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Will you get Super Mario Bros Wii?


What do you think about the new Super Mario Bros Wii?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about the new Super Mario Bros Wii?

    • It looks ok, but I'll wait
    • It looks stupid
    • I'll get it

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I think it looks pretty cool (goin' back to retro  :lol:)

I'll probably get it, but not for a while

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heck yeah super mario bros is one of my franchises their isn't one i haven't got the day its out.

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You bet I'm gonna get it, but when is the release date?

some time in November pretty sure its the 10th.

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about the game, playing alone you have different levels that are in "group" mode, so because that, and more things i'll buy it!

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Guest Para Astaroth

I love the Super Mario series, but this is just a rip off of the DS New Super Mario Bros with the addition of playing as Toad, and some others, and some new abilities, like the racoon tail and cape, so I'm going with the It looks stupid.

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I love the Super Mario series, but this is just a rip off of the DS New Super Mario Bros with the addition of playing as Toad, and some others, and some new abilities, like the racoon tail and cape, so I'm going with the It looks stupid.

It's supposed to be a sequel to said DS game.

As for me, I'm getting it for sure, finally I'll be able to play Mario with someone else (Co-Star mode sucked)

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Already pre-ordered it with full payment. It looks awsome, and Yoshi, yay!

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I'm gonna buy it for the sake of passing time. The multiplayer looks alright and I found a couple of friends to play it with... XD

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To tell the truth, I'll probably pass it, it doesn't seem long enough or hard enough to worth a purchase, unless it's something like "super mario the lost levels", but then again, I'll have to wait for the reviews.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Couldn't care less about the money printer, sorry, Wii at the moment. The fact Nintendo are letting the third parties step in and take it over with absolute dross is one thing, then adding in Nintendo's 'new' philosophy of family entertainment (a.k.a. WiiMusic/Fit) combined with dumb arse celebrities hawking their products to 6 year olds who don't know better just makes me feel sick.

Then again, I was a fan of the GameCube. So you can understand my disdain and whilst I understand Nintendo need to make money, find new audiences and put a friendly face on gaming (unlike Xbox Live), I've got bored of waiting for anything but Mario, Zelda, Pokemon or Metroid.

I never got into Nintendo for those games. I can hear the boos and see the eggs flying my way right now but seriously, know why I bought a GameCube in the first place? For Star Fox Adventures believe it or not.

Before then I was a PlayStation fanboy and I admit that with shame (at least I predate Chad Wardenn) but something about that game appealed to me. The presentation, the characters, the fact it was different from what I was used to (which was mostly racing games but with some Crash, Spyro and Tomb Raider thrown in for good measure). Also, I love Wave Race and 1080 and to hear Nintendo say that there won't be a Wave Race title because of Wii Sports Resort, a piece of my Nintendo soul died that day.

So, if Nintendo was to release a title like F-Zero for example on the Wii or preferably DS in the future, a part of me would forgive them for the years in the wilderness.

By the way, I know the irony of saying I liked Adventures and hate Zelda. I tried to play Zelda but it just isn't my thing. I think it's more to do with the characters and story. I can't relate to a mute boy in stockings and a dyed Santa hat yet I can to an anthropomorphic fox wagging a stick on a planet filled with dinosaurs. It's more than that though. To me, Fox has depth in his character. Link doesn't.

Anyway, I got way off topic here. I will now be available for lynchings in the parlor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Probably, just to see if its as easy as the DS version, hopefully I am wrong, haven't played a somewhat difficult Mario game in a long time.

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Guest ReEfiniZ


Why should you be ashamed/regret that you were a Playstation fanboy?

There isnt anything wrong of possibility of being a PS fan or whatever you are  :cool:

I play PS3 (because of R&C series, and simulation racing games XD), but doesnt mean I revolt against Nintendo =D

Well back on topic

Sure I'll spend money on it. I just want more harder or creative levels unlike the ones from Super Mario DS  :argue:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got it.  :)  It is much better than expected.  For those who are wondering, it is harder, has longer levels, and no matter what, it will display in widescreen, which makes it harder to read the time on smaller old TV screens like mine, but still readable and doesn't take away from the game, but if I get a capture card or a way to hook it up to a PC, I will feed it though my computer.

All in all, it's pretty good, but I'm just half way through world 1.

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I don't have a Wii, but this game is one of the reasons I'm seriously considering spending the money on one. Come on, who can resist an old school style Mario side scroller? Those games are timeless!

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The game isn't at the top of my list right now, I'm saving up for Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles. But once I buy that, New SMB Wii is the next game on the list, the game does look really good.

I'll probably ask it for Christmas or something.

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The game isn't at the top of my list right now, I'm saving up for Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles.

Heh! Back in my day, there was no Resident Evil or Halo or games like that, new Mario games were a huge thing. Mario was once the don of video game characters.

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Heh! Back in my day, there was no Resident Evil or Halo or games like that, new Mario games were a huge thing. Mario was once the don of video game characters.

LOL! I do remember those days, though I was REALLY tiny. I am going to get New SMB Wii, but I had been looking at Darkside Chronicles for much longer, if fortune smiles, I'll buy em' both at the same time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm playing it  now from an Blockbuster rental! and now  i passed 1,2 and 6, but 5 worlds are open in my 1st day! I have good hands!  :D

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