between two rocks. MAN’S VOICE (os)There he goes, on the rocks!Lampwick sees that they are being pursued by 2 large men cloaked in black and carrying lassoes. He cowers in the crevice, waiting for his capture.MAN #2Get him! He’s not fully changed yet! We can’t let him leave the island that way, we’ll have to kill him first! Lampwick looks up. They mean Pinocchio! He leaps up from the rocks, bucking small stones at the men to get their attention. He hee-haws and kicks, and begins bounding up the rocks with determination to distract them MAN #1Is that that wooden boy? He must have transformed and fallen down the rocks! Get him now!Lampwick notices a good sized boulder placed precariously on a rock. He kicks it with his hind legs and continues his ascent as the men leap out of the boulder’s path, tumbling down several steps.Lampwick reaches the summit and scrambles back from the cliff’s edge, realizing if he jumps into the water, he won’t be able to swim in his new form.He looks up helplessly at the night sky as if the answer is up there, but only sees the north star- the wishing star. He looks down again and sees a rocky ledge jutting out of the cliff. The voices of the men grow closer. With no hesitation, Lampwick makes a running leap down to the ledge and balls himself up against the shadowy rocks.The men reach the top and look down at the crashing waves. MAN #1He must’ve jumped, the stupid ass! MAN #2Ah just as well, no donkey can swim in this ocean. He’ll just get washed to shore like a beached whale, no one will know or care where he came from. MAN #1Let’s go tell Coachman that all but one of the boys have been rounded up, and that one is as good as dead. The ferry heads out at sunrise. MAN #2Aye, we takin’ ‘em to the salt mines first? MAN #1Probably, they pay the most so Coachman likes to give ‘em the best of the lot. Their conversation fades as they descend. Lampwick is still balled up against the rock, his ears pricked to desperately hear more of the plan, but they are gone. He sighs and lays his head on his hooves, feeling sorry for himself. LAMPWICK (V.O.)Star light, star bright…aw, who am I kidding. Wishing won’t work…there’s gotta be something someone can do…(He looks up at the North Star.)Sure hope Pinocchio makes it okay. He’s the only one left with a fighting chance…An idea comes to him. Although he is now a donkey, a bit of hope has returned to Lampwick as he is clearly plotting something in his head. For once his reckless nature may come in handy. LAMPWICK (CONT’D)No, we ALL have a fighting chance! We just have to fight this, none of us deserve this fate!Inspired, he carefully makes his way out of the rocks and climbs up, growing more confident with each leap. The North Star glows brighter for a moment and the other stars shift and form a silvery blue silhouette of a lovely woman’s profile- THE BLUE FAIRY. She speaks in nearly a whisper. BLUE FAIRYLampwick, tonight the instinctual selflessness I witnessed may have finally set your foot on the right path. Your courage and sacrifice helped somebody escape this evil place. For this, I will return to you the only bit of humanity I can at this time- your voice.A light shines on Lampwick as he continues on his journey, but he is unaware. The Blue Fairy smiles with a flash of pride at the donkey, then becomes pensive. BLUE FAIRY (CONT’D)I can only hope you accomplish what your heart has set out to do. It will take more than you could ever imagine, dear boy.She dissipates. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 4, 2009 Share Posted October 4, 2009 VERY, VERY GOOD! I wonder what he's got planned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainfyre66 Posted October 5, 2009 Author Share Posted October 5, 2009 PAN from Lampwick descending the rock, across the ruined island, to the front gates. Crates filled with donkeys are stacked on and near the ferry. A small corral holds seven other donkeys, still wearing various articles of clothing. The Coachman stands at the edge of the dock, smoking a pipe and humming to himself. The two men in black enter. MAN #1That’s the last of ‘em Coachman COACHMAN (exhales)That so, eh bloke? MAN #1Well one of the ass thought he could escape and jumped into the ocean. He’s as good as dead. COACHMANThe wooden boy? He turned donkey and threw himself into the water? MAN #2Aye, must be fish food by now. Hope fish like splinters!The men laugh. Coachman says nothing and continues smoking his pipe. His cocks his head, then nods and smiles, as if he hears a voice that no one else does. Suddenly, his eyes glow with a green light as he inhales on his pipe, then exhales a large plume of smoke. The smoke becomes a large a large dark cloud. Two long, thick arms emanate from it and grab the two men, dragging them into the water. The cloud becomes a funnel and with a loud BOOM, disappears into the ocean where the men landed. The donkeys cry out in fear. COACHMAN (cracking whip)SHUT UP! ALL OF YA, OR I’LL SKIN YOUR HIDES!(turns to the other henchmen)I told ya blokes, I don’t tolerate double-crossers! Any other mistakes and I’ll take out the lot of ya! He looks out at the ocean. A rickety old row boat is being rowed to shore by Honest John and Gideon. Coachman composes himself. COACHMAN (gentlemanly)Ah, Honest John and Gideon! Welcome to Pleasure Island, lads! HONEST JOHNYes, yes, greetings and salutations Coachman.He jumps up from the boat, rocking it. Gideon clings to the sides of it, looking rather seasick. Honest John tosses him the rope to tie off the boat. HONEST JOHNCome on Giddy, don’t just sit there like a ninny, tie off the boat! (turns to Coachman and clears his throat.)Now Coachman, no disrespect of course, but this here island gives me a bit of the heebie-jeebies. So the sooner Gideon and I can get our gold and be on our way, the better! COACHMAN I hope being on this island isn’t going to be a problem bloke. Y’see, to get your gold, you’re going to need to help me until at least after sunrise tomorrow. HONEST JOHNWell uh, certainly, of course, whatever we need to do…(He surveys the crates of donkeys.)Say Coachman, what’s with all the donkeys? I thought it was boys you collected. COACHMANLet’s just say that when a naughty boy spends enough time ‘round here, his true side comes out when he gets a bit of the Donkey Fever. HONEST JOHNAh, yes, that makes sense…He and Gideon look at each other and shrug. They have no idea what he means. Coachman sighs. COACHMANThe boys have been transformed into donkeys. HONEST JOHNOh…and what does that have to do with us? COACHMANI’ll need your assistance in the morning, making sure they all made it through the night. Then we’ll take the ferry back to the mainland, divide up the donkeys and sell them to the salt mines, the circus, the farmer’s market, maybe a couple to the tanner. Once all the money’s been collected, then ya’s get your fair share. HONEST JOHNOh, not until morning? Then perhaps we can just take our boat… COACHMANI also will need you to keep your eyes on the boys- or should I say, donkeys, overnight. Now remember what I told you lads before- no double-crossin’! And I ain’t toleratin’ any mistakes! Look down there in the water and you’ll see what happened to 2 other fools who made a mistake earlier tonight…Honest John and Gideon look down onto the water and see two skeletons floating around the rocks. The Coachman gives a harsh laugh. HONEST JOHNS-s-sounds simple enough, right Gideon? COACHMANNow! These 7 donkeys here in the pen, they can still talk, haven’t got the full blown Donkey Fever yet, so they can’t leave until they do! And if they don’t by sunrise, well I’ll leave ya to do what you will with them. There’s always a few every time. (They all glare down at the donkeys huddled together.)Now! I have some unfinished business to attend to. I trust you can both keep a watchful eye on this precious cargo. Make sure they make no funny business, though I think these boys have learned their lesson about causing trouble.(He laughs. Honest John and Gideon laugh along uncertainly)If you see or hear anything out of the ordinary, you just make sure it’s not, got it? I mean it when I say no mistakes. (They nod)I’ll see you at sunrise.He walks away, humming to himself. HONEST JOHNYou hear that Gideon? No mistakes, so you take care not to louse this up!(He turns to the corral of donkeys.)Well, well, well! Aren’t you all a bunch of well-dressed donkeys!THOMASI’m not a donkey! My name is Thomas! HONEST JOHNThomas, eh? You look more like a Jack Ass to me!(Honest John laughs)Now, let me see…if you all are still talking by sunrise, how should we get rid of you? Hmm, any ideas Giddy?Gideon mimes bashing them over the head. Honest John clucks his tongue. HONEST JOHNOh, that’s your solution to everything! Drowning I think would be most practical and humane. (To donkeys)Don’t you? ALEXANDERPlease sir, couldn’t you just leave us on the island until we can’t talk anymore? HONEST JOHNOh my dear sweet boy, of course not!He and Gideon move away from penned donkeys and start eyeing the ones in the crates. Gideon discovers a pile of discarded boys’ clothing and starts searching through the pockets for any loose change. HONEST JOHNDid you see those skeletons Gideon? Do you think they were real?(Gideon shrugs)I’m certain they were real! Surely Coachman wouldn’t deceive us!(He hears a CRACK, then stops in his tracks.)Did you hear that?(Gideon shakes his head no.) HONEST JOHNEither you’ve gone deaf or this island has already driven me mad! I’d swear I just heard a cracking noise! Like bones…like a skeleton!He breathes heavily in panic. Gideon shoves Honest John’s foot aside, revealing a broken twig. Honest John bats it out of the way with his cane.Well, keep your ears open, stupid! That twig could have been a donkey escaping! We need this money and I want to live to enjoy it!He and Gideon continue to inspect the donkey crates, poking and abusing them. One tries to bite Honest John’s cane. He smacks him with the cane. HONEST JOHNWhat good does it do you to act out in such a way, boy? Tell me, what good does it do you? And “hee-haw” is not an appropriate answer!(He laughs.)Some boys never learn, do they Gideon?Honest John sees something that catches his eye in the discarded clothing. He and Gideon inspect it. The clothed donkeys watch the duo. One of them (CHARLIE) shakes his head. CHARLIE (whispering)I know they’re going to kill us and all, but cruel as they are, they don’t seem all that smart.The largest donkey (LUMP), who is in fact the fat boy that had scrapped with Lampwick and Pinocchio, gives him a rough nudge with his muzzle. LUMPI wouldn’t worry about them. Dumb or not, you know the Coachman is watching us.Alexander clears his throat and shyly tries to raise his hoof like he’s in school. ALEXANDERWhy does the Coachman want these two do the killing? Wouldn’t he rather do it himself? THOMASDoes it matter? If we stay here we die, if we don’t they’ll sell us into slavery. Donkeys don’t live long anyway.Honest John hears them and smacks his cane on the post. HONEST JOHNNow now boys- DONKEYS –let’s not mock the other pitiful animals over here because you can still talk and they can’t.(to Gideon)Children can be so cruel to each other!Gideon is ignoring Honest John. He is listening to something in the distance. He waves wildly to John and moves towards the front gates. HONEST JOHNWhat is it, Giddy? Did you hear something?Gideon nods vigorously and points to the gates. HONEST JOHNOh no, no no no, I am not going in there! Are you insane?! Yes, yes you must be insane, that’s it, you’re hearing things! Oh, this island does make people mad, wouldn’t want to make it any worse by actually going in there. No, it’s best just to stay out here and keep an eye on all the donkeys, just like the Coachman said!He stabs his cane into the dirt purposefully. A loud “HEE-HAW!” is heard coming from the island. Gideon makes the ubiquitous gesture for killing- running his finger along his throat.Honest John’s cane tips over onto the ground. HONEST JOHN Maybe if we wait, it will just go away.They listen anxiously. A loud clatter and another bray is heard. Honest John’s shoulders slump in defeat. HONEST JOHN I suppose we better go and see then…They edge nervously towards the gates. Honest John looks nervously over his shoulder at the ocean, where the skeletons were. HONEST JOHN Wouldn’t want to upset the Coachman, now would we?(He shoves Gideon in front of him and pokes him forward with his cane)I’m sure there’s nothing to be scared of, Giddy, so how about you go first?Gideon presses an ear up against the gate, then pushes it open with a loud creak. Honest John jumps and cowers behind him. Spread before them is the desolate park, no sign of life. Honest John peeks out from behind Gideon, relieved. HONEST JOHN There, see? I think it’s gone.Lampwick leaps out from a collapsed vendor booth, hee-hawing as loud as he can. The men jump at first, but are quick to pursue Lampwick. They chase him through the wreckage, Honest John shouting directions at Gideon as Gideon picks up random objects from the ground, hurling them at Lampwick. Lampwick manages to dodge them and outrun them.Lampwick slows his pace as he approaches one of the run-down mansions on the outskirts of the island. There is a brief flash of blue light. Lampwick pauses, but it’s gone. He finds a broken window and struggles to hop up into it. He sees a blue light again reflected in the glass and turns around. This time the blue light seems to jump down in between the rocks at the foot of the cliff. Lampwick goes over to the rocks and sees the entrance of a burrow. He hesitates, and hears the voices of Honest John and Gideon in the distance. The blue light flashes within the burrow. With a great sigh, Lampwick crawls down into the darkness. Up on the rocks, the Coachman watches the scene below him. He is singing to himself.COACHMAN (singing)Everybody sleeps at night, but never asleep am I…He pauses and cocks his head, as if listening to something. COACHMANThere, see, everything is going exactly how we wanted it to! They’re playing right into our hands- all of them! He grins and rubs his palms together. COACHMANYes, I’ll go take care of the other two…He descends from the rock, singing his eerie song.Meanwhile, down below, Honest John and Gideon stumble through the wreckage, out of breath and clutching their sides. Honest John stubs his toe and collapses onto the ground, his cane clattering down next to him. Gideon trips over John and lands on top of him. HONEST JOHN (muffled) Get off me, you brute! (shoves Gideon away) Wha- where- which way did he go? Did you see?Gideon shakes his head no. Honest John grabs his cane and swings at Gideon with it, but he hops out of reach. HONEST JOHNYou idiot! If you had watched where you were going, you could have…watched where he was going!A crash of shattering glass silences him. They listen eagerly as they hear another series of thumps. Gideon points toward the Maze of Mirrors. They run over to it, then enter it slowly, like an animal ready to pounce its prey. INT: The Maze of Mirrors. It is dark inside, with just enough light to see the reflections in the mirrors. Honest John pokes his head through the entrance.HONEST JOHNHello in there! Oh little boy, come out now! I’m not going to hurt you. Why no, that would be a most impractical thing for me to do!There is no response. They walk into the maze, and are surrounded by a dozen Honest Johns and Gideons. Gideon jumps at the reflections.Honest John keeps his cool and merely uses the reflections to straighten his shabby coat and hat. He chuckles at his partner’s reaction. HONEST JOHNScared of a little old children’s fun house, eh Gideon? Ah, this boymust think he’s real clever hiding in here! (clears his throat)Alright boy, enough is enough! Come out I say, make it easy on yourself!There is still no answer. They move further through the dizzying mirrors. Finally, they hear some movement. Honest John licks his chops eagerly. HONEST JOHNCome on out, we hear you in here! I know you’re a jack-ass, but don’t be stupid! COACHMAN (OS) (Voice booming)Jack-ass? Maybe you should know what you’re looking for before calling anyone stupid!Honest John loses all previous composure and ducks behind Gideon with a girlish YELP.The Coachman steps out from the shadows with his wicked grin, reflecting several times over. COACHMANLooking for somebody, eh blokes? One of ‘em got away from ya? HONEST JOHNNot so much got away as he did sneak up on us. He was already outside the gate, I swear to you Coachman, sir! Honest! Right Gideon?Gideon nods vigorously. HONEST JOHNThere we were, watching over the docks, when some blasted little brute thought he’d scare- er, that is, try to scare us, and so we chased him into here! It’s not like he got away or anything!The Coachman strokes his chin, clearly doubting their story. COACHMAN And how can you be sure of that? HONEST JOHN Well, I, uh…you see, um, he… (snaps his fingers)Oh, yes, I know, he’s a donkey, and donkeys can’t, you know, swim, and those rocks are much too cumbersome for a donkey to climb anyway, what with the hooves and all? And…and…He grabs Gideon’s coat sleeve and flings them both forward at the Coachman’s feet. HONEST JOHNOh please Coachman, we’ll do whatever you ask, just please, PLEASE don’t kill me- us!The Coachman lets out a cruel belly laugh at this scene. COACHMAN Kill you?!(He leans down and yanks the two men to their feet) COACHMAN(CONT’D)Don’t grovel, have some dignity, men! I’m not going to kill you. Oh no. There is far too much to be done now. You boys really have to earn that gold. And believe me, it will be worth it, much more gold than your usual petty tricks earn you.He cocks his head, still holding onto Honest John and Gideon. The two look uncertain and uncomfortable. COACHMANAnd you’re right, that donkey you were chasing is still on the island. But he is of little matter at this point. We have something much greater to watch out for now. HONEST JOHNJust tell us what it is, and we’ll take care of it! COACHMANOh, you’ll help me take care of it alright. You see, such a threat wouldn’t be a problem now if it weren’t for that living puppet you sent my way!He pulls them towards him so they are inches from his face. COACHMANYou owe me… They try to look away from the Coachman, but his evil stare penetrates them from all angles in the mirrors. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 5, 2009 Share Posted October 5, 2009 WHOA! What's going on here? good storyBy the way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mzwjv5Zfw4M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFzy9dJVePA&feature=related (this one's better) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainfyre66 Posted October 7, 2009 Author Share Posted October 7, 2009 *Meh, I don't know why the format went all wonky with this one. Oh well, it's still readable.*INT: The burrows of Pleasure IslandIt is dark, only the vague outline of Lampwick can be seen in the darkness. Lampwick is breathing heavily and moving quickly, brushing through cobwebs. VOICE (whispering) Stay on the right path… LAMPWICK What?He slams nose first into the cavern wall. He stumbles back and sees he’s at a fork in the road. The paths are now lit with torches mounted on the wall. Lampwick looks right, then left, then right again. He moves down the right path, slowly at first, until a scuffling sound meets his ears. He speeds up his pace, looking around nervously. The torches cast eerie shadows. The scuffling gets louder. Lampwick tries to keep up his brave front and moves quicker in time to how loud the scuffling gets. Suddenly, a wave of black rats emerges from the tunnels. Lampwick yells in fear and kicks at them. He narrowly misses the last one with his hoof. A gravelly voice speaks out- CREATURE Why would you do that, son? Lampwick whirls around. The rat bolts to the man- or thing- that has spoken. The CREATURE is an aged half human, half donkey. It is slightly hunched over, its hands misshapen fists. Its face is sunken and elongated, with two long donkey ears poking out of its head. Its face and body are patched with grayish fur, and a gray, tufted tail is on its bottom. Its clothes are mistmatched, hastily patched together from discarded clothing from the island. LAMPWICKWhat-what are you? Get away from me!He tries to take off running, but the creature has its foot on Lampwick’s tail. Lampwick grunts and struggles to break loose. CREATUREKeep it down, son. Do you want to get yourself caught? LAMPWICKGet me caught?! What the heck do you call this? Let me go! CREATUREIf I release you, do you promise to listen to what I have to say? LAMPWICKYeah, yes, alright! Just keep those nasty rats away from me! I can’t stand them!The creature removes his foot. CREATURENasty? What are you afraid of a little old rat for? (he strokes the rat’s head with his knuckles)They’re no danger to you. LAMPWICKMaybe in this crazy place you don’t think so, but back home, they’re awful! They bite, and steal food and…babies… CREATUREYou can’t believe everything you hear, you know. But you’re right in that the rats are not the real danger here. Lampwick is silent for a moment. He appears to be pondering something. CREATURE Is something wrong? LAMPWICK I’m…I’m talking. CREATUREWell yes, sometimes when a boy catches Donkey Fever, a full transformation doesn’t always take place. Though usually they come out like you, rather than this.(it gestures towards itself)The complete body of a donkey, but they can still talk. LAMPWICKBut, when it first happened, I couldn’t talk. I swear. I tried to say things, but only donkey noises would come out. CREATUREThat, I’m afraid, I could not answer. Perhaps the Coachman was able to give you your voice back…perhaps he wants something of you.Lampwick backs away nervously. LAMPWICKYou’re going to take me to the Coachman, aren’t you?He tries to run, but trips over his own hooves. The creature laughs softly. CREATUREJumpy one, aren’t you? No, I’m not taking you to the Coachman. I do what I can to stay out of his way. My name is Boris.BORIS, formerly the creature, bends down to help Lampwick up, but he brushes Boris away. LAMPWICK I’m Lampwick. And I’m not a coward! BORISI didn’t say you were, Lampwick. Lampwick, that’s an interesting name. LAMPWICK (sarcastically)Not as interesting as Boris. (beat)It’s a nickname, but I live by it. Not even my own mother or teachers call me by my real name. BORISMay I ask what that is? LAMPWICKRomeo. But you’ll call me Lampwick. BORISVery well, Lampwick. Follow me, it’s always a good idea to keep moving down here. Lampwick, Boris, and the rats move down the tunnel. Lampwick keeps shooting suspicious glances at the rats. BORIS(over shoulder)What brings you down into the tunnels anyway? LAMPWICKHow about first you tell me what you are and what all this is about down here?Boris stops and eyes Lampwick. BORISYes, yes, very well. But first, we eat! We should keep moving as it is. Follow me, and I will try to answer your questions once we’ve had a hot meal…Lampwick stamps his hoof on the ground. LAMPWICKBut why should I trust you when you haven’t answered any of my questions? BORISIt would serve you well to have some patience around here. Though you are wise not to be so trustworthy after what’s happened to you, I promise I mean no harm. If you still care to find out more, feel free to follow me.Boris presses on. Lampwick stubbornly remains in the same spot. After a moment, he takes off after Boris.EXT: THE ROCKS OF PLEASURE ISLAND. NIGHTThe Coachman is leading Honest John and Gideon up a staircase set in between the steep rocks. The amber lights produce long, creepy shadows.Gideon pokes Honest John and mimics bashing the Coachman over the head. Honest John shakes his head and mouths words to discourage him.Gideon reaches for a large rock, but Honest John tries to stop him. They struggle as they go up the stairs. The Coachman stops when he reaches a door and unlocks it. Honest John and Gideon aren’t paying attention and bump into him. The Coachman glares at them as they act nonchalant, and opens the door.INT: COACHMAN’S DINING ROOMThe room is warmly lit and a long table sits in the center. Two henchmen flank the sides of it.Honest John and Gideon are hesitating at the thresh hold. COACHMANHurry up and come in blokes! And close that door behind you! They close the door and a third henchmen bolts the door behind them. Honest John is clearly nervous, in fact he is about to burst with panic. COACHMAN (to henchmen) I told you to have the fire ready for them! Honest John whimpers. HONEST JOHN But I thought you wanted us to help you, not cook us for supper!The Coachman guffaws, pounding his fist on the table in amusement. COACHMANI am not such a crude man! There is far too much to be done, and I find a nice, hot dinner goes well with discussion, don’t you?Gideon nods eagerly at the prospect of dinner. The hulking henchmen pull out chairs for the Coachman and his guests and pour glasses of wine. A fire is now blazing in the fireplace.The henchmen place heaping plates of food in front of them. Honest John and Gideon dig in greedily as the Coachman watches them, his plate untouched. Gideon looks up and notices. As the Coachman looks away, Gideon spits his food into a napkin and yanks Honest John’s arm, sending food flying off his fork. He gestures wildly, grabbing his throat and making choking faces. The Coachman looks up and sees Gideon’s dramatics. COACHMANFor Pete’s sake, I’m not gonna poison you either!He takes an exaggerated bite of food and sip of wine as if to demonstrate. COACHMANI am a business man, and I expect my business to run without any kinks in the works, so to speak. Do you two understand what it is that I do here? HONEST JOHNWell yes, as you explained earlier, you sell the donkeys back on the mainland, and then you collect a nice chunk of gold, am I right?He is licking his fingertip and scraping the plate with it to get the last crumbs. COACHMAN There is a bit more to it than that. The donkeys were boys when you sent them my way, after all.HONEST JOHN(between licks)Of course, but I suppose that’s a bit of the old hush-hush, don’t ask don’t tell. The less we know, the better! COACHMANOn the contrary, dear fellow. You fear this place, but the more you know, the less, you’ll have to fear.(snaps his finger at a henchmen)You! Get the man seconds! Can’t you see by his lack of manners that he’s still hungry? Now John, you are well aware it is against the law to come to Pleasure Island. Do you know why exactly? HONEST JOHNThey say it’s because a man would go mad after being here for a time. All the freedom and decadence comes with the price of your sanity. COACHMANAh, a bit of old legend, yes… HONEST JOHNAnd I heard through a friend of mine, his friend’s best friend’s brother came here, and never came back! COACHMANVery possible. As you can see, they never come back as BOYS.He chuckles and lights his pipe, leaning back in his chair. COACHMANIt is true, that for a long time the greatest threat was that a man with thefreedom to travel here to the Land of Cocagne, living doing whatever he desires would only lead to de-civilization, and so authorities put a strict ban on traveling rights to this island, instilling the fear of madness onto men in case the fear of breaking the law wasn’t enough. Honest John’s whole body seems to sigh in relief. HONEST JOHN So the stories aren’t true then? I knew there was nothing dangerous about this island!Gideon looks uncertainly at the menacing looking henchmen, and nods toward them. Honest John shudders.Meanwhile, the henchmen set down some very non-menacing plates of custard. HONEST JOHN But wait, those boys…what did happen to them? They’re donkeys now, but how can that be if there’s no real danger… COACHMAN Oh this island can be a real danger, make no mistake about that. (He waves away the plate of custard) I’ve always been a bit of an entrepreneur. One day it occurred to me- there must be something on this island that influences the man, a force or power, if you will. A power that, if used as it should, could make me richer than any of my endeavors. Honest John and Gideon nod along, though they’re not sure what he’s getting at. COACHMAN What good is it when men choose to waste their time with laziness and greed? Any man who chooses to live his life in such a way- like a jackass, will only end up like one. A short, unremarkable life resigned to backbreaking labor or public humiliation. And, with a little help of some Black Magic, my idea was born.Honest John nearly chokes on the custard he was slurping up. HONEST JOHN Black magic? COACHMAN I was right about there being a power on the Island. When I spoke to it of my intentions, it was more than willing to give me the power I needed to do so. After all, how can one use their power if there is no one around to use it on? So, those that come here to live their dream of acting as a jackass, why not make their dream really come true? HONEST JOHN And where do the boys come in? COACHMANWhat more gullible a human being than a rotten child? What better way to prevent yet another lazy, useless man? So you see, I bring them to Pleasure Island, and it does what it will with them. I makes me a nice bit of gold while the boys learn the value of hard work in the end. (He leans forward and stares at the two men)Such a simple, flawless plan. No one’s ever missed them, but something has gone wrong this time ‘round. Now what could that possibly be? HONEST JOHNUm, that little brat that’s on the loose? COACHMANNo…but his friend has caused a problem, his friend that YOU are responsible for sending my way. A BLOODY LIVING PUPPET!(He slams his fist on the table)I ASK YOU TO FIND ME STUPID LITTLE BOYS, AND YOU SEND ME A MAGICAL PUPPET! HONEST JOHNPinocchio? Why, he was dumb as a post! A real wooden head! What danger could he possibly be?He forces a chuckle. Coachman is not amused. COACHMANFirst of all, he’s escaped the island. Nobody escapes this island alive! NOBODY! And secondly,did you ever stop to think what a puppet was doing running around with no strings attached? Clearly it had to have been some sort of magic at work! A magic that it not welcome here!Honest John stammers but no real words come out. COACHMAN For years my operation has gone unnoticed, what’s another naughty boy getting his come-uppance after all? But now… (he takes a long drag on his pipe and exhales) Someone has taken notice. Someone who has their own power, who was keeping a watchful eye on that puppet has seen the nature of this island and hopes to end everything we’ve worked for. HONEST JOHN I promise you Coachman, we will do anything for you to keep that from happening! COACHMAN Yes. You made this mess and you’ll help me clean it up. We have ways of making sure debts are repaid, don’t we, Nestor?He laughs cruelly and yanks the hood off a nearby henchmen, revealing the frightening face of a half donkey, half human creature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 7, 2009 Share Posted October 7, 2009 OH MY GOSH!!!! Wow, great job! :yes: :yes: :yes: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainfyre66 Posted October 7, 2009 Author Share Posted October 7, 2009 Thanks Julius! And thanks for the videos! (I just took my daughter on that ride for her first time last month )Someday I'll finish this, especially now that it's posted to the public I feel like I ended just as it's getting interesting. It's also a project that's really just endeared to me so I hate to half ass it- probably cuz it's based on a short story I wrote when I was in the 4th grade, and because Pinocchio is one of my daughter's favorite movies. Plus, I think visually it would be so much fun to create- the whole dark carnival vibe and the sort of quirkiness and later on, the magic...ok, I'll shut up now, anyhoo, thanks for reading! (and thanks to anyone else who may have lurked upon it.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted October 7, 2009 Share Posted October 7, 2009 Quote Thanks Julius! And thanks for the videos! (I just took my daughter on that ride for her first time last month )Someday I'll finish this, especially now that it's posted to the public I feel like I ended just as it's getting interesting. It's also a project that's really just endeared to me so I hate to half ass it- probably cuz it's based on a short story I wrote when I was in the 4th grade, and because Pinocchio is one of my daughter's favorite movies. Plus, I think visually it would be so much fun to create- the whole dark carnival vibe and the sort of quirkiness and later on, the magic...ok, I'll shut up now, anyhoo, thanks for reading! (and thanks to anyone else who may have lurked upon it.)You're welcome, and I still like it! I like the movie and the film, and I'm glad you and your daughter love it too.And yeah, I like that ride, even at age 27 (It looks like the coachman's taking a crap in that money counting booth, before you see the donkey children in the ride)I can't believe some little kids were scared by the kids being turned into donkeys scene in both the movie and ride (Lampwick) and the Monstro the whale scene...what kind of wimpy kid is scared of that!? and what's the parents' problems, getting all bunged up about that, talk about overprotective (no wonder their kids are so dumb/wimpy, their parents have lousy DNA)...and the parents should not object to the beer drinking and cigar smoking scenes in the movie, nor should those retards demand those scenes be removed from the film, that was an important part of the film/story, it taught kids that [excessive] drinking and smoking are bad for them...And I love dark carnivals, keep up the good work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainfyre66 Posted March 31, 2010 Author Share Posted March 31, 2010 A bump for this, only because I'm probably going to rewrite the opening scenes. If I know people can see it or if they decide to comment on what I have now, I might be more motivated to revise/continue this. (This is a special project for me, so I hate to leave it unfinished...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted March 31, 2010 Share Posted March 31, 2010 Quote A bump for this, only because I'm probably going to rewrite the opening scenes. If I know people can see it or if they decide to comment on what I have now, I might be more motivated to revise/continue this. (This is a special project for me, so I hate to leave it unfinished...)I think it's perfect so far. Keep it up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest DRL Posted April 18, 2010 Share Posted April 18, 2010 Looks good so far! :yes: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainfyre66 Posted April 19, 2010 Author Share Posted April 19, 2010 Thanks guys, I appreciate you taking the time to read it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted April 19, 2010 Share Posted April 19, 2010 Quote Thanks guys, I appreciate you taking the time to read it!Sure! I can't wait to see more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted May 1, 2010 Share Posted May 1, 2010 Very good! I like it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest DRL Posted May 3, 2010 Share Posted May 3, 2010 COOL is YOU. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Quote COOL is YOU.Agreed! Also, some more videosWARNING, videos contain disturbing images and adult situations (like smoking and drinking):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02t0qyhYiog&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJRp1dHOAYs&feature=related Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Velocity Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 we all are awesome Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest DRL Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Quote Agreed! Also, some more videosWARNING, videos contain adult situations like smoking and drinking:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJRp1dHOAYs&feature=relatedA good thing about old cartoonsis that when characters did something'bad', it WAS bad to them...I mean, when you saw Pinoccio smoking, he shortlygot an ill-look, so those who liked him wouldnot do so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted May 6, 2010 Share Posted May 6, 2010 Quote A good thing about old cartoonsis that when characters did something'bad', it WAS bad to them...I mean, when you saw Pinoccio smoking, he shortlygot an ill-look, so those who liked him wouldnot do so.I posted another video...and I put warning there so I wouldn't get in trouble. I can't wait 'till rainfyre66 writes more to this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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