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Star Fox: Lost.

Asper Sarnoff

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Guest RedPhoenix32

Fox walked back on down to the shower after he and Krystal filled the containers. He set them down next to the arwing, and decided to furnish a sword. He took a peice of metal laying on the ground and looked at it. Hmm... Light, durable, and not brittle... I could use this. Now just to find a hilt... He found a rod on the ground about the length of his fist. Perfect. He started to make a sepereate fire for himself, and created a high intensity flame that would heat the metal so it was maulable. Obviously before he started, he made a hole or a tunnel to start the fire in. This took abotu 10 minutes. Then, he found a bouder, a fine sized stone, and made his Metalsmith station. He also got a glove that was flame proof. He began to make his sword in the fashion of the legendary Katanna.

About an hour later, he was finished. His titanium Katanna had been finished and finely sharpened. His defensive and offensive weapon was complete. He went out to test it on some nearby trees. Success. He was now ready to take on the elements of this island with pride and assurance.

(please tell me if that's godmodding)

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Guest Julius Quasar

:falco:  :panther:

Panther and Falco quit fighting, finally, and sat next to each other, glaring at one another.  Falco held the makeshift sword he traded Krystal his makeshift spear for, and Panther got his small pilot's back pack out from where he stashed it, up the beach earlier, inside a hollowed out driftwood log. Panther and Falco checked the hollow driftwood log for spiders, and, seeing the log was clean from those and any other dangerous creatures, and they dragged it down the beach, where they used it for a bench.


"What do you got, Panther?" Falco asked, staring at Panther's pilot backpack.


"Show me yours, and I'll show you mine, bird..." Panther replied.


Falco took out the 3 bullets from his pocket, and his 50 feet of rope.  "I had a makeshift spear, but Krystal traded it from me for her makeshift sword Fox made her." he said, showing the sword to Panther.  "Too bad that laser cannon I built didn't work...I forgot the electrical storm made all and/or any electronic items useless." he said.


"It wasn't a bad idea, though.." said Panther, patting Falco on the shoulder.  He then showed Falco what he [Panther] had in his backpack...

-a change of clothes, packed in a strong, clear, waterproof pouch.  Panther wore his flight suit from Star Fox Assault, but his change of clothes included the coolest, most slick outfit Falco had ever seen, and Falco had been to plenty of hip nightclubs and other venues.  There was even a pair of packable black, patent leather night watchman's oxford shoes, (in their own clear, tough, waterproof pouch) which satisfied all but the most discriminating of nightclub doormen/bouncers' approval/tastes.

-a high quality scope to a sniper rifle...still in its shockproof, shatterproof, crush-proof, and waterproof case...no sniper rifle, unfortunately...


-a silk petaled, fake rose, a stage rose, to be precise, one always carried by Panther as his "calling card", he had plenty of fake roses back at home, as replacements/backup.

"There you have it..." Panther said, gathering up his items and putting them back in his pack after showing them to Falco.  "Unfortunately, all my electronic gear I carry on the clothes I'm wearing now have all shorted out, they're useless, so I discarded them, since they weighed me down a bit..." Panther commented.


"I hate to admit it, Panther, but you sure have awesome tastes in clothes!" Falco said, gently and playfully punching Panther on the shoulder.


"I always have an extra outfit like that, for any last-minute or spur-of-the-moment clubbing, dates, parties, or press photos!" Panther replied.

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(please tell me if that's godmodding)

(Nah, I've been dabling a bit with blacksmithing myself, and even tough it is hard to make something good even with the right kind of equpment, what you did shouldn't be impossible. It would several hours, and definatively not  be a piece of art and looking more like a metal club than a katana. But good enough for bashing heads and cutting trough things that are not to hard.)


Wolf had stripped down to only his pants and had left the clothing back on the beach. He had now made his way out on some rocks in the ocean and were now staring intensly into the clear water, holding the spear ready for the thrust.

The water was filled with all sorts of beautyfull fishes in all the colours of the rainbow. But none of them got within his reach.  He also spotted a large sea turtle slowly gliding over the sandy bottom. He chuckled lightly to himself as he remembered the old story of the pirate that were stranded on an island, and had made a raft out of sea turtles and rope made from hair from his back to escape back to sivilication.

A bright red fish started to come closer, feeding of the alga on the rock. Wolf aimed for it, raised his spear, and thrusted it towards it. But he hadn't expected to rock he was standing on to be so slippery. The sudden change of weight cause his feet to slip and he lost balance, falling out into the water.

After a few seconds Wolf broke the surface again, spitting out water and swearwords. He took a look around, checking if someone had seen him, luckily, it didn't seem like they had.

He had gotten the fish however. It was now wriggling hopelessly at the end of his spear. He broke its neck immediatly. No point in causing any more pain than he needed.

He swum back to the shore and walked up the beach towards the main fire.

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Guest Julius Quasar



Wolf had stripped down to only his pants and had left the clothing back on the beach.....He chuckled lightly to himself as he remembered the old story of the pirate that were stranded on an island, and had made a raft out of sea turtles and rope made from hair from his back to escape back to civilization.

(  Ha ha! "Pirates of the Carribean!" Brilliant! xD  )

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(  Ha ha! "Pirates of the Carribean!" Brilliant! xD  )

(Sea turtles mate! Sea turtles! :lol:)


(it was meant to be a close to accurate katanna. I expected to use up at least a full day doing that)

(They use about half a year creating a real Katana after the book. Much shorter than that, and it is considered a cheap replica. But when you see the finished result, you understand why.)

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Krystal worked on a fire pit using some rocks she had found.She walked over to Fox 'Ya know Fox you suppose we could use the Power from our Arwings to use as a blasting furnace for weapons like that?"Krystal asked."I doubt the ships are intact enough for flight ,but one of the power cores may be intact enough to make a Smelting furnace."

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"And if we never get off this island?"Krystal asked

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"Don't you worry. We will." Wolf noted confidently as he sat down and started to prepare the fish for steaking. They weren't that desperate yet that they would eat it raw with its innards, so he opened it up with a quick cut with his knife and started ripping out and throwing away anything they didn't need. After a couple of minutes, he were finished and had now placed the fish on a grid he had woven from a couple of branches and placed it over the fire.

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"I think that will have to wait Fox we need to collect food and create a food storage unit."Krystal replied

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Guest Julius Quasar


Falco maintained the fire, and minded his own business.

I'm so glad Katt's okay...I'd never forgive myself if anything bad had happened to her... he thought.


Panther tried to figure the best way off of that planet. 

I'll bet I'm missing some really awesome parties at the

Corneria, Katina, and Zoness nightclubs right now....damn! he thought.

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"and I thought Panther only thought about women."Krystal whispered to herself.

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Guest Julius Quasar


"and I thought Panther only thought about women."Krystal whispered to herself.


Panther heard what Krystal said, and walked up to her, standing behind her as he gently rubbed her shoulders and back.  "Krystal, my darling, there's more to life than just the ladies...I have many different pleasures in life; fashion, fine dining, top quality liquors, sweets, and cigars, parties, nightclubs, music, arts, women, men-er-I mean, male camaraderie...heh heh..." Panther caught himself just in time, mortified, taking his hands off of Krystal's shoulders, and slinking away.

Falco chuckled at hearing this.

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Panther heard what Krystal said, and walked up to her, standing behind her as he gently rubbed her shoulders and back.  "Krystal, my darling, there's more to life than just the ladies...I have many different pleasures in life; fashion, fine dining, top quality liquors, sweets, and cigars, parties, nightclubs, music, arts, women, men-er-I mean, male camaraderie...heh heh..." Panther caught himself just in time, mortified, taking his hands off of Krystal's shoulders, and slinking away.

Falco chuckled at hearing this.

Krystal growled befoer sticking her elbow into panther's stomach then got up and walked away "Touch me again and you'll be  the meal tonight."Krystal growled i'll find  a way to make a  cooking rotisserie and tie you to it."
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Guest Julius Quasar


Unfortunately, Panther failed to slink away quickly enough, and was elbowed by Krystal...


Krystal growled befoer sticking her elbow into panther's stomach then got up and walked away "Touch me again and you'll be  the meal tonight."Krystal growled i'll find  a way to make a  cooking rotisserie and tie you to it."

"Ugh!  So I guess that's a 'No' on my request for you to join me in a celebratory first class meal after we successfully get outta here?" asked Panther.


"Ha! You may as well ask her what she's wearing under her flight suit!" teased Falco to Panther.


"Quiet bird." Panther moaned, as he rubbed the bruised Krystal inflicted on him.

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"Living in the wild for most of your child hood doesn't make you particaly Value such Material things Panther."KRystal said GLaring at Falco for his last comment. she decide to let him off easy with nothing  ,but she was very tempted to sending him a  static brain shock.

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"I don't wear a thong  Panther meat."Krystal growled.  picking up some sticks and thinking how to put them together to make that Rotisserie she thought about

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Guest RedPhoenix32

Fox, seeing Panther flirting with his (wife? girlfriend?) hopped down with his sword and made a thud infront of Panther. "Touch her again, and you're done."

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At this moment Krystal would have probably given Fox a stern talking about the talk they had when she came back about how she could take care of herself as well as fend for herself espcaially against So called Ladies men like panther but she ignored it for now and continued to think how she could put the rotisserie together

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Guest Julius Quasar



Suddenly, she caught a snippet of what Panther had said and snickered. Poor guy was getting so shot down by Krystal...striding forward, she neared Falco and stood by his side, gazing interestedly as their conversation continued.

"Calm down, Fox, we need to get along if we don't wanna be dead meat," she added with a gentle wink.

(You mean Falco, actually, right?)


"Pfft!  In case you didn't notice, Katt, I ain't the one causing all the trouble here!" Falco said, amusingly.

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