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Star Fox: Lost.

Asper Sarnoff

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Wolf awakened from his slumber, pulled out his knife from the pile of clothing and held it across Krystal's throat. Holding her down in silence with a strong arm over her mouth.

Wolf bent down closer before he whispered with a voice as cold as ice. "Stay out of my head vixen. There is much there I want to keep to myself." There were memories he had hidden away in the darkest corners of his mind, hoping they would be forgotten. He didn't need someone to remind him of his past.

He released her and put the knife away again. "Sleep well." he grumbled as he turned his back to her and fell back into sleep.

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"Thanks for helping my effort to respect you more."Krystal grumbled getting up and walking away to her cockpit of a bed

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Guest Julius Quasar

Katt's dreams were far too troubled for her to sleep peacefully, churning in her head like the waves that constantly crashed along the shore throughout the long night. She drew herself closer to Falco's warm body and buried her face into his comfortable chest.

"...Fal...co..." she murmured, her eyes shut tightly. She was deep in her sleep. "...Wolf...Krys...tal..."

A short pause. The silence was long and witheld, only to be broken by an ocassional snore from somebody sleeping.


:falco:"Katt? You okay!?" (whispered)

Falco hear Katt talking in her sleep.

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Guest Para Astaroth


Leon silenty slept while cross-legged in the sand and cross-armed.  He dreamt about the times he were an assassin and killing his targets in gruesome, but brutal, ways.  He invisioned sneaking up behind a hooded figure, knife drawn, and quickly wrapped his arm around it's neck; stabbing it constantly and slicing it.  He then pulled out a blaster and shot the figure in the head, recoiling and slamming into the pavement.  As he was contacting his boss, his mike started screeching loudly and the figure grabbed him by the collar, pulling Leon down to it's level.  It spoke in a raspy tone, "Ever wondered how it feels to kill yourself?  Well, I'll share the pain and anguish with you!"  As Leon struggled to break loose of it's grip, it removed it's hood and revealed it's true identity:  It was Leon, himself, with a bullet hole to the head and eyes entirely white.

Leon twitched violently and looked around to see everyone going to bed.  He wiped sweat from his forehead and sat in the sand, staring blankly.

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(aw comon! cant you wait for me!?!)

(Nothing have really happened since last time you were on. We didn't leave you behind, but when you start complaining instead of using 5 minuttes to browse trough the last posts and then posting a response, then it's no wonder you're lagging behind.

See as RedPhoenix have made a his decision to finally leave, we'll need someone to take the role as Fox.

If any spectators would like to join, this is a good opportunity. If someone allready participating wants to play with another as well as their original character, like Julius, then that is also possible.

If anything else fails, then I'll take controll of him. Tough I'd rather not.

Star Fox Runner is also a bit to busy to roleplay unfortunatly, so the same goes for Slippy.

One doesn't have to go into detail of the secondary character like one do with your main, so for the most part, he'll just plod along and be both annoying and nice to have around at the same time, like only Slippy can.)

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UNless Juiliuis wants him i'll take FOx.(though I'd rather not because if I play both sides of a girlfriend/guyfreind  relationship it won't be very good.

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Guest Julius Quasar

UNless Juiliuis wants him i'll take FOx.(though I'd rather not because if I play both sides of a girlfriend/guyfreind  relationship it won't be very good.

(I'll take Fox, temporarily, If it's okay...)

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(Thanks for stepping up, that's a real roleplayers spirit!

Sure you wont get overburdened Julius? You play about half the characters here you know.

I'm don't have anything against any of you taking over any of them, but if someone new would like an entry ticket into this RP, then they'll have first claim.

As far as I know, there is only Sylum and Evilwaffles that are activively roleplaying except of us. I'll notice them about it if they want in.)

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Guest Julius Quasar

(Thanks for stepping up, that's a real roleplayers spirit!

Sure you wont get overburdened Julius? You play about half the characters here you know.

I'm don't have anything against any of you taking over any of them, but if someone new would like an entry ticket into this RP, then they'll have first claim.

As far as I know, there is only Sylum and Evilwaffles that are activively roleplaying except of us. I'll notice them about it if they want in.)

(I'll try my best...I'll do it, at least interim)

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(I'll take Slippy, if nobody minds. ^^)

(i don't mind.)
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Guest Julius Quasar

:fox: Fox tossed and turned in his sleep.  He then awoke, although..he was...in a dream...he had woken to a dream, not from it...He was in the cockpit of his Arwing, and sitting on the wing was JAMES.  It was all white around them.

"Dad!?" Fox asked.  James nodded.  "Hello, Fox..." he said.

"Ah, dad....I'm glad to see you!" Fox and his father exchanged a hug.

"I can't help but feel like something is troubling you, Fox..."

"That's an understatement...." Fox grumbled.  "What's wrong, son?" asked James.

Fox explained the events, and what he was putting up with, and his expression over how frustrated he was over his situation, his fears for the safety and well being of his teammates.

When Fox finished, he looked at his father...

James stared over the top of his aviator shades at his son.  "That's a lot for anyone to handle, Fox...but...Don't ever give up, my son. You can do this.  Trust your instincts, and believe in yourself.  Have faith in yourself, and others will have faith in you.  You've been through worse, and you survived it.  You've become VERY strong.  You can make it through this."

"Thanks, dad..." Fox said.

Fox slowly awoke...this time, from his dream.

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KRystal had awaken to Fox's emotions she reached out to him and soon was in his Dream appearing out of no where. "Fox?" the Dream version of her asked.

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Guest Julius Quasar

"Are you Alright Fox?"Krystal asked.

:fox: "Uhh...ohh...yeah..fine, now, thanks..." Fox was glad to see Krystal in his mind now.  He was also feeling more uplifted, after being visited by his father in his dream.

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"I wish  I could have met your father you think you can tell me more about him or perhaps...let me read your memories of him?"Krystal asked.

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Guest Julius Quasar

"I wish  I could have met your father you think you can tell me more about him or perhaps...let me read your memories of him?"Krystal asked.

"Reading my memories would be the best way...I'm sorry I never got to meet your parents..." Fox relaxed, letting the memories of his father flow through his mind, for Krystal to read.

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"I didn't even know them very well Krystal said closing her eyes and Focusing.

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Guest Julius Quasar

:fox: "Aw, I'm sorry." Fox regretted being unable to help Krystal retrace her steps to her roots, her past.

:falco: "Don't worry, Katt, we'll get outta here soon.." Falco gently stroked Katt's fur as she slept.

:panther: "I wish I had told someone we were going to be near Aquas." Panther thought out loud.

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"After we Find my staff and get enough food and stuff around to last awhile I'm going to see if I can reach out to someon in lylat."Krystal muttered before dissapearing from Fox's dream james appearing in her place.

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Guest Julius Quasar

"After we Find my staff and get enough food and stuff around to last awhile I'm going to see if I can reach out to someon in lylat."Krystal muttered before dissapearing from Fox's dream james appearing in her place.

:fox: "Oh my Gosh, Krystal, you're brilliant!  I should've thought of that in the first place!" Fox thought.  :facepalm:

Fox then saw Krystal disappear from his dream, and his father James reappear, but only for an instant, smiling, and giving the thumbs up.

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Guest Para Astaroth


Leon got up off the sand, brushed himself off, and began walking along the side of the beach; walking on the harder sand that was washed over by seawater.  He walked along it for a few minutes and then sat back down in the sand, about 80 yards from the spot everyone was at.  He blankly stared, eyes still a bit heavy from abruptly waking up, out at the sea; not saying a word and sitting as still as a statue.

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(Anything need to be taken care of?)

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(Anything need to be taken care of?)

(I'm sure Julius will let you take over Fox if you want him. Right Julius?

Evilwaffles have voiced his interest in Slippy(Actually, that was a terrible way to put it :lol:).)


Wolf stood up and brushed the sand out of his fur. The sun were just starting to rise up from the ocean, making the sea seem like it was on fire and illuminating the island slowly in its warm light.

Wolf considered chasing the other out of their sleep when he spotted Leon sitting down by the sea. He decided the others wouldn't have anything against sleeping a bit longer as he started to make his way towards the chameleon.

Wolf stopped around 10 feet behind him and waited a couple of seconds before he broke the silence and started talking. "I've known you long enough to know when something is bothering you blood brother."

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